

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30



1.Finally Billy got ________ as a waiter in a restaurant.

A. a piece of job B.a job

C. a piece of works D.a work

2.They sell many kinds of ________ in the shop.

A. watchs B.watch

C.watches D.watch’s

3.I have ________ for you, Mary.

A. a good news B.many good news

C.some good news D.a few good news

4.It’s only ________ walk from here to the cinema.

A. half an hours B.half a hour’s

C.half an hour’s D.half a hours’

5.In Britain the ________ are all painted red.

A. letter boxes B.letters boxes

C.letter’s boxes D.letters’ boxes

6.________ a few sheep behind the house.

A. It is B.They are

C.There are D.There is

7.________ you have a good time last Sunday?

A. Do B.Will C.Did D.Are

8.The workers have built a lot of new houses in Shanghai ________.

A. in the past ten years B.for ten years

C. last year D.ten years ago

9.This time yesterday we ________ trees.

A. were planting B.are planting C.planted D.plant

10.When I got to the cinema, the film ________ for five minutes.

A. had begun B.has been on

C.has begun D.had been on

11.I’m sorry you can’t go in now. The room _______ yet.

A. hasn’t been cleaned B.hasn’t cleaned

C. isn’t been cleaned D.hasn’t being cleaned

12.When we got there, the road ________.

A. is being repaired B.was repaired

C. has been repaired D.was being repaired

13.My sister ________ by Grandma while my parents are away.

A. will be taken care B.will take care of

C. will be taken care of D.will be taken care

14.All the desks in the classroom ________ dust.

A. are covered with B.are cover with

C. are covering with D.covered with

15.It’s hot today. The temperature ________ to 35℃.

A. has raised B.has been risen

C.has been raised D.has risen

16.It is a fine day today. You _______ take a raincoat with you.

A. mustn’t B.can’t C.may D.needn’t

17.It’s snowing now. You’d better _______ at home.

A. stayed B.to stay C.stay D.staying

18.“_______ I go out and play now?”

“No, you mustn’t.”

A. Need B.May C.Shall D.Will

19.I _______ speak a little English when I was only four.

A. am able to B.was able C.could be able D.could

20.You _______ water in the garden. It looks like rain.

A. must B.may not C.don’t need D.needn’t

21.Last night Li Gang kept doing the maths exercises ________ after ________.

A. one…another B.one…the other

C.one…the others D.some…others

22.The boy has to look after himself, because his parents ________ abroad.

A. are both B.both are C.are all D.all are

23.“Does she speak English or Russian?”

“She doesn’t speak ________.”

A. neither B.none C.either D.all

24.I want some coffee but there was ________ in the bottle.

A. any B.no C.none D.nothing

25.________ of the boys has got a pencil and some paper.

A. All B.Every C.Everyone D.Each

26.If you like the fish, please have as ________ as you can.

A. many B.more C.much D.a lot

27.Alice isn’t the tallest girl in her class, but she is taller than ________.

A. any of the girls B.any other girl

C. some the other girls D.some of the other girls

28.I am ________ grateful for the advice you gave me.

A. deep B.deeply C.depth D.deepen

29.Pan Hong studies very hard, so she makes ________ mistakes in her study.

A. a less B.fewer C.less D.a fewer

30.Last Sunday we went to visit him. He showed us some ________ paintings.

A. beautiful old Chinese B.Chinese old beautiful

C. old beautiful Chinese D.old beautiful and Chinese

31.Flight nineteen from New York to Washington is now arriving at ________.

A. Gate Two B.the gate two

C.the two gate D.Second Gate

32.We can see ________ stars at night if it doesn’t rain.

A. thousand B.thousands

C.thousand of D.thousands of

33.________ of the workers in John’s company are in ________.

A. One-half…the twenties B.Half…the twenties

C. Half…their twenties D.A half…their twenties

34.Mr. Smith will stay in China for ________.

A. one and a half years B.one and a half year

C. one and half year D.half and one year

35.“How far away is it from here to your school?” “It’s about ________.”

A. half an hour’s drive B.half hours drives

C. half an hour drive D.half-an-hour-drive

36.________ some hot tea now?

A. Do you like B.Will you like

C.Would you like D.Should you like

37.“________ have you visited the Great Wall?” “Twice.”

A. How soon B.How often

C.How many times D.How long

38.He never has lunch at the factory, ________ he?

A. has B.hasn’t C.does D.doesn’t

39.“Alice couldn’t answer the question, could she?” “________.”

