

责编:唐丹平 2020-03-30

1、 This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs. _______

A:You may ask for help.

B:I'll give you a hand.

C:Please do me a favor.

D:I'd come to help.


2、 Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!  _______ This is not the end of the world.

A:Good luck.

B:Cheer up.

C:Go ahead.

D:No problem.


3、 Why didn't you come to my birthday party yesterday? ________

A:Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower.

B:Fine, I never go to birthday parties.

C:Ha…ha, I like swimming.

D:Sorry, but my wife had a car accident.


4、Hello, may I have an appointment with the headmaster?_______________.

A:Sorry, I don't know you

B:No, you can't

C:Certainly. Wait a minute, please

D:Let me see


5、I went to the beach and got plenty of rest.___________. You looked tired last time I saw you.

A:I hope so


C:I'm glad you did

D:The sound was nice



Laws have been written to govern the use of American National Flag, and to ensure proper respect for the flag. Custom has also governed the common practice in regard to its use. All the armed services have precise regulations on how to display the national flag. This may vary somewhat from the general rules. The national flag should be raised and lowered by hand. Do not raise the flag while it is folded. Unfold the flag first, and then hoist it quickly to the top of the flagpole. Lower it slowly and with dignity. Place no objects on or over the flag. Do not use the flag as part of a costume or athletic uniform. Do not print it upon cushions, handkerchiefs, paper napkins or boxes. A federal law provides that the trademark cannot be registered if it comprises the flag, or badgers of the US. When the flag is used to unveil a statue or monument, it shouldn't serve as a covering of the object to be unveiled. If it is displayed on such occasions, do not allow the flag to fall to the ground, but let it be carried high up in the air to form a feature of the ceremony. Take every precaution to prevent the flag from soiled. It should not be allowed to touch the ground or floor, nor to brush against objects.

(1)、How do Americans ensure proper respect for the national flag? _________

A:By making laws.

B:By enforcing discipline.

C:By educating the public.

D:By holding ceremonies.


(2)、What is the regulation regarding the raising of the American National Flag? _________

A:It should be raised by soldiers.

B:It should be raised quickly by hand.

C:It should be raised only by Americans.

D:It should be raised by mechanical means.


(3)、How should the American National Flag be displayed at an unveiling ceremony? _________

A:It should be attached to the status.

B:It should be hung from the top of the monument.

C:It should be spread over the object to be unveiled.

D:It should be carried high up in the air.


(4)、What do we learn about the use of the American National Flag? _________

A:There has been a lot of controversy over the use of flag.

B:The best athletes can wear uniforms with the design of the flag.

C:There are precise regulations and customs to be followed.

D:Americans can print the flag on their cushions or handkerchiefs.


(5)、What is Americans' attitude towards their National Flag? _________







What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is "no". It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one step further, he must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons. He also works to fit the answers he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.

The scientist's knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times. If the conditions are different, any changes the scientist observes in a demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason that investigations are important in science. Albert Einstein, who developed the Theory of Relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy of his mathematics was later tested through investigations, Einstein's ideas were shown to be correct. A scientist uses many tools for measurements. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.

(1)、What makes a scientist according to the passage? ________

A:The tools he uses.

B:The way he uses his tools.

C:His ways of learning.

D:The various tools he uses.


(2)、The underlined part in the passage shows_______.

A:the importance of information

B:the importance of thinking

C:the difference between scientists and ordinary people

D:the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs.


(3)、A sound scientific theory should be one that _________.

A:works not only under one set of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other times

B:does not allow any changes even under different conditions

C:can be used for many purposes

D:leave no room for improvement


(4)、The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate __________.

A:that measurements are keys to success in science

B:that accuracy of mathematics

C:that investigations are important in science

D:that the mathematical calculations may test his investigations


(5)、What is the main idea of the passage? ________

A:The theory of relativity.

B:Exactness is the core of science.

C:Scientists are different from ordinary people.

D:Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.



1、On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _______ a day.






2、 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder!






3、Many people watched the boys ______the mountain at that time.



C:to climb



4、On ________ side of the street there are some trees.






5、Never before _______ see such a terrible car accident on the road!

