

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30



1 I was arguing about the price for a table in a second-hand shop when a young man came in carrying a chair, put it down before the manager and asked how much it was worth.

“Three dollars,” replied the manager.

The young man looked surprised. “It isn’t worth more than that?”

“Three dollars is all I can give you for that piece, son.” The manager shook his head and bent to examine the piece. “See that?” He pointed to a crack (裂缝) in the chair leg, adding, “And see here where the paint is peeling (剥落)? Well, three dollars is all its worth to me.”

“All right then,” said the young man, smiling. “I’ll take it.” He pulled out his wallet. “I saw it in front of your shop with something marked $10, but I thought maybe it was a mistake and you could tell me how much it was worth.”

128. The young man came to the shop ______ .

A. to have an argument with the boss B.to carry an old chair

C.to buy an old chair D.before the writer did

129. It is clear that ______ .

A. the chair belonged to the young man

B.the manager had a good memory

C.the young man didn’t have enough money to buy the chair

D.the manager mistook the chair for the young man’s

130. From this passage, we can see that the young man was ______ .

A. very honest B.a poor man C.very clever D.a cheat

131. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to this passage?

A. The manager bent to examine the crack in the chair leg.

B.The young man felt the price for the table was not reasonable.

C.The manager didn’t think the chair was worth more than three dollars.

D.The manager asked the young man where the paint was peeling.

132. We can imagine in the end ______ .

A. the manager was satisfied with the price

B.the manager was regretful for what he had done

C.the young man was sorry for what he had done

D.the writer got the table in satisfaction

2 Water is very important to us. We cannot live without it.

There is a lot of water on the earth, but we cannot use most of it. About 97.4% of the earth’s water is salty. Most of the fresh(淡的)water is snow and ice near the North and South Poles(极).

We can use only about one percent of the water on the earth. We use water from both lakes and rivers. Some of the water evaporates(蒸发)and then becomes rain. Of course we use rain water for farms and other things. We use this water again and again.

Sometimes the earth’s water is in the wrong place. There is a lot of rain in the tropics(热带地区), but it is difficult to have farms in the tropics. Most of the land there is not very rich. Some desert land is rich, but there is only a little water in the desert.

Water is a problem for many people in the world.

133. About ______ of the earth’s water is fresh.

A. 97.4% B.2.6% C.1% D.25%

134. Most of the fresh water is ______ .

A. snow and ice B.rain

C.in lakes and rivers D.in oceans

135. It rains after the water ______ from oceans, lakes and rivers.

A. falls B.enjoys C.evaporates D.runs

136. We only use ______ of the earth’s water.

A. 5% B.97.4% C.2.5% D.1%

137. Most of the land in the tropics is ______ .

A. poor B.dry C.rich D.salty

3 Once upon a time a rich man and a poor tailor(裁缝)lived in the same house. The rich man lived upstairs and the poor tailor lived downstairs.

The tailor liked to sing when he made clothes. He sang one song after another. But the rich man liked to sleep a lot, and the singing troubled him.

One day the rich man said, “Tailor, I will give you a bag full of money every day if you stopped singing.”

“Fine,” said the tailor. And so the tailor stopped singing and became richer. But the more money he got from the rich man, the more unhappy he became, because he wanted very much to sing again.

Finally he brought all his money to the rich man. “Here,” he said, “take your money back. I can’t be happy if I can’t sing.”

And so he gave the money back to the rich man and went away singing. He sang and sang and he was happier than ever before.

138. Once a rich man and a poor tailor lived ______ .

A. in the same room B.in the different house

C.in the same floor D.in the same building

139. That tailor enjoyed singing ______ .

A. while he was feeling unhappy B.while he was working

C.while the rich man was sleeping D.both B and C

140. The rich man did not like the tailor’s singing because ______ .

A. the tailor didn’t sing well

B.the rich man didn’t like singing

C.the tailor’s singing didn’t make him sleep well

D.the rich man could sing better

141. The rich man wanted to stop the tailor singing by ______ .

A. just telling him not to sing

B.giving him a lot of money

C.asking him to sing outside the house

D.asking him to stop singing while he was sleeping

142. The poor tailor gave the money back to the rich man because ______ .

A. he thought the money was not useful to him

B.he had a lot more money than the rich man

C.he didn’t like money

D.he wanted to sing and he felt happy while he was singing

4 Mr. Li works in a middle school. He teaches his students art. He changes his clothes as soon as they are dirty and always keeps them clean and tidy.

