

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30


一、 语法和词汇

1.Be quiet! They ________ a meeting in the next room.

A.are having B.have

C.were having D.will had

2.________you write your return address on the envelope?

A.Had B.Have C.Are D.Did

3.When did you see her? What ________ then?

A.was she doing B.did she do

C.is she doing D.has she hone

4.“I saw that new film yesterday.” “Did you? I ________ it yet.”

A.didn’t see B.hadn’t seen C.haven’t seen D.not saw

5.“What will you ________ at six this evening?” “I’ll probably be having supper.”

A.do B.doing

C.have D.be doing

6.When Jack arrived, he learned Mary ________ for almost an hour.

A.had gone B.had set off

C.had left D.had been away

7.“Must we start the experiment now?” “No, you________.”

A.won’t B.needn’t

C.can’t D.may not

8.Peter ________come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.

A.must B.may C.can D.will

9.I haven’t brought my rubber with me. ________I use yours?

A.Must B.May C.Need D.Shall

10.I ________ help. I can do it myself.

A.need to B.don’t need C.needn’t D.need

11.The shoes are too small. They ________ be mine.

A.can B.can’t

C.mustn’t D.may not

12.I’ve come to ask him for the book. That’s why I ________ wait until he comes back.

A.need B.should C.ought to D.have to

13.The song ________ by children.

A.is often sung B.was often sung

C.sings D.has often sung

14.Electricity ________ by the Greeks a good many years ago.

A.was first found B.was first discovered

C.has first been discovered D.was seen first

15.The medicine________ cool, clean and dry.

A.must keep B.must be kept

C.must be keep D.must be in

16.I need one more stamp before my collection________.

A.had completed B.completes

C.has been completed D.is completed

17.I’m sorry you can’t go in now. The room ________ yet.

A.hasn’t been cleaned B.hasn’t cleaned

C.isn’t been cleaned D.hasn’t being cleaned

18.The river has ________two feet because of the flood.

A.raised B.risen

C.been risen D.been raised

19.“Whose idea is it?” “It’s________.”

A.the idea of her B.the idea of him

C.an idea of them D.an idea of theirs

20.On the table there were vegetables, bread and two large________.

A.bowl of soup B.bowl of soups

C.bowls of soups D.bowls of soup

21.I want ________ about the matter.

A.some informations B.an information

C.some information D.a information

22.There are ten ________ in our school.

A.woman teachers B.women teacher

C.woman teacher D.women teachers

23.Joan is ________ sister.

A.Mary and Jack B.Mary’s and Jack’s

C.Mary’s and Jack D.Mary and Jack’s

24.________work has been done to solve the problem.

A.Many B.A great deal of

C.A great many D.A large number of

25.There are ________ students in our school.

A.five hundreds and forty two B.five hundred and forty two

C.five hundred and forty two D.five hundreds and forty two

26.________is Christmas day.

A.Twenty-five of December B.Twenty-fifth of December

C.The twenty-five of December D.The twenty-fifth of December

27.English was taught at the beginning of ________ century in China.

A.nineteen B.nineteenth

C.the nineteenth D.the nineteen

28.________people attended the meeting last Saturday.

A.A hundred of B.Hundred of

C.Hundred D.Hundreds of

29.Let’s go over________.

A.Lesson Third B.the Lesson Third

C.the third lesson D.Third Lesson

30.We’ll take ________ trip to Hangzhou tomorrow.

A.a two-days B.a two-day

C.a two day’s D.a two day

31.He thinks that English isn’t ________important ________ maths.

A.as; so B.so; as

C.as; than D.so; than

32.Wei Fang doesn’t dance as ________ as Li Ping.

A.good B.better C.best D.well

33.The flowers smell ________ and look________.

A.good; beautiful B.good; beautifully

C.well; beautiful D.well; beautifully

34.Girl students are much cleverer in our class than ________ in theirs.

A.this B./ C.it D.those

35.Lily can work out maths problems ________ than Liz.

A.very quickly B.far quickly

C.much quickly D.much more quickly

36.Alice isn’t the oldest girl in her class, but she is older than________.

