

责编:唐丹平 2020-03-30

考生请注意: 未将答案写在指定位置者,0分计算。



1.The why he was late was that he missed the train.

A. cause B. excuse

C. reason D. matter

2.He for the foolish mistake by his classmates.

A. was laughed at B. is laughing at

C. laughed at D. had laughed at

3.Some of us use the computer now, but we couldn’t 10 years ago.

A. must B. may

C. can D. could

4.The fact women can work as well as man is clear.

A. that B. which

C.不填 D. when

5. Not only I but also Li Juan tired of taking so many exams.

A. are B. is

C. am D. be

6.I’m used to late. How about you?

A. get up B. got up

C. getting up D. be got up

7.They watched the children ______.

A. to be played B. to play

C. being play D. playing

8.Only then my work.

A. do I begin B. I begin

C. did I begin D. I began

9. The room window faces south is mine.

A. which B. whose

C. in which D. that

10. The ground is covered with ____ leaves.

A. falling B. fallen

C. fall D. fell



Passage 1

Do you like to eat out? Do you like to eat quickly? Do you like inexpensive food? Some people go to fast food restaurants for these reasons. In the past, people usually went to diners (路边小餐馆) for these reasons. In fact, many people in the United States still go to diners today for the same reasons.

A man named Walter Scott had the first “diner” in 1872. It wasn’t really a diner. It was only a good cart. People on the street walked up to the cart to buy food. These carts served late-night workers who wanted a cup of coffee and a late-night meal. The meal was a sandwich or boiled eggs. In 1887, Samuel Jones built the first diner big enough to allow the customers to come inside. However, they did not sit down. Later, people built diners with counters (柜台) and stools, and people sat down while they ate.

Before long, many diners stayed open around the clock. In other words, people were able to eat in a diner at any time. Diners changed in other ways, too. The original menu of sandwiches and coffee became bigger. It included soup, favorite dishes, and a breakfast menu. In addition, diners soon became permanent buildings, there were no longer carts on wheels.

Diners today look similar to the diners of the early 1900s. They are usually buildings with large windows. Inside, the diners have shining counters with stools, booths(货摊), tables and chairs. People can eat all three meals in a modern diner.

Today, many people eat in fast-food restaurants such as McDonald’s and Burger King. However, the diner remains an American tradition, and thousands of people still enjoy eating there. It was popular a century ago, and it is still popular today.

Multiple Choice:

1. A man named Walter Scott had the first “diner” in 1872. Why is diner in quotation marks (引号)?

A. Because it is spelled differently from “dinner”.

B. Because the first diner was not a real diner.

C. Because diner was a new word.

D. Because it is a special kind of restaurant.

2. What meals did the first diners serve?

A. Only breakfast B. Only lunch

C. Only night-meals D. All of the above

3. According to paragraph 3, diners changed in ____ .

A. two ways B. three ways

C. four ways D. five ways

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Diners existed before fast food restaurants.

B. The menu included more food than sandwiches and coffee.

C. Burger King is a famous restaurant.

D. Sandwiches became bigger.

5. The main idea of this passage is ____ .

A. The diner is a traditional, popular place to eat in the United States.

B. Samuel Jones built the first diner big enough to allow the customers to come inside.

C. American diners serve many types of food 24 hours a day to their customers.

D. Diners are different from fast restaurants in many ways.

Passage 2

The elephant is the only animal in the world with a trunk. It uses its trunk in many ways. It pulls leaves off trees with its trunk and then puts them into its mouth. It can even use its trunk to pull up trees when it wants to make a path through the jungle (丛林), it also uses its trunk to get water. The trunk can hold a lot of water, as an elephant needs to drink more than three hundred pints (品脱) of water every day.

When an elephant is angry, its tusks can be very dangerous, the tusks of an elephant are really its front teeth. People pay a lot of money for the ivory(象牙) of an elephant’s tusks. In Africa, men have hunted elephants for their tusks. The ivory from the tusks is made into many beautiful things.

It has been easy for men to train elephant in Asia. They use elephants to carry heavy things for long distances.

Many people say that the kings of Siam (Now called Thailand) used to give white elephants to people whom they did not like. These white elephants were sacred(神圣的) and they could not be made to work. They could not be killed or given away. A person who owned a white elephant had to pay a lot of money to keep it proper.

After a certain time, he usually became very poor.

Nowadays people in England and the U.S. call a useless thing “a white elephant”.

Multiple Choice:

6. According to the passage, ____ .

A. an elephant’s life can hardly last a moment without its trunk

B. an elephant can destroy trees with its tusks

C. an elephant is not easy to train

D. an elephant can be bred(饲养)in the zoo.

7. In the author’s opinion, an elephant’s tusks are ____ .

A. expensive B. dangerous

C. beautiful D. both A and B

8. Many elephants died because ____ .

A. they found nothing to eat

B. people wanted their tusks

C. they fought among themselves

D. of serious drought

9. In Asia, the elephants ____ .

A. help people carry heavy things

B. are kinds of children

C. make a path through the jungle

D. none of the above.

10. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. In Siam, a white elephant is a “gift” to people you do not like.

B. The phrase “a white elephant” in England means something useless.

C. A white elephant is a symbol of honor and power.

D. In Siam, a white elephant is really a great burden for the person who has it.



Dear Miss Wang,

I’m a student from a 1 (高中). I have a 2 (问题). I’m not very good at 3 (交流,沟通)with people. 4 (虽然/尽管) I try to talk to my 5 (同班同学). I still find it 6 (困难的) to make good friends with them. 7 (因此)I feel quite lonely

8 (有时). I do want to 9 (改变)this situation, but I don’t know how. I would be grateful if you could give me some 10 (建议/忠告).


1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________

6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. __________



1-5 CACAB 6-10 CDCBB


1-5 BCBDA 6-10 ADBAC



首字母小写不扣分; 名词单复数不扣分。

1. high school/senior middle school

2. problem/question

3. communicating

4. Although/Though

5. classmates

6. hard/difficult

7. So/Therefore

8. sometimes/at times/now and then

9. change/alter/transform

10. advice/suggestion(s)/proposal(s)/recommendation






