

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30



1、I regret ___ that I can’t stay here any longer, but I’ll come back soon.

A、telling you

B、having told you

C、to tell you

D、to have told you

2、___ will take part in the English Speaking Competition will be announced at tomorrow’s meeting.





3、___ that they may gradually reduce the amount of labor by 90 percent.

A、So clever are the construction robots

B、So clever the construction robots are

C、Such construction robots are clever

D、Such clever construction robots are

4、You may invite ____________ wants to go .



C、which one


5、Post the letter for me, ___ you?





6、Do you usually take a vacation?

Yes, I like to go away ___.

A、one time this year

B、once a year

C、one time a year

D、one time in a year

7、Oh, there ___ some ___ on the grassland. Let’s go and see.





8、Neither the brother nor the sister ___ to be friendly.



C、are appearing

D、is appearing

9、________ , by the air , the kite went up into the sky .



C、Having been pushed

D、Having pushed

10、-The round bowl over there is a bit small , isn’t it ?

-_________________ .

A、So are the fish

B、So the fish are

C、Neither the fish

D、either the fish

11、He liked ___ of the two books.





12、Which basketball team do you support?

We’d like ___.

A、the Chicago Bulls win

B、the Chicago Bulls will win

C、that the Chicago Bulls win

D、the Chicago Bulls to win

13、Would you like to go dancing with us tonight, Mary?___

A、I’d love so

B、I will like to

C、I would like that

D、I’d love to

14、___ the new policy, we are now having a happy life.

A、Thanks to



D、Thank for

15、Are you going to the football game?

No. The tickets are ___ expensive for me

A、very much

B、so much


D、much too

16、The cupboard filled with shoes fell over and it took half an hour to ___ them up again.





17、By the end of last month she ___ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.


B、has received

C、had received

D、would receive

18、___ to all that Taiwan is the largest island in China.

A、As is known

B、As we know

C、What is known

D、It is known

19、Her hair is ___.

A、the same color as her mother

B、the same color as her mother's

C、same color as her mother

D、same color as her mother's

20、The classroom is so dirty that it needs ___ badly.


B、to clean

C、being cleaned


二、完形填空(共20小题;每题2分,共40分。) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从后面各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳一项。

Mark Twain was a very clever man. He could think quickly, 1 he had a good sense of humour(幽默). We don’t know if these two stories are true, but they are interesting 2 .

Mark Twain went to a 3 friend to 4 him a favour,“I’d like to 5 a book 6 your library. “I’m sorry,” 7 the friend. “I never permit books to be 8 from my library. If you want to read the book, you 9 read it here in the library. You may not take it home. “

A few days 10 , this same man wanted to mow (割) his lawn (草坪). So he went to Mark Twain’s house to borrow his lawn mower.

“I’m 11 ,” said Twain. “I never permit my lawn mower to be taken from my home. If you want to use it, you must use it here.”

12 time, Twain’s nephew (侄子) was 13 him. One morning, when they 14 went down to breakfast, Twain saw that his nephew’s shoes were dirty.

“Your shoes are covered 15 mud. Why didn’t you clean them last night? “ he 16 the boy.

“I thought it was useless to clean them in 17 bad weather , “the nephew replied. “They will only 18 dirty again in a short time. “ Twain then prepared his breakfast, but he made 19 for the boy.

“Why is there 20 breakfast for me?” the nephew asked.

“I thought it was useless for you to eat, “said Twain, “because you will only get hungry again in a short time. “

21. A. so B. and C. but D. yet

22. A. certainly B. truly C. still D. anyway

23. A. certain B. sure C. some D. his

24. A. do B. show C. ask D. get

25. A. lend B. borrow C. get D. buy

26. A. in B. at C. from D. to

27. A. answered B. replied C. told D. talked

28. A. fetched B. carried C. brought D. taken

29. A. must B. should C. ought to D. may

30. A. ago B. before C. later D. past

31. A. regret B. sorrow C. sorry D. happy

32. A. Next B. The next C. The other D. Another

33. A. seeing B. visiting C. calling D.dropping in

34. A. all B. both C. either D. neither

35. A. with B. of C. by D. in

36. A. said B. spoke C. told D. asked

37. A. such B. such a C. so D. so a

38. A. turn B. grow C. come D. get

39. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

40. A. not B. no C. none D. nothing



I rushed into an ugly little shop to have the heels (鞋后跟) of my shoes repaired. “Please hurry,” I begged.