A:I have

B:have I

C:I did

D:did I



Climate change is one of the most fundamental challenges ever to confront humanity. Its impacts are already showing and will intensify over time __21__ left unchecked. There is overwhelming scientific evidence, __22__ shown in the Fourth Assessment Report (第四次评估报告的综合报告)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC), that climate change will threaten __23__ growth and longterm prosperity, as well as the very survival of the most vulnerable populations. IPCC projections indicate that if emissions continue to rise at their current __24__ and are allowed to double from their preindustrial level, the world will face an average temperature__25__ of around 3°C this century. Serious impacts are associated __26__ this scenario (情景), including sealevel rise, shifts in growing seasons, and an __27__ frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as storms, floods and droughts.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December in 2009 offers a __28__ opportunity to step up international action on climate change. A Copenhagen deal is __29__ the global transition into green economic growth, and, most urgently, to help the world, especially the most vulnerable, to adapt to impacts __30__ are now inevitable.






































A:being increased



















B:of which





第21题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。





试题解析:现在完成时,have had。强调结果,表示出了车祸就需要用手机与人联系。

第22题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。




D.have to


试题解析:可以说,手机在关键时刻能救人生命。这是说手机的好处。must意为“必须”;can意为“能够”,need意为“需要,必须”;have to意为“不得不”。

第23题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。







第24题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。







第25题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。







第26题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。


B.One other

C.The other




第27题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。







第28题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。






试题解析:on time准时到达。

第29题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。


B.to be




试题解析:介词后面必须跟名词性短语。所以,of后只能跟doing。being late也是一个常用短语。有了手机反倒不怕迟到了。

第30题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。




D.mobile phone



第31题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。







第32题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。







第33题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。

A.for satisfy

B.to satisfy

C.for to satisfy

D.so satisfying


试题解析:动词不定式作目的状语。to satisfy one’s need意为“满足需要”。

第34题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。

A.turn off

B.turn on

C.set off

D.set on


试题解析:从下文“不希望被打扰”推出应当是“关掉手机”。turn off意为“关掉”;turn on意为“打开”;set off意为“出发”;set on意为“着手做”。

第35题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。


B.neither one








Jane:How do you like the idea of having a picnic this Saturday?

Michael:Wonderful. But 1?

Jane:What about going to the Western Hills?It's quite cool there.

Michael:That's a good idea. 2to go with us?

Jane:OK. And we can ask them to prepare some drinks.


Jane:You'd better buy some fruit,and sandwiches.


Jane:I like oranges,watermelons,grapes,and bananas.


Jane:How about 8 in the morning?We can get there in an hour and a half.

Michael:OK. I'll call John and tell him about our plan.




Oct. 15

Dear Zhang Qiang,


All the best,



1. where shall we go / where shall we have the picnic

2. Shall we invite John and his girlfriend

3. What should I do then(for the picnic)

4. What kind of fruit should I buy(/ do you like)

5. When shall we start off / When shall we leave for the picnic

书面表达One possible version:

Oct. 15

Dear Zhang Qiang,

How are you doing recently?I‘m planning to go to Shanghai and look around in the city for a few days. I’ll take the train and arrive at 8 o‘clock a.m. on October 21st. Will you please come and meet me at the station?I’m going to stay in Shanghai till October 24th. Please help me book a hotel room. I hope to stay in a hotel around the downtown area but the price shouldn‘t be very high. I don’t mind if the room is small. Another thing. Can you book a ticket for me back to Beijing on 24th?

All the best,




( )1. I don‘t know how to play bridge and ________.

A. my wife doesn‘t neither

B. my wife does either

C. neither does my wife

D. neither my wife does

( )2. He asked ________ since he had been chairman for seven years.

A. not to have been reelected

B. to not be reelected

C. not to be reelected

D. to have not been reelected

( )3. The guests said that they wouldn‘t mind _______.

A. to have a little light music

B. have a little light music

C. having a little light music

D. that they have a little light music

( )4. Last night we caught a thief _______ John‘s car.

A. when stealing

B. that be stole

C. to steal

D. stealing

( )5. Without the invention of writing, a man ________ to remember so many things which he can write down or find in a book.

A. is forced

B. will be forced

C. forced

D. would be forced

( )6. What would you ________ to eat tonight?

A. like

B. wish

C. want

D. hope

( )7. I ________ my bicycle on the left side.

A. get off from

B. get down

C. get down from

D. get off

( )8. Coal ________ electricity very often.

A. is used to producing

B. is used to produce

C. used to produce

D. used to producing

( )9. Why can‘t you do this small _______ for me? I’ve helped you often enough in the past.

A. work

B. demand

C. favour

D. good

( )10. Never _______ till tomorrow what may be done today.