A.any of the girls B.any other girl

C.some the other girls D.some of the other girls

37.I have four brothers. One is in Japan, ________are in Shanghai.

A.another B.others

C.the other D.the others

38.Will you have________ cup of tea?

A.the other B.other C.an other D.another

39.Tom and John have arrived, but ________ students in the class aren’t here yet.

A.other B.others

C.the others D.the other

40.He was ill. ________is why he didn’t attend the meeting.

A.This B.It C.There D.That

41.Some people like to stay at home on Sundays, but ________ like to go to the cinema.

A.another B.others

C.other D.the other

42.“What’s in your ________ hand?” “An orange.”

A.another B.the other C.other D.others

43.He doesn’t think I will get good marks, ________?

A.will I B.won’t I C.does he D.will he

44.They need some help, ________they?

A.do B.don’t C.need D.need’t

45.It is still early. Why not ________ for a while?

A.to play piano B.play piano

C.do you play the piano D.play the piano

46.There is ________ ink in the bottle, is there?

A.a little B.a few C.little D.few

47.________was the population in China by the end of last year?

A.How much B.What C.How many D.Which

48.I hear Mary ________ back in two days.

A.comes B.come C.will come D.coming

49.He wanted to see the film very much, ________he couldn’t get a ticket.

A.but B.and C.or D.so

50.He missed the first bus, ________he was late for the meeting.

A.so B.or

C.for D.because

51.Can you tell me ________ is the nearest way to the station?

A.what B.if C.which D.that

52.________you don’t like him is none of my business.

A.What B.Who

C.That D.Whether

53.Do you know the man ________?

A.whom I often talk B.with who I often talk

C.I often talk with D.that I often talk

54.The girl________ an English song in the next room is Tom’s sister.

A.who is singing B.is singing

C.sang D.was singing

55.Is this the hospital ________ he worked ten years ago?

A.that B.where C.which D.the one

56.The library ________ we’ll visit next week is not far from here.

A.where B.in which

C.which D.to which

57.Can you tell me the reason ________ his mother got so angry just now?

A.for why B.for what C.which D.why

58.It is five days ________ we came here.

A.when B.before C.as D.since

59.As soon as he ________ here, I’ll tell him about it.

A.will come B.come

C.comes D.is coming

60.I am good at English ________ he does well in Japanese.

A.while B.when C.because D.as

61.She pulled back the curtain ________ she could see the passing crowd.

A.so as to B.in order to C.so that D.that so

62.________there is enough snow, we can’t go skiing.

A.Because B.As

C.Unless D.However

63.It took us three days ________ the work.

A.finish B.will finish

C.to finish D.finished

64.Think it over and you will remember ________ the word.

A.how to spell B.how spell

C.to spell D.to spelling

65.Is this house large enough for us________?

A.living B.living in

C.to live D.to live in

66.Our TV set doesn’t work. I think we’ll have it ________ tomorrow.

A.repairing B.repair

C.repaired D.being repaired

67.While we were listening to the teacher, I noticed Phillip ________ a picture.

A.drew B.is drawing C.drawing D.to draw

68.The police ________ for the boy.

A.are looking B.is looking C.looking D.look

69.The number of teachers ________ never under 100 in this school.

A.is B.are C.been D.be

70.“Is this beautiful?” “Yes, it is. ________.”

A.Rarely before I have seen this B.Rarely I have seen this before

C.Rarely have I seen this before D.Rarely have I seen before this

71.Not only my sister but also Mary and John ________ interested in that film.

A.am B.is C.be D.are

72.________a good thing that they didn’t come to the meeting.

A.That’s B.It’s C.There’s D.That is

73.He ________ at the door and came in .

A.struck ` B.beat

C.hit D.knocked

74.Don’t forget to ________ your English-Chinese dictionary with you when you come to class tomorrow.

A.get B.take C.bring D.carry

75.Minghua is ________ good progress with his English.

A.taking B.making C.having D.getting

76.She sang ________ .

