

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30



1. The singer was ______during the performance.

A.at her better B.at her best

C.better D.on her best

2. ___ was the third time that I had attended meeting.

A.That B.It C.This D.What

3. Not until I began to work _____ how much time I had wasted.

A.didn’t I realize

B.did I realize

C.I didn’t realize

D.I realized

4. Eight hours per day for sleep ____ guaranteed so that we can be energetic during the day- time.

A.could be B.might be

C.must be D.ought to be

5. Can you imagine what a girl will look like ____ she comes across a rat in her room?

A.if B.in case

C.though D.now that

6. After we got there, we found that it was _______ city.

A.such a nice B.such nice a

C.so a nice D.so nice

7. There are a few ________ in the baby’s mouth.

A.tooth B.toothes C.tooths D.teeth

8. No teacher and no student ____ absent today.

A.is B.are C.was D.were

9. These gigantic bridges across the Huangpu River ____ in the 1900s.

A.was built B.are built

C.is built D.were built

10. I don’t enjoy reading _____ and I am not into writing.

A.many B.very

C.too much D.too many

11. From 2009 to 2010, he was ____ at Yale.

A.to teach B.teaching

C.teached D.be teached

12. I saw James doing his homework ____ I went to his room.

A.that B.when C.how D.which

13. Either Robert or I ____ going to the movies.

A.are B.is C.am D.were

14. He fell ____ the habit of not attending ____ other people’s advice.

A.of; in B.in; of

C.to; for D.into; to

15. When he came home, he found the door ____.

A.opening B.to open

C.is open D.open

16. There ________ of stars in the sky.

A.is a million B.are million

C.is million D.are millions

17. There are so much noise outsides that the speaker could hardly ____.

A.make the audience hear

B.make the audience hearing from

C.make himself hear

D.make himself heard

18. It was __________ who told me about the news.

A.herself B.himself C.he D.themselves

19. Let’s make it at seven o’clock on Tuesday morning at my office if ________.

A.you’re convenient

B.it is convenient for you

C.you feel convenient

D.it is convenient with you

20. The wind was ___ strong ___ we could hardly move forward.

A.too; too B.too; that

C.so; that D.so; as

二、完形填空(共20小题;每题2分,共40分。) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从后面各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳一项。

The people who lives in the far North are called Eskimos (爱斯基姆人). In the world 1 ice and snow it is 2 to grow plants for food. The Eskimos must hunt and fish 3 the whole year to 4 themselves and their families with food.

In winter, they hunt the seal (海豹) 5 the polar (极地的) bear. When they hunt the seal, they 6 a hole in the ice and try to 7 the seal when it comes up to breathe.

In summer, the Eskimos hunt 8 animals, 9 they also hunt birds and catch fish.

10 that is useful is saved. The Eskimos use the 11 from animals for food. They melt (融化) the fat from their bodies and use the 12 as fuel (燃料). They make tools out of animals’ bones. The skin and furs of animals are used for making clothing.

If an Eskimo is 13 lucky, he may kill a whale (鲸鱼), 14 a dead whale may wash up on the shore near his house. The whale is an especially useful animal, because it gives a great 15 of oil.

There is 16 wood at all where the Eskimos live. Eskimos 17 all their wood from the sea. Sometimes floating wood from places farther south washes up on the shore.

For transportation (运输), Eskimos 18 sleds (雪橇). The sleds are pulled across the ice and snow, or over the frozen ground, by dogs.

Most Eskimo houses are 19 of stones. Instead of a door, there is a long, low tunnel (地道) 20 into the house. People have to crawl (爬) through the tunnel in order to enter the house.

21. A. in B. with C. of D. covered

22. A. important B. impossible C. impolite D. interesting

23. A. in B. during C. through D. over

24. A. supply B. find C. look for D. give

25. A. or B. and C. but D. with

26. A. find B. cut C. beat D. strike

27. A. kill B. beat C. hold D. catch

28. A. another B. other C. others D. new

29. A. so B. but C. and D. or

30. A. Something B. Everything C. Anything D. Nothing

31. A. meat B. blood C. bones D. skin

32. A. fat B. liquid C. oil D. rest

33. A. much B. often C. not D. very

34. A. and B. or C. otherwise D. but

35. A. many B. much C. number D. deal

36. A. not B. no C. none D. little

37. A. find B. have C. receive D. get

38. A. use B. drive C. push D. pull

39. A. built B. constructed C. made D. piled

40. A. going B. coming C. leading D. winding



In the summer of 1897 an English doctor, Ronald Ross, worked in a field hospital in India. Ross set out to find the cause of malaria (疟疾). Ross observed that patients in the field hospital who did not have malaria were more likely to develop the deadly disease in the open wards (病房) than in wards with closed windows or screens. Ross suggested a hypothesis (假设): mosquitoes (蚊子-) in the open wards might be spreading the disease from patients with malaria to patients who did not have the disease.

Ross predicted (预言) that if mosquitoes were spreading malaria (hypothesis), then mosquitoes that had bitten malaria patients and sucked up some of their blood should have picked up the parasite (寄生虫) (prediction), which is always present in the blood of malaria victims (受害人). Ross also predicted that parasites should be alive within the mosquito. Somehow the parasites make their way from the mosquito’s stomach to its saliva (唾液) so that the parasites are transferred (迁移) with the mosquito’s saliva to the next person bitten. So if a person is bitten by a malaria-carrying mosquito, that person will receive some of the parasite in the saliva left behind by the mosquito.