There’s a garden between the school and his home. The garden is quite near his home. He usually walks through it when he goes to work. One afternoon, on his way home, a boy asked, “May I clean your shoes for you, sir?”

Mr. Li stopped to look at his shoes and found they were really very dirty. He agreed. The boy began to clean them carefully.

After the boy finished the work, Mr. Li asked, “How much, boy?”

“One yuan, sir.” Mr. Li gave him two yuan and said. “One more yuan for you. You can spend the money washing your face.”

After the boy heard this, he ran to the garden and washed his face in the pool. Then he came back and gave one yuan back to Mr. Li and said, “Your hair is too long. You’d better go and ask someone to cut your hair short. I’m sure you need the money!”

143. Mr. Li usually goes to work ______ .

A. by bike B.by car C.on foot D.by bus

144. Mr. Li’s home is ______ .

A. near the garden B.next to the boy

C.far from the school D.far from the garden

145. Mr. Li let the boy clean his shoes because ______ .

A. he was busy B.they were dirty

C.the boy was polite D.he wanted to help the boy

146. Mr. Li didn’t want his one yuan back because ______ .

A. he thought his shoes were too dirty

B.he was very rich

C.the boy made his shoes clean

D.he wanted the boy to wash his dirty face

147. The boy thought ______ .

A. one yuan was no use B.Mr. Li liked him

C.his face wasn’t dirty D.Mr. Li laughed at him

5 One afternoon, Kate and her brother Bob went out to play. Kate was eight, and Bob was ten. “Let’s go to the bridge and we can see fish in the river.” said Kate. “I don’t know,” Bob said. “Mum told us, ‘Don’t go on the bridge’. She said it is dangerous.”

Kate said, “I am not afraid. Are you?”

They walked onto the bridge and began looking for fish in the river. The bridge was a train bridge. Trains went over the bridge three times a day.

The children were standing in the middle of the bridge when they heard a loud noise. “A train is coming!” Bob shouted. “Run!” He ran to the end of the bridge. He was safe.

Kate ran, too, but she fell. The train was coming fast. Kate ran towards Bob. She fell again right on the train tracks. There was no time to leave. She had to lie down between the tracks. A few seconds later, the train went over the girl, but she was not hurt at all. She stood up and said to Bob, “Don’t tell Mum! Don’t tell Mum!”

At last their mother found out about the story. She was angry because they went onto the bridge. But she was happy that Kate was all right.

148. Bob and Kate were ______ .

A. twins B.brothers

C.sisters D.brother and sister

149. One afternoon they went to the bridge to see ______ .

A. their mother B.fish C.the train D.the river

150. When the train came, the children were ______ .

A. in the middle of the bridge B.at the end of the bridge

C.on their way to the bridge D.away from the bridge

151. Where was Kate when the train was going over her?

A. Right on the train tracks. B.On one of the tracks

C.Between the tracks. D.Beside the tracks.

152. When their mother knew about the story, she was ______ .

A. happy B.angry

C.sorry D.both angry and happy

6 Peter Judd wanted very much to be a soldier when he was a child. So he joined the army when he was eighteen, and for several months he was taught how to be a good soldier. He did quite well in everything except shooting. One day he and his friends were practicing their shooting, and all of them were doing quite well except Peter. After he had shot at the target(靶子)nine times and hadn’t hit it once, the officer who was trying to teach the young soldiers to shoot said, “You are quite hopeless, Peter! Don’t waste your last bullet(子弹)! Go behind that wall and shoot yourself with it!”

