

责编:贺园园 2020-03-30

Vocabulary and Structure

26. An argument ______ in the classroom betweenthe children.

A. broke out B. broke in

C. broke off D. broke though

27. When she is drunk, she’s______ of saying rude things.

A. ashamed B. envious

C. capable D. independent

28. He has no______ of winning.

A. occasion B. chance

C. favors D. fate

29. Let’s leave early,______ we’ll get stuck in a traffic jam.

A. unless B. despite

C. so D. otherwise

30. Words play an important______ in our everyday life.

A. character B. position

C. role D. duty

31. ______ but a strong man could have lifted it.

A. One B. No one

C. Any D. Not one

32. I didn’t hear ______ because there was too much noise where I was sitting.

A. what did he say B. what he said

C. what was he saying D. what he says

33. They tried to book the tickets five days earlier. They____ them ten days earlier.

A. would have booked B. must have booked

C. might have booked D. should have booked

34. He will continue the work ______ tries to stand over him.

A. no matter how B. no matter he

C. no matter who D. no matter whom

35. You would not feel tired this morning if you______to bed at a reasonable hour last night.

A. would go B. went

C. had gone D. go

36. After the trip, we all felt our holiday was______ cheap.

A. shockingly B. amazingly

C. wonderingly D. annoyingly

37. ____, and you will see a high building.

A. Turning to the left B. To turn to the left

C. Having turned to the left D. Turn to the left

38. The old system has died and a new one has sprung up to _____ its place.

A. keep B. take

C. change D. give

39. The three Chinese journalists were____ killed in the missile attack.

A. however B. whoever

C. whichever D. whatever

40. The most important thing is for NATO to meet the Chinese requests and ____ full responsibility for the attack.

A. bring B. give

C. take D. carry

41. His son was found guilty, which brought _____ to the whole family.

A. interest B. flame

C. impression D. disgrace

42. You ought to ______ your food properly before swallowing it.

A. lick B. chew

C. bite D. eat

43. I______ up some English while on my holiday abroad.

A. took B. picked

C. looked D. brushed

44. Now many employers have _____ to regard a master's degree as minimum training.

A. insisted B. managed

C. come D. give

45. Hardly when the bell .

A. did I close the door; had rung B. had I closed the door; rang

C. I had closed the door; rang D. I closed the door; rang

46. Do you suppose you can ______ to get me a passport?

A. try B. attempt

C. manage D. tempt

47. The knife you are cutting the bread with is ______ stainless steel.

A. made by B. made of

C. made from D. made in

48. After the trip, we all felt our holiday was______ cheap.

A. shockingly B. amazingly

C. wonderingly D. annoyingly

49. ____,and you will see a high building.

A. Turning to the left B. To turn to the left

C. Having turned to the left D. Turn to the left

50. The old system has died and a new one has sprung up to _____ its place.

A. keep B. take

C. change D. give








