

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30

英语科高考的目标是测试考生掌握语言知识的程度(语言 知识),综合运用语言知识的水平和进行读、写、译的交际能力,仅供各位考生参考。

一、 考试性质


二、 考试目标


1.语言知识 指考生对语音、词汇、句型、语法和习惯用法等单项知识的辨别、记忆、理解以及这些单项语言知识在单词、短语和句子各语言层次中的运用。其中,对语法和习惯用法等知识的考核是指测试考生在句子中运用这些规则条文的能力,而不是指考生对条文本身的记忆。

2.语言运用 指在语篇中通过分析、综合多种基础知识,理解和获取信息的能力以及在所给情景中自由表达思想或传递信息的语言运用能力。

三、 考试细则


四、 考试内容和要求





名词 冠词 代词 形容词 数词 动词 副词 介词 连词 感叹词


1. 可数名词和不可树名词

2. 名词的复数形式

3. 专有名词

4. 所有格


1. 人称代词

2. 物主代词

3. 反身代词

4. 指示代词

5. 不定代词

6. 疑问代词

Ⅳ.数词 基数词和序数词

Ⅴ.介词 掌握词汇表中所列介词的用法

Ⅵ.连词 掌握词汇表中所列连词的用法


1. 作定语、表语和宾语补足语的用法

2. 比较等级 原级、比较级、最高级

(1) 构成-er , -est, more, the most

(2) 基本句型



not as(so)+原级形式+as…


1. 时间、地点、方式、程度、疑问、连接、关系等副词的用法

2. 比较等级 原级、比较级、最高级

(1) 构成 –er, -est, more, (the)most

(2) 基本句型




not as(so)+原级形式+as…



1. 及物动词和不及物动词

2. 连系动词be, get, look, seem, turn, grow, be-come, etc.

3. 助动词 be, do, have, shall, will, etc.

4. 情态动词can, may, must, ought to, need, etc.

5. 动词的时态

(1) 一般现在时

(2) 一般过去时

(3) 一般将来时

(4) 现在进行时

(5) 过去进行时

(6) 现在完成时

(7) 过去完成时

(8) 过去将来时

(9) 现在完成进行时

6. 动词的被动语态

(1) 一般现在时的被动语态

(2) 一般过去时的被动语态

(3) 一般将来时的被动语态

(4) 现在进行时的被动语态

(5) 过去进行时的被动语态

(6) 现在完成时的被动语态

(7) 带情态动词的被动语态

7. 动词的不定式

(1) 作主语

(2) 作宾语

(3) 作宾语补足语

(4) 作表语

(5) 作定语

(6) 作状语

(7) “疑问词+不定式”结构

8. 动词的-ed分词

(1) 作定语

(2) 作表语

(3) 作宾语补足语

(4) 作状语

9. 动词的-ing形式

(1) 作主语

(2) 作宾语

(3) 作表语

(4) 作宾语补足语

(5) 作定语

(6) 作状语

10. 虚拟语气*


1. 句子的种类

(1) 陈述句(肯定式和否定式)

(2) 疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反疑问句)

(3) 祈使句

(4) 感叹句

2. 句子的成分

3. 简单句的五种基本句型

(1) 主语+连系动词+表语

(2) 主语+不及物动词

(3) 主语+及物动词+宾语

(4) 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语

(5) 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语

4. 并列句

5. 复合句

(1) 名词性从句

a. 主语从句

b. 宾语从句


c. 表语从句

d. 同位语从句

(2) 定语从句:限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句


(3) 状语从句


6. 倒装句*

7. 省略句*


1. 合成法:如blackboard, however, everyone

2. 转化法:如hand(n.)-hand(u.);break(v.)-break(v.)



(1) 加前缀:如 dis-, in-, non-, re-, un-

(2) 加后缀:如-able,-al, -ful, -ive, -er, -ese, -ist,-ness,

-tion, -fy, -ing, -ly, -teen, -ty, -y



1. Greetings 问候

A. Hello/Hi!

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

How do you do

How are you/How are you doing!

B. Hello/HI!

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

How do you do ?