A. put on

B. put away

C. put off

D. put up

( )11. Mother kept inviting Mrs. Smith to stay for lunch, and finally she _______.

A. gave out

B. gave off

C. gave in

D. gave away

( )12. <<<>>> is ________ only European country I have visited.

A. an

B. a

C. the

D. 不填

( )13. The problem of pollution in this city is more serious than ______ in other cities.

A. that

B. it

C. this

D. those

( )14. Dick found himself walking _______ the direction of the post office.

A. to

B. by

C. along

D. in

( )15. _______ that we were late, we started to run.

A. Know

B. To know

C. Knowing

D. Being known

( )16. This room is _______ any of the others in the building.

A. the biggest than

B. big as

C. bigger than

D. the biggest of

( )17. Just think Ann got the house _______ all by herself!

A. paint

B. be painted

C. to paint

D. painted

( )18. The policeman caught the man _________ the arm.

A. by

B. with

C. on

D. at

( )19. To get an education, _______.

A. one must work hard

B. working hard is important

C. to work hard is necessary

D. it is needed to work hard

( )20. The old man could not decide ________ the money or to put it in the bank.

A. if he spent

B. whether to spend

C. that he spent

D. what to spend

( )21. I wish you‘d consider _______ to Miami with us this vacation.

A. going

B. that you‘ll go

C. to go

D. to going

( )22. I think I‘ll wait until the mail _______.

A. should come

B. is coming

C. comes

D. will come

( )23. We found ________.

A. the work hard for doing

B. hard to do the work

C. it hard for doing the work

D. the work hard to do

( )24. Professor Bixby warned his students ________ late for the examination.

A. not be

B. to be not

C. not to be

D. be not

( )25. I don‘t know what I’d have done if I _______ to make that decision.

A. would have

B. had had

C. have had

D. did have


1.C 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C

11.C 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.B

21.A 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.B



1. Allen _______ any good job since he came to New York City two years ago.

A. hasn't found B. didn‘t find

C. doesn't find D. hadn‘t found

2.“Let me _______ you,”said my boss,“you should call me immediately after you arrive at the airport.”

A. ask B. advise C. remember D. remind

3. The boys spent the whole morning _______ possible answers to the question.

A. discuss B. and discussing

C. discussing D. and discussed

4. This village ______ to be the place in which Ernest Hemingway,one of the greatest American writers,wrote this story.

A. is believing B. is believed

C. believes D. believe

5. It's reported that by the end of last month the sale of the company ______ by 10%.

A. has risen B. had been rising

C. had risen D. has been rising

6.How _________ will you be able to finish the painting?

In a couple of hours.

A. soon B. often

C. long D. fast

7. ______ any friends in the city,he felt quite lonely and helpless.

A. No to have B. No having

C. Not to have D. Not having

8. Dr. White was away to the South last month,so he didn't attend the meeting _______ in Beijing.

A. having held B. to hold

C. to be held D. held

9. _______ at his paper over the weekend,Neil didn't finish it.

A. As he worked hard

B. Hard as he worked

C. How he worked hard

D. How hard he worked

10.Are you satisfied with her work,sir?

Not at all. It couldn't be any _______.

A. better B. best

C. worse D. worst

11. That was _______ matter that I had no choice but to talk it over with my parents.

A. a such serious B. a so serious

C. such serious a D. so serious a

12. This disease is second only _______ heart attack as a cause of death all over the world.

A. to B. of

C. with D. from

13. The word is new to us. You'd better ______ in the dictionary.

A. look at it B. look for it

C. look it up D. look it out

14. If there is no one _______ him with the preparation,he will have to put off the meeting.

A. help B. to help

C. helps D. helped

15. As soon as she _______ open the letter,Mrs. White will find out what has happened to her husband.

A. tears B. is tearing

C. will tear D. has torn

16. ______ the government argees to give extra money,the theatre will have to be closed next month.

A. Unless B. If

C. Since D As

17. To reduce weight,plastic has taken _______ of iron and steel in making boats.

A. its place B. place

C. the place D. a place

18.Let me help you with your suitcase.