A.good indeed B.well indeed

C.very good indeed D.very well indeed

77.Do you ________ what I told you?

A.accept B.receive C.get D.agree

78.What did the manager ________ you to ________ at the meeting?

A.tell; say B.ask; speak

C.tell; speak D.ask; talk

79.Once he has made up his ________ , he won’t change it.

A.brain B.heart C.mind D.head

80.You don’t look ________ ; you’d better see a doctor.

A.mice B.well C.kind D.good

81.The price of the camera is very ________ .

A.low B.tall

C.expensive D.valuable

82.Children can ________ a lot from television.

A.look B.learn C.catch D.teach

83.Who can ________ me the meaning of this word?

A.speak B.tell C.talk D.say

84.In England buses and cars keep to the left ________ of the road.

A.top B.side C.way D.corner

85.They may ________ the books for about two weeks.

A.borrow B.lend C.keep D.have

86.I ________ the little girl very clever.

A.hear B.too bad C.find D.make

87.What was the ________ of the fire?

A.cause B.reason C.beginning D.course

88.I’m very busy, so I can’t ________ that problem with you for the moment.

A.discuss B.quarrel C.answer D.explain

89.I don’t ________ to know much about American country music but I know what kind of songs I like.

A.believe B.pretend

C.imagine D.suppose

90.When my sister phoned me, I could not hear clearly what she was ________ .

A.speaking B.talking C.saying D.telling

91.Tom told his mother he was going to go over his lessons but ________ he went to bed.

A.almost B.actually C.immediately D.hardly

92.The visitors often come by train, ________ by plane.

A.some time B.some times

C.sometimes D.sometime

93.Thanks, it will always ________ me of you.

A.remember B.remind C.remain D.regard

94.His ________ of the aero-plane was correct in every detail and could really fly.

A.pattern B.design C.plan D.model

95.Usually carelessness ________ to failure.

A.leads B.happens C.gets D.agrees

96.The room was so quiet that she could hear the ________ of her heart.

A.hitting B.beating C.hurting D.striking

97.The college got some money by selling one of its ________ old pictures.

A.useful B.helpful

C.usual D.valuable

98.The price of this kind of ________ fan is reasonable.

A.electricity B.electric

C.electrical D.electrify

99.They ________ different conclusions from the facts.

A.made B.drew C.got D.held

100.You look nice in green. Green ________ you.

A.suits B.fits

C.matches D.satisfies

101.Rapid eye movements ________ for the fact that you are dreaming.

A.indicate B.account

C.explain D.illustrate

102.He was so poor that he had ________ than one hundred dollars.

A.no less B.not less

C.more D.no more

103.After the ________ of the climbers, the police were thanked for their work.

A.rescue B.freedom C.help D.safety

104.The survey covers a representative ________ of the population.

A.example B.sample

C.principle D.principal

105.He ________ of the danger until I warned him.

A.didn’t realize B.didn’t recognize

C.didn’t aware D.wasn’t conscious

106.The inspector advised the old lady not to stay ________ in the flat for a few nights.

A. lonely B.single

C.on her own D.of her own

107.We are ________ to know that the explorers are safe in the end.

A.relieved B.disappointed

C.grateful D.thoughtful

108.On reaching the school, he found he had ________ his English textbook behind at home.

A.lost B.left C.forgotten D.missed

109.I’d like to enter for the high jump. Will you please ________ my name down?

A.get B.put C.let D.make

110.Something terrible ________ to him the other day.

A.took place B.happened C.appeared D.seemed

111.I’m ________ a lot of experience in my job.

A.accepting B.gaining

C.receiving D.winning

112.Human history is often compared ________ a long river.

A.with B.to C.for D.along

113.A car is ________ many different parts.

A.made of B.made from

C.made up of D.made in

114.The girl ________ but could see nobody. She began to feel afraid.

A.looked after B.looked for

C.looked around D.looked at

115.Last night he wanted to give up the job, but this morning he ________ .

A.made up his mind B.changed his mind

C.made progress D.grew up

116.If you have any questions, please ________ your hands.