Fine, thanks. And you?

Very well, thank you. And you?

Just so so .

Pretty well.

Not bad.

Please give my regards/best wishes/love to…

Please remember me to…

2. Farewells 告别


See you later/tomorrow. /See you

Good night!

Well, I must be off now

I really must be going.

I have to leave now

Hope to see you again.

It’s getting late, I’m afraid.

I must be leaving.

Please keep in touch.

3.Introductions 介绍

A. This is…

I’d like to introduce you to…

Let me introduce you

Allow me to introduce you to…

B. Hello/Hi.

How do you do?

Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet you.

C. How do you do

Nice/glad/pleased to meet you, too.

My name is…


4.Thanks 感谢

A.Thank you (very much).

Thank you for…

Many thanks.

Thanks for…

Thank you very much indeed

That’ s very kind of you

B. Not at all.

You’ re welcome.

It’ s a pleasure.

My pleasure.

Don’ t mention it.

5. Good wishes and congratulations 祝愿和祝贺

A.Good luck!

Best wishes to you.

Wish you a pleasant journey.

Have a good time/weekend.

Have a nice day.


Congratulations on your success!

Happy birthday (to you)!

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

B. Thank you.

Thank you. The same to you/You too.

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

6. Apologies 致歉


I’m (very) sorry.

I’m sorry for/about…

Excuse me (for…)

I apologize for…

B. That’ s all right. /That’ s OK.

It don’ t matter.

It’ s/That’ s nothing.

Don’ t worry.

Never mind (about) that.

7. Identifying 辨认

This/That is…

These/Those are…

This/That… is mine / yours.

These/Those… are mine/yours.

This/That boy is my brother.

These/Those girls are my classmates.

8. Reporting 陈述

They did/had/were…

He said/told me that…

9. Correcting 改正

No. …

He/She has no…

He/She has not any…

There is/are no…

There is/are not any…

He/She has never done/been…

You/They do not…

He/She does not…

There is nothing…

He/She isn’t… , is he/she?

He/She doesn’t…, does he/she?

10. Asking for information 询问信息

Are you/they…?

Do you/they…?

Is he/she/that…?

When/Where/Why do you…?

What do you…?

What… do you…?

What’ s the matter with you?

What’ s wrong with you?

What’ s the problem/trouble?

Which one?

What’ s the… like…?

What day is it today?

What’ s the date today?


How far/much/long/often…?

What/How about…?

Can/Could you tell me…?

How would you like…?

11.Agreement and disagreement 同意和不同意


All right/OK.

Sure/Certainly/Of course.

Yes, I think so.

That’ s a good idea.

I agree with you.

So do/did/can/am I.


I couldn’ t agree with you more.

B. NO, I don’ t think so.

I’ m afraid not.

I’ m afraid I don’ t/can’ t agree with you.

12.Invitations 邀请

A.I’ d like to invite you to…

Would you like to…?

How/What about…?

B. Yes, I’ d love to.

Yes, it’ s very kind/nice of you to…

Thank you. I’ d be glad to.

Sure. What time?

I’ d be delighted to…

That sounds great.

C. I’ d like to, but…

I’ m sorry, but…

I wish I could come, but…

13. Ability and inability 能够和不能够、

A. Can you…?

Can’ t you…?

B. I can…

I cannot/can’ t…

14. Certainty and uncertainty 肯定和不肯定

A. I think so.

I think (that)…

I’ m sure (or that).

I’ m sure (that)…

B. I don’ t think so.

I don’ t think (that)…

I’ m not sure (of that)…

I’ m not sure (that)…

I’ m not sure whether/if…

I doubt if…

I can’ t be certain.

C. Perhaps…


15. Obligations 责任

A. Do I have to…?

Should I…?

Must I…?

B. Yes/Certainly/Of course.

I/You/He/They have to…

I/You/He/They should/ought to…

I/You/He/They must…

It is necessary to… /that…

16. Asking for permission 请求同意

A.May I…?

Can/Could I…?

I wonder if I could…/if is possible to…

Would/Do you mind…?

B. Yes/OK. I’ll see to it.

Sure/Certainly/Of course.