A. You're very nice

B. Yes,you're so helpful

C. No,I can do

D. It's very kind of you

19. These three English novels are for you. The rest _______ for the other students in your class.

A. were B. is

C. are D. was

20. You _______ have seen Jane in her office last Friday;she's been out of town for two weeks.

A. couldn't B. mustn‘t

C. wouldn't D. shouldn‘t

21. Henry never said that he was good at maths,_______ he?

A. was B. did

C. didn't D. wasn‘t

22. The little girl showed the policeman the corner _______ she was knocked off her bike.

A. and B. which

C. that D. where

23. The snow was so deep that the climbers could not ________ to the camp.

A. get over B. get along

C. get through D. get around

24. In need of money,Bob had to take ______ job that was offered to him.

A. whatever B. no matter what

C. whichever D. no matter which

25. My friend and I would like to go to the concert,but ________ of us has got a ticket.

A. both B. none

C. neither D. all


1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. C

11. D 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. A

21. B 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. B



I once went to a town in the north of England on business.

It was about 7:30 in the evening when I reached the hotel. The manageress,a strict old lady of about 60,showed me to my room. When I asked her what time dinner was,she said there was only one sitting at 6:30,and I had 1 it.

“Never mind,”I said.“I'm not very 2. I‘ll just have a drink in the bar(酒吧)and a sandwich.”

“Bar!”she 3her voice.“This is a respectable hotel,young man. If you want 4,you must go somewhere else.”She spoke 5a glass of beer was a dangerous drug.

I went to a bar and had some beer and sandwiches and then went to the cinema. At about 11:30 I 6. Everything was in darkness. I knocked at the door,but nothing happened. The 7sound was the church clock opposite,which suddenly struck the halfhour with such 8that it made me jump. 9a window opened upstairs. The old lady 10and asked me what was going on. I explained who I was and she let me 11after ten minutes'wait. She was in her nightdress. She told me seriously that guests were 12to be back in the hotel by 11 o‘clock.

I went to bed but could not sleep. Every quarter of an hour the church clock struck and at midnight the whole hotel shook with the noise. Just before dawn,I finally 13.

When I arrived at 14,everyone else had nearly 15and there was not enough coffee to go round.

“Did you 16well,young man?”the old lady asked.

“17,I don't think I could go through 18 night in that room,”I replied.“I hardly slept at all.”

“That's because you were 19 all night drinking!”she said angrily,putting 20 to the conversation.

1. A. had B. passed C. missed D. caught

2. A. hungry B. sleepy C. tired D. happy

3. A. lost B. lowered C. dropped D. raised

4. A. beer B. coffee C. milk D. tea

5. A. even if B. since C. although D. as if

6. A. went to bed B. walked to a club

C. returned to the hotel D. drove to a restaurant

7. A. only B. sharp C. sweet D. last

8. A. effort B. force C. power D. attraction

9. A. Firstly B. Wonderfully C. Unfortunately D. Finally

10. A. came out B. got up C. looked out D. woke up

11. A. down B. out C. back D. in

12. A. ordered B. expected C. taught D. encouraged

13. A. fell asleep B. went to bed C. got up D. gave in

14. A. a decision B. breakfast C. once D. the office

15. A. arrived B. done C. finished D. started

16. A. play B. sleep C. eat D. do

17. A. First of all B. Never mind C. To tell you the truth D. As a result

18. A. one B. another C. such D. any

19. A. away B. here C. down D. up

20. A. an end B. a saying C. a joke D. a pause


1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C

11. D 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. A




There was a river with a small town on either side of it. The towns were linked by a bridge.

One day,a hole appeared in the bridge. Both towns agreed that the hole should be mended. However,disagreement came up as to who should mend it. Each town thought that it had a better reason for the other to mend the hole. The town on the right bank said that it was at the end of the road,so the leftbank town should mend the hole. The town on the left bank,on the other hand,insisted that all the traffic came to the rightbank town,so it was in their interest to mend the bridge.

The quarrel went on and on,and so did the hole. The more it went on,the more the hostility between the two towns grew.

One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg. People from both towns questioned him closely about whether he was walking from the right bank to the left or from the left bank to the right,in order to decide which town should be blamed for the accident. But he could not remember,since he got drunk that night.

Some time later,a car was crossing the bridge and broke an axle(轴)because of the hole. Neither town paid any attention to the accident,as the traveler was not going from one to the other,but was merely passing through. The angry traveler got out of the car and asked why the hole was not mended.

On hearing the reason,he declared,“I'll buy this hole. Who‘s the owner?”

Both towns at once declared that they owned the hole.

“One or the other,whoever owns the hole must prove it.”

“How shall we prove it?”asked both sides.

“That's simple. Only the owner of the hole has the right to mend it. I‘ll buy the hole from whoever mends the bridge.”

