

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30


1、–Why was he so hot when he got home ?

–He _______________ .

A、was running

B、is running

C、has been running

D、had been running

2、He did not catch the flight. He reached the airport shortly ___ the plane took off.





3、His face was badly ___ by the hot sun while he was working in Africa.





4、-___ times has he visited the Great Wall?

- Twice.

A、How many

B、How much

C、How often

D、How long

5、–There has been an earthquake .

–I know . At least a hundred people ____________ .

A、were to be killed

B、are said to have been killed

C、said to have been killed

D、are said to kill

6、The teacher spoke loudly ___ the students could hear him clearly.



C、so that

D、in order to

7、Everybody likes her. She always speaks in a ___ way.





8、Traveling is ___ , but we usually feel ___ when we are back home from travel. A、interesting,tired




9、China is one of ___ tea-growing countries in the world.

A、the largest



D、the larger

10、One of the two men who ___ with my brother ___ an expensive can.





11、The new ___ library has been set up. Do you know how big it is?





12、–I started to study , but then a friend called .

–That’s no excuse ____________ .

A、for not studying

B、not for studying

C、not studying

D、not to studying

13、It is dark, but he is ___ in the office.





14、As soon as he entered the room, he ___ his cap and sat down.

A、took off

B、took out

C、took away

D、took down

15、–I have got this really painful ear .

–How long ___________ you .

A、does it bother

B、was it bothering

C、would it bother

D、has it been bothering

16、I had to write a ___ report.



C、two thousand-word

D、two thousand words

17、It’s too expensive. I can’t ___ it





18、Her father ___ ill yesterday and is now in hospital.





19、It’s time for the TV play. Would you please ___ the TV?

A、turn off

B、turn on

C、turn into

D、turn over

20、He is not satisfied ___ the results. He has decided to do it again





二、完形填空(共20小题;每题2分,共40分。) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从后面各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳一项。

After I had been waiting there much more than ten minutes, I felt certain I __31__ have missed the bus. There was only __32__ thing I could do __33__ that, I __34__ just have to walk home. Of course it was entirely my own fault. Lan __35__ me the last bus always __36__ Little Sutton at ten thirty exactly and it was now ten __37__ eleven. It would take me at __38__ an hour and a half and possibly more to walk to my home in Forest End. But there was __39__ moon in the sky and I was quite __40__ to walking much farther than that. Perhaps I __41__ not take the short cut through the woods. I might easily lose my __42__ in the darkness.

I was halfway home when I heard a car __43__ slowly behind me. Could it be my imagination __44__ was it actually following me down the hill? Why __45__ should it be making __46__ slow progress? __47__ my opinion firm action is better than anxiety so I stood still __48__ if I were waiting for it to pass me. It stopped just beside me, the door opened and a man __49__, who said anxiously, “Have you any __50__ where we can get petrol at this time of night? We’ve just run out completely.”

( )21.A. could B. might C. must D. should

( )22.A. one B. another C. the other D. other

( )23.A. for B. of C. about D. on

( )24.A. will B. shall C. ought D. would

( )25.A. had said B. tell C. said D. had told

( )26.A. got B. arrived C. left D.reached at

( )27.A. pass B. to C. of D. over

( )28.A. least B. more C. less D. most

( )29.A. full B. a full C. the full D. full the

( )30.A. getting B. coming C. used D. use

( )31.A. had thought B. had felt C. had planned D.had better

( )32.A. road B. path C. way D. street

( )33.A. moving B. move C. come D. run

( )34.A. and B. or C. but D. still

( )35.A. more B. much C. else D. some

( )36.A. such B. much C. so D. too

( )37.A. Of B. In C. About D. For

( )38.A. even B. like C. as D. seem

( )39.A. went out B. got away C. got on D. got out

( )40.A. thought B. massage C. information D. idea



In a store puddings are on sale. A number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you can try them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people would take advantage of(利用) this. One day I asked a shop girl:

“Now there’s one old gentleman, for example,” she told me. “He comes here almost every week and tries each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything and I don’t think he ever will. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. ”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman came up to the counter(柜台) and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“That’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about, “ said the shop girl in a low voice. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him, “Would you like to try them, sir? Here’s a spoon (勺)for you to use.”

The elderly gentleman was poorly but neatly dressed. He accepted the spoon and began to try one after another of the puddings.