Ross looked for living malaria parasites in mosquitoes that had bitten malaria patients. He carefully dissected (切开) the mosquito’s stomach and found the live parasites.

Ross carried out a control experiment, in which the condition suspected (怀疑) to cause this is compared to the same situation without the suspected condition (a control group). Nothing else is changed in any way. In Ross’s experiment, the suspected condition was mosquitoes feeding on malaria victims. As a control, Ross checked mosquitoes that had not bitten someone with the disease to see if they also contained (包含) the parasite. Gathering mosquitoes that had not yet fed, he allowed them to feed on malaria-free blood, and then he examined them. Their stomachs and saliva lacked (缺乏) the parasite. The control group of mosquitoes did not contain malaria parasite. The experiments proved that Ross’s hypothesis was correct.

Ross’s theory that malaria is transferred by mosquitoes carrying it from one person to another was an important milestone (里程碑) in medicine. Finding the cause of malaria is one of the greatest medical advances of all time.

41. Working in a field hospital, Ross observed were more likely to develop malaria.

A. patients in the field hospital

B. patients who did not have malaria

C. patients in the open wards

D. patients in wards with closed windows and screens

42. Ross’s hypothesis was that .

A. mosquitoes in the open wards might be spreading malaria

B. mosquitoes that had bitten malaria patients should have picked up the parasite

C. parasite is always present in the blood of malaria victims

D. parasite should be alive within mosquitoes that had bitten malaria patients

43. Which of the following is the way of mosquitoes’ spreading malaria?

A. blood of malaria victims→mosquitoes’ stomach→blood of another patient

B. parasite→mosquitoes’ stomach→mosquitoes’ saliva

C. patients with malaria→blood→parasite→blood

D. malaria patients→mosquitoes →person bitten by mosquitoes

44. In Ross’s control experiment .

A. the condition suspected to spread malaria was mosquitoes feeding on malaria patients

B. mosquitoes that hadn’t bitten any malaria victims also contained the parasite

C. mosquitoes were allowed to feed on blood of malaria patients

D. the stomachs and saliva of the control group of mosquitoes did not lack the parasite

45. Which of the following is not true, according to the passage?

A. the parasite is always present in the blood of malaria victims.

B. the parasites can be transferred with the mosquito’s saliva to the next person bitten

C. In the experiment, Ross found no live parasites in the mosquito’s stomach

D. Ross’s theory was an important milestone


We want our kids (小孩) to use the Internet, and yet we worry. But we can find ways to direct our children away from what’s wrong, towards what’s best.

The most effective (有效地) way to monitor (监控) a kids’ online activity is to monitor it. That is, to stand beside the computer from time to time when your child is at it.

Carleton Kendrick suggests that accompanying (陪伴) your child to a website (网站) he often visits is no different from “checking out a playground where your kids go, to see that it’s safe.

In any e-mail program, a look at the senders’ addresses can give you a good idea of your kids’ correspondents (通信者).

America Online allows parents to limit incoming e-mails to a finite (限定的) list of correspondents. Some parents also type their kids’ names into a search engine to discover what they’re saying on websites or message boards.

Understand that as kids get older and demand more privacy (私密), some basic know-how comes into play. America Online has been particularly effective in helping parents give their children an online experience, a “kids-only’ AOL account (帐户) prevents young users from all but full time-monitored chat (聊天) rooms. Katherine Borsecnik, president at AOL, notes, however, that “if I have a child who’s doing a report on breast (乳房) cancer (癌), I might want to turn off the filters (过滤器)” since kids-only access (路径) would block websites with even straight medical information about breast.

Many parents don’t know that a simple click (点击) on the “history” tab (键) will produce a list of links to every website the computer has visited recently. Bonnie Fell opens all the files that have been downloaded (下载) by her two sons at least once a month— “whether the boys are there or not. Although they know it.” As Jim Lynch, who manages message boards for the Boston-based FamilyEducation. com, says, “Parents are the ultimate (最后的) filter.”

46. To stand beside the computer from time to time when your child is at it is .

A. the most effective way to monitor a kid’s online activity

B. the useful way to direct it away from what’s wrong and towards what’s best

C. the good way to protect it on the net

D. checking out a playground where your kids go, to see that it’s safe.

47. To protect their children on the net, parents can .

a. accompany their children to the website they often visit

b. look at the senders’ addresses

c. limit incoming e-mails to a finite list of correspondents

d. type their kids’ names into a search engine to discover something

A. ab B. ac C. abd D. abcd

48. America Online .

A. prevents young users from all but full time-monitored chat rooms

B. blocks websites with even straight medical information

C. produces a list of links to every website the computer has visited recently

D. turn off the filters

49. Which of the following is right?

A. Katherine Borsecnik says parents are the ultimate filter.

B. Carleton Kendrick says accompanying a child to a website is the same as checking out a playground

C. Jim Lynch says she might want to turn off the filters

D. Bonnie Fell says she opens all the files of her two sons whether they are there or not

50. How does Bonnie Fell monitor his two sons’ online activity?

A. Bonnie Fell will stand beside their sons

B. Bonnie Fell opens all the files that have been downloaded by her two sons at least once a month

C. Bonnie Fell will employ a babysitter

D. Bonnie Fell will ask the sons’ teacher to help

南京大学现代远程教育高中起点升专科高中英语入学测试模拟卷 6 答案

I. 40%

1-5 BBBCA 6-10 ADADC

11-15 CBCDD 16-20 DDCBC

II. 40%

21-25 CBBAB 26-30 BABCB

31-35 ACDBD 36-40 BDACC


41-45 CADAC 46-50 ADADB