The shoemaker looked at me over his glasses. “Now, lady, we won’t be long. I want to do a good job. You see, I have a tradition (传统)to live up to. My father was a shoemaker. He always told me, ‘Son, do the best job on every shoe that comes into the shop, and be proud of your fine work.”

As he handed me the finished shoes, he said, “These will last a long time.”

I left the shop with a warm and grateful(感激的)feeling. This was the beginning of our friendship. Since then I went into his shop every few days just to talk with him.

One day, I went in disappointed and angry because of a poor job some painters had done for me.

“They had no pride in their work,” he said. “They didn’t want to work. They just wanted to collect their money for doing nothing. What can be done about it?”

“There’s only one way. Every man or woman who hasn’t a prideful tradition must start building one. No matter what sort of work a man does, if he gives it his best each day, he’s starting a tradition for his children to live up to. And he is making lots of happiness for himself.”

I went to Europe for a few months. When I returned, I learned that the old shoemaker suddenly got sick two weeks ago, right there in his shop. He had died a few days later. I went home with a heavy heart. I would miss him. He had left me something——an important piece of wisdom (名言) I shall always remember: “If you have a prideful tradition, you must carry it on; if you have not, then start building one now.”

41. The old shoemaker thought to do his best in his work each day was ______.

A. to build a tradition for his children to be proud of

B. to start a tradition for himself to live up to

C. to make plenty of happiness for himself

D. to make lots of happiness for others

42. According to the old shoemaker’s opinion, if one didn’t do a good job, he ______.

A. just wanted to collect others’ money

B. just wanted to do nothing

C. wasn’t proud of his work

D. didn’t have a prideful tradition

43. The lady formed a friendship with the old shoemaker because_______.

A. she had the heels of her shoes repaired by him

B. he did a good job to the heels of her shoes

C. she went into his shop every few days to talk with him

D. he taught her an important piece of wisdom

44. The old shoemaker died _____.

A. a few months after the lady went to Europe

B. two weeks before the lady returned from Europe

C. only a few days before the lady returned from Europe

D. a few days after the lady returned from Europe

45.Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A. the lady got something from the shoemaker.

B. the shoemaker knew how to please women.

C. the shoemaker’s words had a great influence on the lady.

D. the lady will forget the shoemaker after he died.


Galileo said that two different objects fall together if they come down from the same height. “Not possible!” his friends said. “Everyone knows that a stone falls faster than a feather(羽毛)!”

“Follow me and I will show you,” commanded Galileo. And up to the top of the tower of Pisa he climbed. He carried a ball in each hand, but one was ten times as heavy as the other. He let them go down at the same time and heard the people become silent when the balls hit the ground together. They had seen something they could not believe!

For the rest of his life he worked to make things that the whole world uses and enjoys today. And he proved to the world that the earth and all other stars move around the sun, which is at the center. To do this, he built a telescope through which he could study the stars, the sun, and the moon.

46. Galileo said that ________ fall together.

A. two objects of different weight from the same height

B. two objects of the same weight from different heights

C. two objects of the same weight from the same height

D. two objects of different weight form different heights

47. Which of the following is not true?

A. Galileo’s friends didn’t believe his story.

B. Galileo’s friends couldn’t believe what they had seen.

C. The two balls weren’t of the same weight.

D. The two balls didn’t fall at the same speed.

48. Galileo said that ________.

A. the earth is at the center of the universe

B. the moon doesn’t move around the sun

C. all the stars move around a center

D. the sun also moves around a center

49. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Galileo was well-known at that time.

B. no people wanted to see the experiment.

C. Galileo was sad because no one believed him.

D. Galileo proved his theory by doing an experiment.

50. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A. Galileo made some money by making things that the whole world uses and enjoys today.

B. Galileo had few friends because nobody wanted to believe his theories.

C. No one was around when Galileo did the experiment

D. Galileo made some wonderful inventions in his life

南京大学现代远程教育高中起点升专科高中英语入学测试模拟卷 3 答案

I. 40%

1-5 CAABC 6-10 BBBBA

11-15 DDDAD 16-20 DCDBD

II. 40%

21-25 BDACB 26-30 CBDAC

31-35 CDBBA 36-40 DADDB


41-45 CDDAC 46-50 ADCDD