A.put out B.put up

C.put on D.put down

117.If a piece of ice is taken into a warm room, it will soon ________ water.

A.turn off B.turn down C.turn into D.turn on

118.The doctor asked my father to ________ smoking.

A.give out B.give away

C.give up D.give back

119.Would you please ________ a piece of paper and a pen?

A.bring out B.give out

C.take out D.find out

120. ________ and tell them to hurry up.

A.Ring them up B.Put them on

C.Turn them down D.Shout at them

121.It seems that the hat fits you very well. Please ________ .

A.try it on B.try on it

C.put it on D.put on it

122.I know that the accident ________ in a small village.

A.took place B.was taken place

C.took the place D.was taken the place of

123.The light is still on. I’m sorry I forgot to ________ it ________ before I left.

A.turn; off B.turn; of

C.turn; away D.turn; on

124.He was born in the north, but ________ in the south.

A.brought up B.grew up

C.picked up D.came up

125.He fell down on the road and was too weak to ________ .

A.hold up B.get up

C.bring up D.leave for

126.“Are foreign languages much more interesting than science?”

“No, I don’t ________ you.”

A.agree to B.agree with

C.get on with D.go on with

127.Tom isn’t an honest student. You can’t ________ him for help.

A.rely on B.ask for

C.go on with D.talk about

128.The only thing they ________ is how to make money.

A.care B.care for

C.care of D.care about

129.In the past few years, Shanghai ________ a new look.

A.has taken on B.has appeared C.has turned up D.showed

130.Don’t hesitate to ________ me if you are in trouble.

A.turn up B.turn to

C.turn in D.turn out

131.Last night a quarrel ________ between two brothers in our neighborhood.

A.broke out B.broke up

C.broke away D.broke in

132.As time ________ , his theory proved to be correct.

A.passes on B.went by C.went on D.lasted

133.The first word of a sentence should ________ a capital letter.

A.begin with B.start as

C.be filled with D.be covered with

134.If you want to see the play, ________ your name on this piece of paper.

A.get down B.put down

C.take down D.copy down

135.The plane had already ________ before we got to the airport.

A.taken down B.taken off

C.taken away D.taken up

136.Early in the morning we ________ on our journey.

A.set off B.begin off C.start off D.get off

137.The money she spent ________ more than 1000 dollars.

A.added B.added to

C.added up D.added up to

138.It’s going to rain we’d better ________ our tools and go indoors.

A.put down B.put away C.put off D.put up

139.The thief ________ the policeman and ran away.

A.broke out of B.broke away from

C.broke up with D.broke off

140.It took Dick a long time to ________ a book for his son at the bookstore.

A.pick up B.pick out

C.pick off D.pick over

141.The president wanted to know who would ________ the matter in the company.

A.see to B.change

C.in change of D.take care

142.If you ________ William, ask him to come and see me.

A.have an idea of B.catch sight of

C.think of D.find out

143.Mr. Smith can’t ________ his wife’s death though she has been dead for a long time.

A.get over B.get away with C.get away D.get off

144.The rich man ________ his poor neighbors.

A.looked down to B.saw down to

C.looked down upon D.saw down on

145.The students dislike their teacher, for he is always ________ them.

A.cruel for B.critical on

C.hard on D.harmful to

146.The doctor’s mistakes in judgment ________ the death of the patient.

A.resulted from B.brought out C.broke off D.led to

147.Many people enjoy ________ their friends at Christmas time.

A.calling on B.calling at

C.dropping in D.calling for

148.You can’t get to the museum ________ by catching No.112 bus.

A.other than B.more than

C.better than D.rather than

149.We’ve ________ our friendship for a long time.

A.kept on B.kept up

C.kept out D.kept up with

150.The strong wind was ________ the broken window.

A.free from B.ready for

C.sure of D.responsible for

151.Hard work can often ________ a lack of intelligence.

A.make for B.make at

C.make up for D.make out at

152.She put salt into her cup ________ .

A.with mistake B.with error

C.by mistake D.by error