Peter felt ashamed(羞愧的)He went behind the wall and a few seconds later, the officer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot.

“Oh, dear!” the officer said. “Has that silly man really shot himself?”

He ran behind the wall as quickly as he could, but Peter was all right. “I’m sorry, sir,” he said, “but I missed again.”

153. Peter Judd joined the army in order to ______ .

A. be a soldier B.be good at shooting

C.make friends D.get a good job

154. The officer thought Peter was hopeless because ______ .

A. he didn’t know how to use a gun

B.he didn’t get along well with other soldiers

C.he was poor at shooting

D.he couldn’t do anything well

155. What the officer said at the end of the first paragraph shows that ______ .

A. the officer really wanted Peter to die

B.the officer was very angry with Peter

C.the officer was not a kind-hearted man

D.the officer was afraid that Peter would shoot himself

156. The officer felt ______ when he heard the sound of a shot.

A.ashamed B.frightened

C.excited D.disappointed(失望)

157. What happened at the end of the story?

A. Peter became good soldier.

B.Peter killed himself behind the wall.

C.The officer was pleased with Peter in the end.

D.Peter missed the target for the tenth.

7 Once, a very rich man bought a farm. He paid more than what was thought he should because there was a great tree growing on the farm, which was said to be about three hundred years old. The farmer who sold the farm told the buyer that the tree was so famous that every year many visitors and travelers came to see the tree. But many of the rich man’s men did not think so. The new owner of the farm was not pleased at what they said and called one of his men with the name Zeke to try to find out how old that “famous tree” really was.

Four days later, Zeke rushed into the new owner’s office and told him that the tree was even older than they thought. It was four hundred and twenty years old!

“Great! Good news!” said the owner, “but I’d like to know how you can tell that tree is so old.”

“Very easy. We cut the tree down and counted the rings of the tree,” said Zeke.

158. Why did the rich man buy the farm and pay more?

A. Because the farm was a very big one.

B.Because the farm was very famous.

C.Because he was greatly interested in the old tree on the farm.

D.Because the tree on the farm was too old.

159. What did many of the new owner’s men think of the tree?

A. They thought the tree was just as old as many other old trees.

B.They thought the tree was not as old as the farm.

C.They thought the tree was less than three hundred years old.

D.they thought the tree was more than four hundred years old.

160. How do you think the new owner would feel in the end?

A. Very happy. B.Very angry.

C.Rather surprised. D.Either happy or angry.

161. What kind of person was Zeke?

A. A very clever man. B.A person poor in thinking.

C.A very strong man. D.Quite a quick man.

162. Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?

A. Good News or Bad News B.Buy or Not to Buy

C.Is Zeke Clever D.Strong Body, But Weak Mind


1 Dolores works in a shop, selling gramophone records (唱片). One afternoon a middle-aged woman came in, sat in a chair, and smiled at her brightly.

“I want a record, dear.” She began. “ ___163___ I heard on the radio this morning.”

“What was the ___164___ called?” Dolores asked, without much ___165___ . The woman shook her head.

“I don’t remember. I should know it if I ___166___ it, though. Perhaps if you play me a few records, I shall be able to ___167___ it out.”

“We have hundreds of records,” Dolores said. “It would take a very long time to play you even a little of ___168___ . Could you ___169___ it to me?”

The woman shook her head again. “No, I can’t sing any song.” She looked quite ___170___ . Then suddenly her face lit up.

“I’ve just remembered something,” she said. “It comes from a play. There’s girl who speaks very badly, if you see what I mean. But after a time she learns to talk very well.”

This was ___171___ for Dolores. “If you ask me, it’s from My Fair Lady,” she said.

“That’s it, dear. If you’d thought of it sooner, we wouldn’t have ___172___ so much time. I suppose you are new to the job.”