A. No, she couldn’t B.No, she could

C. Yes, she couldn’t D.Yes, she answers

40.________ was the population in China by the end of last year?

A. How much B.What C.How many D.Which

41.Turn left ________ walk along Park Road.

A. so B.or C.and D.but

42.Ben had a broken arm ________ the motorcyclist had a broken leg.

A. for B.so C.and D.but

43.________ human beings ________ animals can live without air.

A. Not only…but also B.Both…and

C. Either…or D.Neither…nor

44.“He had to get up early.” “________.”

A. So had I B.So do I

C.So did I D.So I did

45.You must take away the clothes from the heat of the fire, ________ they might get burnt.

A. or B.and C.but D.so

46.It was raining ______ I got off the bus.

A. when B.while C.though D.because

47.It is five days ________ we came here.

A. when B.before C.as D.since

48.The students are happy ________ they have a new school library.

A. when B.if C.because D.so

49.Although it’s raining, ________ we are going to see him this afternoon.

A. but B.and C.then D./

50.I don’t know if he ________. If he ________, please let me know.

A. comes…will come B.will come…comes

C. comes…comes D.will come…will come

51. Jack and Jim would like _________ Mr. Smith in his garden.

A. help B.to helping C.to help D.helps

52.The watch doesn’t work. I think I’ll _________.

A. have repaired it B.ask someone repair it

C.have it repaired D.have it repairing

53. Did you notice him _________ the road?

A. crossed B.across C.having crossed D.cross

54. Is this room large enough for us _________?

A. to live B.to live in

C.to live in it D.to live at

55. She is so old that she has to have her clothes _________.

A. made B.make

C.to make D.to make them

56.When I finish these books, I’ll ________ to the library.

A. give it back B.give to them

C.give them back D.give back them

57.I don’t think the news you told me ________ true.

A. are B.is C.being D.am

58.Food and water more expensive than ________ used to be.

A. is B.them C.its D.they

59.Neither he nor I ________ going to tie this tree to the stick.

A. am B.is C.are D.will

60.The number of articles published on smoking ________ surprising.

A. is B.are C.were D.have been

61.What do you usually do ________ Christmas?

A. on B.at C.in D.for

62.There is a bridge ________ the river.

A. under B.over C.on D.in

63.You must apologize ________ her for your rudeness.

A. to B.at C.on D.with

64.My house is ________ the two buildings, so we get little sunshine during the day.

A. between B.among C.in D.at

65.Is there anything interesting ________ today’s newspaper?

A. / B.on C.at D.in

66.After the football match we ________ a bus and got to school on time.

A.held B.missed C.saw D.caught

67.The little girl ________ the bed every day.

A.makes B.does C.gets D.takes

68.I like to ________ others playing basketball.

A.watch B.see C.look D.notice

69.As a student we should ________ manners.

A.do B.take C.make D.have

70.The river ________ by two feet after the heavy rain.

A.rise B.rose C.raise D.raised

71.It’s not good manners to ________ the queue when you are waiting for a bus.

A.stand in B.jump

C.jump on D.walk over

72.A beautiful dress in the shop window suddenly ________ my eye.

A.came into B.caught

C.held D.appeared in

73.You should ________ the truth. It is wrong to tell lies.

A.tell B.say C.speak D.talk

74.The room is too small to ________ so many people.

A.sit B.pick C.hold D.stand

75.I’m sorry, I can’t ________ the difference between these two words.

A.say B.tell C.speak D.talk about

76.Mary didn’t feel well so she ________ some medicine.

A.took B.drank C.ate D.has

77.Would you please ________ a photo of me?

A.catch B.hold C.look D.take

78.My mother won’t allow me to travel ________.

A.alone B.lonely C.one man D.along

79.“Was the park ________ yesterday?” “Yes, It ________ at nine in the morning”

A.opened…open B.open…was open

C.open…opened D.opened…opened

80.They ________ every minute of it at the party yesterday.

A.enjoyed B.pleased C.played D.wanted

81.You may ________ this book a little longer if you can’t finish it in time.

A.take B.borrow C.lend D.keep

82.He ________ a brown jacket that day.

A.was putting on B.dressed in

C.was wearing D.was having

83.I didn’t hear what he ________ at the meeting.

A.spoke B.told C.talked D.said

84.As he was still hungry, he started to ________ something to eat.

A.find B.find out C.look for D.look

85.It’s two years since he ________ our club.

A.took part in B.entered for C.joined D.attend

86.You must keep ________ in the reading-room.