That’ s all right. Please go ahead.

Not at all.

Certainly not.

Of course not.

C. I’ m afraid…

I’ m sorry…

You’ d better not…

I don’ t think that’ s possible.

17. Likes and dislikes 喜好和厌恶

A. Do you like…?

B. I like/love…(very much/best).

C. I don’ t like…

I hate…

18. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction 满意和不满意

A.This is very good/nice.

It couldn’ t be better.

It is /was wonderful/marvelous/great.

What a great success!

B. I don’ t like…

What a disappointment!

19. Complaining 申诉, 抱怨

I’ m sorry to say…

I’ m afraid…

20. Preferences 偏爱

I(’d) like…

I(’d) prefer…(to…)

I like… better than…

21. Intention, want and desire 意愿和欲望

A. I’ m going to…

I’ d like to…

I will…

I want/hope/intend/plan/wish…

B. Are you going to…?

Would you like to…?

Do you want to…?

Will you…?

22. Appreciation 赏识

It’ s very good/nice.

That’ s a good idea.

23. Regret and sympathy 遗憾和同情

A. What a shame!

What a pity!

It’ s a pity that…

B. I’ m sorry to…

I’ m sorry for/about…

24. Warnings and prohibition 警告和禁止

A.Look out!

Be careful!

If you…, you’ ll…

B. Don’ t…

You can’ t/mustn’t…

25. Advice and suggestions 劝告和建议

A. You’ d better…

You should/ought to…

I suggest that…/doing…

B. Shall we…?

Let’ s…

Let’ s…, shall we? (Yes , let’ s.)

What/How about…?

26. Offers 提供帮助

A. Can/Could/Shall I help you?

What can I do for you?

Let me… for you.

Do you want me to…?

Would you like (to)…?

Would you like me to…for you?

Is there anything (else) I can do for you?

Would you like some…?

B. Yes, please.

Thanks. That would be nice/fine.

C. No, thanks. Thank you (all the same/any-way).

That’ s very kind of you. But…

27. Requests 恳求

A.Can/Could/Will/Would you…?


Don’ t…, please.

No…, please.

B. OK.

Sure/Certainly/Of course.

I’ d be glad/happy to.

C. I’ m afraid…

I’ m sorry…

28. Attracting attention 提醒,引起注意

Excuse me…

29. Asking for repetition 请求重复


I beg your pardon.

What did you say just now?

I’ m sorry I can’ t follow you.

30. Serving a customer 为顾客服务

Can/May I help you?

What can I do for you?

What colour/size would you like?

Are you ready to order?

31. Bargaining 讨价还价

Can you give me a discount?

32. Calling for help 求救


Let’ s dial 110 to call the police for help.

33. Telephoning 打电话

A.May/Can I speak to…?

I’ d like to speak to…?

Who’ s calling?

Could you put me through to…?

May I leave/take a message?

B. Hold on, please.

This is… from…

Speaking please.

I’ 11 call back.

Could you please repeat that?

34. Seeing a doctor 看病

What’ s the matter with you?

What’ s your problem/the trouble?

How long have you been feeling like this?

I don’ t feel well today.

I have a toothache.

I have got a bad appetite.

My whole body feels weak.

35. Having meals 就餐

What’ s for breakfast?

What would you like for dinner?

How would you like your coffee, sir?

How/ What about having (some vegetables)?

Help yourself to (the roast duck).

36. Talking about the weather 谈论天气

A. What’ s the weather like in…?

How’ s the weather today?

What’ s the average temperature in… in winter?

Does it rain much?

B. It is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.

It’ s quite cold all year round.

The winters are cold and the summers are hot.

It’ s 60C/only -100C/about 3.50C.

The annual rainfall is only 420mm.

37. Describing a place 描写一个地方

Great changes have taken place in…

The old houses have been pulled down.

…have/has bas been set up.

38. Describing a process 描述操作过程

First, …. Next,… And after that,… Finally,…

A. I’ d like to make an appointment with…

I’ d like to make an appointment to see…

B. How about next Monday at…?

Is next Monday at… all right?