163.A.One B.That C.Someone D.When

164.A.record B.program C.song D.lady

165.A.interest B.idea C.hope D.thought

166.A.saw B.bought C.had D.heard

167.A.find B.pass C.take D.pick

168.A.all B.everyone C.each D.either

169.A.introduce B.sing C.lend D.show

170.A.relaxed B.angry C.disappointed D.surprised

171.A.enough B.right C.better D.straight

172.A.talked B.had C.cost D.wasted

2 Paul Johnson was 16 years old. He was very shy and didn’t ___173___ much to anyone. But his science teacher, Mr. Smith, noticed that there was something ___174___ about him and he showed great concern (关心) for Paul.

Paul said to Mr. Smith, “I want to learn all about science.” He began to study science in the first-year class. After a few days, he ___175___ in the second-year class. Paul studied very hard. Soon he knew everything that second-year class was ___176___ . Then he read all the science books in the school library.

One day, after school Mr. Smith found Paul in the classroom ___177___ on the blackboard. Paul was drawing pictures.

“What are you doing?” asked Mr. Smith, with ___178___ . “What are these drawings about?”

“I want to invent things. These are the drawings of my first ___179___ ,” Paul answered.

“What’s your invention?” Mr. Smith said.

“I have a(n) ___180___ for television — for a way of ___181___ pictures through the air.” Paul answered. “Please let me tell you about it, Mr. Smith. You are the only person who can ___182___ what I have done.” It’s amazing (令人惊喜) that a boy of 16 showed his teacher drawings for television.

173.A.play B.talk C.lend D.pay

174.A.different B.interested C.pleased D.usual

175.A.entered B.appeared C.showed D.served

176.A.covering B.answering C.managing D.learning

177.A.writing B.trying C.working D.studying

178.A.surprise B.care C.interest D.joy

179.A.hobby B.homework C.drawings D.invention

180.A.picture B.idea C.machine D.system

181.A.taking B.sending C.copying D.making

182.A.understand B.discover C.excuse D.interest

3 When Ben Franklin was only a boy, he always wanted to know about things. He was always asking his father and brothers. “What?” and “How?” and “Why?”

They couldn’t ___183___ tell him what he wanted to know. When they couldn’t tell him, Ben tried to find out for ___184___ . Many times Ben found out things that no one ___185___ before. The other boys would say, “That Ben Franklin! He’s always finding out something ___186___ !”

Ben lived close to the water. He liked to go there to see the boats. He saw how the wind ___187___ them across the water.

One day Ben said to himself, “Why can’t wind help ___188___ float(漂浮) across the water? I’m going to ___189___ .” Ben got his big kite. He took hold of the kite string(线) and ran with it. The wind took the kite up into the air. Then Ben ___190___ into the water. The wind blew the kite high into the air. Ben began to float across the water. Soon he was on the other side, and he had not ___191___ at all.

One boy shouted, “Look at Ben floating across the water! His kite takes him to the other side without any ___192___ !

“Yes,” said another. “He’s always finding new ways to do things.”

183.A.always B.ever C.nearly D.sometime

184.A.them B.himself C.themselves D.him

185.A.thought B.heard C.knew D.asked

186.A.popular B.welcome C.convenient D.new

187.A.blew B.led C.guided D.showed

188.A.it B.me C.him D.one

189.A.float B.do C.try D.study

190.A.swam B.threw C.fell D.jumped

191.A.tried B.worked C.floated D.run

192.A.wind B.string C.work D.help


一、 单选题

1-5.BCCCA 6-10.CCAAD 11-15.ADCAD

16-20.DCBDD 21-25.AACCD 26-30.CDBBA

31-35.ADCAA 36-40.CCCAB 41-45.CCDCA

46-50.ADCDB 51-55.CCDBA 56-60.CBDAA

61-65.BBAAD 66-70.DAADB 71-75.BBACB

76-80.ADACA 81-85.DCDCC 86-90.BADAC

91-95.BDADB 96-100.ABABA 101-105.CACBB

106-110.ABCCB 111-115.ABBBD 116-120.DBAAC


二、 阅读理解

128-132.CDCDB 133-137. BACDA 138-142.DBCBD

143-147.CABDD 148-152. DBACD 153-157. ACBBD

158-162. CCBBA

三、 完型填空