A.still B.quiet C.quite D.quietly

87.I ________ a lot more time in writing English than before.

A.spend B.cost C.take D.put

88.I ________ ten yuan for this book.

A.spent B.bought C.cost D.paid

89.“Where is your umbrella?”

“Oh, I have ________ it on the bus. What shall I do?”

A.left B.forgotten

C.to leave D.to forget

90.I want this car, but I can’t afford to buy ________.

A.one B.another C.it D.this

91.The little boy ________ on the grass just now.

A.lies B.lay C.lain D.laid

92.The man ________ himself before the police came.

A.was hanged B.hung C.had hung D.hanged

93. ________ of them seems quite clear about our plan.

A.Every one B.Everyone

C.Each one D.Eachone

94.I hope that I can hear from you ________ .

A.quickly B.fast C.fastly D.soon

95.He said he would give me the money, but he ________ hasn’t given it to me.

A.yet B.still C.already D.too

96.“Will you give this message to Mr. White, please?”

“Sorry, I can’t. He doesn’t work here ________ .”

A.any longer B.any long

C.no long D.no longer

97.I am going to ________ my living-room ________ a play-room for the children.

A.look on…as B.turn…into

C.take…down D.put…into

98.The light is still on. I’m sorry I forgot to ________ it ________ before I left.

A.turn…off B.turn…of

C.turn…away D.turn…on

99.If you have any questions, please ________ your hands.

A.put out B.put up

C.put on D.put down

100.It seems that the hat fits you very well. Please ________ .

A.try it on B.try on it

C.put it on D.put on it

101.The girl ________ but could see nobody. She began to feel afraid.

A.looked after B.looked for

C.looked around D.looked at

102.When the parents were at work, they ________ to look after the baby.

A.took turns B.wont on

C.worried about D.took interest in

103.If a piece of ice is taken into a warm room, it will soon ________ water.

A.turn off B.turn down C.turn into D.turn on

104.“Are foreign languages much more interesting than science?”

“No, I don’t ________ you.”

A.agree to B.agree with

C.get on with D.go on with

105.A monument to the brave fighter ________ in the middle of the town after the war.

A.was put on B.was put up

C.was put down D.was brought up

106. My bike has ________ . I have to go there by bus.

A.broken down B.put on

C.put down D.broken into

107.Grandma is ill. I have to ________ her at home.

A.take hold of B.take care of

C.pay attention to D.put my heart into

108.The doctor asked my father to ________ smoking.

A.give out B.give away

C.give up D.give back

109.Do your best and I’m sure you will ________ your classmates.

A.keep off B.keep away from

C.keep up with D.keep on

110.What time are you going to ________ tomorrow?

A.set up B.set out C.set down D.put up

111.The restaurant was ________ in 1983 by a woman cook.

A.set up B.set out

C.set off D.set down

112.We haven’t ________ what to do tomorrow.

A.pointed at B.decided on

C.turned down D.picked up

113.He was born in the north, but ________ in the south.

A.brought up B.grew up

C.picked up D.came up

114.Last night he wanted to give up the job, but this morning he ________ .

A.made up his mind B.changed his mind

C.made progress D.grew up

115.The glass fell to the floor and ________ .

A.broke out B.give out

C.got off D.broke into pieces

116.The mouse ________ as soon as it could when it saw the cat.

A.gave back B.rang up

C.went ahead D.ran away

117.I’m sorry. The tickets have been ________ .

A.sent out B.sold out C.sent for D.bought

118.After school Jack ________ to see his sick grandpa.

A.hurried off B.ran after C.went up D.rang up

119.I know that the accident ________ in a small village.

A.took place B.was taken place

C.took the place D.was taken the place of

120.Dr Bethune didn’t take a rest and he ________ working throughout the night.

A.got on B.put on

C.went on D.turned on

121.My friend is visiting us next week, and I will ________ Shanghai.

A.see him off B.show him around

C.give him a message D.ring him up

122.When did you ________ from your trip last year?

A.arrive at B.get back

C.go ahead D.returned back

123.He fell down on the road and was too weak to ________ .

A.hold up B.get up

C.bring up D.leave for

124.Have you ________ the race?

A.left for B.set out for

C.asked for D.entered for

125.Now people have began to learn how to ________ pollution.

A.get in B.get back

C.get on with D.get rid of

126.It’s good to stand on top of the hill and ________ fresh air.

A.take in B.hold on

C.give out D.turn into

127.You’d better ________ the name of the book before you forget it.

A.write down B.put on

C.work out D.turn down