I went up to him and said, “Pardon me, sir, will you please let me buy you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

“Excuse me,” he said with dignity(自尊), “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. You must have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice: “kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.”

He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings. He pulled out a worn little black pocketbook and began counting out shillings and pennies on to the counter. To save his face he had to buy what he could not possibly pay for. How I regretted (后悔) having said these words.

“You pay at the desk,” the shop girl was telling him, but he did not seem to understand and kept trying to put the coins into her hand. And that was the last I saw or heard of the old man. Now he can never come there to try puddings any more.

41.All the buyers can_______ .

A. buy one of the puddings at lower price

B. get one of the puddings for free

C. have a break in the store after work

D. try the puddings before they decide to buy them

42.The writer offered to buy the old man the pudding because _______ .

A. he was one friend of the old man’s

B. he wanted to make fun of the old man

C. he thought the old man might have forgotten to bring money with him

D. he did it out of kindness

43.When the writer offered to buy the pudding for him, the old man was _______ .

A. pleased

B. thankful

C. moved

D. surprised as well as hurt

44.The old man finally bought one of the largest and the most expensive puddings because _______ .

A. he wanted to save his face

B. he was extremely hungry

C. he was not poor at all

D. he liked it best

45.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. It was kind of the shop girl to give the gentleman the spoon and let him try some.

B. Sometimes something done out of kindness may turn out to be something bad.

C. The puddings were not welcome, so they were laid in row to catch buyers’ eyes.

D. The elderly gentleman was one of great dignity.


One night, a little before nine o’clock, Dr. Van Eyck answered his telephone.

“We have a very sick boy here. We should operate at once. But we haven’t got a surgeon(外科医生)here at the time.”

“I’m 60 miles from your hospital.” Said Dr. Van Eyck. “And it’s snowing here. But I’ll try to get there before 12 o’clock.”

“I should tell you that the boy’s family is very poor. I don’t think that they can pay you anything.”

“That’s all right,” said Dr. Van Eyck.

A few minutes later, the doctor’s car had to stop for a red light. A man in an old black coat opened the door of the car and got in

“Drive on,” he said. “I’ve got a gun.”

“I’m a doctor,” said Van Eyck. “I’m on way to the hospital to operate on a very sick…”

“Don’t talk, just drive.”

A mile out of the town he ordered the doctor to stop the car and get out. Then the man drove on down the road. The doctor stood there for a moment in the falling snow.

It was after two o’clock in the morning when the surgeon arrived at the hospital.

“I did my best,” said Dr. Van Eyck, “but I was stopped on the road and my car…”

“It was good of you to try. The boy died an hour ago.”

He walked by the door of the hospital waiting room. There sat the man in the old black coat, with his head in his hands.

“Mr. Cunningman,” said a nurse to the man, “this is Dr. Van Eyck. He is the surgeon who came all the way from his town to try to save your boy.”

46.The doctor was late because_______.

A. it was snowing hard all the way

B. he lived 60 miles away from the hospital

C. his car was stopped on the road

D. his car was driven away by someone

47. The very sick boy who needed to be operated on couldn’t have died if ______.

A. it wasn’t snowing that night

B. the doctor hadn’t stopped for that red light

C. the doctor had arrived at one o’clock in the morning

D. the man in the old black coat hadn’t known the doctor

48. Which of the following is not true?

A. Mr. Cunningman was the sick boy’s father

B. Mr. Cunningman was the man in an old black coat

C .Mr. Cunningman robbed the doctor of his car

D. Mr. Cunningman took the doctor’s car as his own

49. The man in an old black coat got into the doctor’s car_____.

A. at a crossing in town

B. at a crossing out of town

C. a mile out of town

D. halfway to the hospital

50.Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A. the boy’s father was happy to see the doctor

B. the boy’s father would be regrettable for what he had done

C. the doctor was happy to save the boy

D. the doctor refused to save the boy’s life because the boy’s father robbed him.

南京大学现代远程教育高中起点升专科高中英语入学测试样卷 2 答案

I. 40%

1-5 DAAAB 6-10 CAAAD

11-15 BACAD 16-20 ACDBC

II. 40%

21-25 CACDD 26-30 CBABC

31-35 DCABC 36-40 ABCDC


41-45 DDDAB 46-50 DBDAB