People from both towns rushed to do the job while the traveler smoked a cigar and his driver changed the axle. They mended the bridge in no time and asked for the money for the hole.

“What hole?”The traveler looked surprised.“I can't see any hole. I‘ve been looking for a hole for several years now. I'm prepared to pay a good price for it,but there’s no hole here. Are you pulling my leg or what?”

He got into his car and drove off.

1. What did the two towns quarrel about?

A. Which of them should mend the hole.

B. Whether the hole should be mended.

C. Why there was a hole in the bridge.

D. When they should mend the hole.

2. The man who had fallen into the hole failed to answer any questions because he ______.

A. had one of his legs broken

B. was busy changing the axle

C. had drunk too much wine

D. was afraid to blame anybody

3. Both towns rushed to mend the hole in order to prove that ______.

A. they owned the whole bridge

B. they had the right to sell the hole

C. they were able to mend the hole

D. they could afford to mend the hole

4. In“Are you pulling my leg or what?”,the phrase pulling my leg refers to ______.

A. trying to stop me

B. laughing at me

C. putting me in trouble

D. making fun of me


Scientists have searched for many years for a method to tell whether a volcano(火山)explosion will be small or large. Now,four scientists say they have discovered something in lava(熔岩)that will help do this. They did the research on Mount Unzen on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu.

Mount Unzen exploded in November,1990. Since then,more explosions have killed 43 people and destroyed the homes of more than 2,000 others. The volcano is still active today.

The scientists say the lava of the volcano contains high level of an element(成份),which is a sign of the presence of the lava from deep in the earth,not from the surface. They say it shows that the lava coming directly from inside the earth is connected with huge explosions instead of smaller ones.

The scientists examined the lava from 18 explosions of Mount Unzen that took place during many thousands of years. They also studied the lava from other volcanoes in the area that are older than Mount Unzen. The lava studied came from both large and small explosions. The scientists found that large explosions contained more of the element than small ones. The scientists say if they had known this two years earlier,they could have warned the people living in the area near Mount Unzen and saved many lives.

5. From the passage we learn that Mount Unzen is the name of ______.

A. a huge volcano explosion

B. a Japanese island

C. an active volcano

D. a kind of lava

6. The four scientists discovered that the level of the element contained in the lava could tell ______.

A. the degree of a volcano explosion

B. the place of a possible explosion

C. the number of volcano explosions

D. the time of a possible explosion

7. The research of the four scientists was based on ______.

A. the lava that caused explosions

B. the presence of the lava from the surface

C. the damages caused by the 1990 explosion

D. the lava from different explosions in the area



The common cold is familiar to everyone. People often catch cold in __1_ winter or spring. They may __2_ catch cold at other times __3_ the year. A person with __4_ bad cold usually buys some __5_ of medicine. Pharmacies have many __6_ for a cold. However, doctors __7_ that these medicines do not __8_ very much. They that __9_ person with a bad cold __10_ stay in bad, keep warm, and drink a lot of water.

In 1928 an English doctor was working in his laboratory in <<<>>> hospital. The doctor‘s name _11_ Alexander Fleming. One day he _12_ a tiny bit of mold (黴) _13_ a dish that he was _14_ in his work. He started _15_ throw the mold away. Then _16_ noticed that it seemed unusual. He _17_ the mold and studied _18_ for a long time. He _19_ that it could kill germs. He _20_ it penicillin.

( )1.A. a B. the C. some D. none

( )2.A. too B. also C. to D. still

( )3.A. at B. from C. of D. on

( )4.A. some B. a C. one D. the

( )5.A. kind B. set C. quantity D. deal

( )6.A. medicine B. much C. medicines D. doctors

( )7.A. tell B. speak C. talk D. say

( )8.A. helps B. help C. helping D. helped

( )9.A. many B. some C. a D. one

( )10.A. ought B. shall C. to D. should

( )11.A. is B. was C. called D. be

( )12.A. finding B. founded C. found D. finds

( )13.A. in B. among C. above D. into

( )14.A. playing B. using C. cooking D. making

( )15.A. to B. and C. but D. by

( )16.A. she B. Dr C. it D. he

( )17.A. kept B. keeps C. keep D. keeping

( )18.A. them B. mold C. it D. him

( )19.A. knew B. studied C. invented D. discovered

( )20.A. calls B. named C. made D. liked


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D

8.B 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B

15.A 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B






