

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30

I Vocabulary (please pick out the word that is closest in meaning to the boldfaced word.)

1. To inform is to:

A. impose B. advise C. notify D. lag

2. If you are decent, you are:

A. scared B. polite C. anxious D. sensitive

3. An humorous person is:

A. honest B. intelligent C. funny D. organic

4. To apologize is to:

A. agree B. say sorry C. say thanks D. negotiate

5. An infant is a(n):

A. chance B. hobby C. army D. baby

6. To frown is to:

A. suspect B. search C. disapprove D. compliment

7. To cooperate is to:

A. decide B. deceive C. maintain D. collaborate

8. Something that is indispensable is:

A.essential B. scary C. obvious D. creative

9. To thrive is to:

A.suspend B. prosper C. addict D. indulge

10. To renovate is to:

A. repeat B. rewrite C. renew D. react

11. To devise is to:

A. require B. forgive C. design D. decorate

12. To be explicit is to be:

A. ancient B. minute C. unsure D. definite

13. One’s motivation is one’s:

A. stimulus B. potential C. ideal D. advantage

14. To advocate is to:

A. refuse B. recommend C. appreciate D. criticize

15. Something that is feasible is:

A. ironic B. distressed C. achievable D. available

16. To arouse is to:

A. awaken B. await C. applaud D. allow

17. A attorney is a(n):

A. approach B. advise C. lawyer D. artist

18. To abuse is to:

A. start B. suppress C. maltreat D. protect

19. To shield is to:

A. supply B. spend C. guard D. remove

20. To be unique is to be:

A. reasonable B. elegant

C. independent D. particular

21. To initiate is to:

A. suppose B. provide C. begin D. debate

22. Something that is static is :

A. cruel B. energetic C. impressive D. stationary

23. To cease is to:

A. justify B. oppress C. stop D. upset

24. Something that is scarce is:

A. scared B. insufficient C. deficient D. necessary

25. To convert is to:

A. alter B. encounter C. support D. examine

II Choose the best answer from the four choices.

1.Scientists say that much of______is covered with water.

A. the earth’s surface B. the surface of earth

C. the earth surface D. the surface of the earth

2.He has been absent ________ class for quite some time.

A.in B.of C.for D.from

3. ______ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they can’t be solved.

A.Though B.Suppose C.Because D.Until

4.The police were told that some boys were seen ______ on the street.

A.to play B.playing C.to be playing D.played

5.The music was so __________ that the audience were__________to death.

A.boring/boring B.bored/boring

C.bored/bored D.boring/bored

6.I was about _______the office when the telephone rang.

A.having left B.to have left C.leaving D.to leave

7.I’m hungry. ______ we find a restaurant and have something to eat?

A.Will B.Shall C.Would D.Do

8.Energy can be changed from one form into another ______ different ways.

A.with B.through C.by D.in

9.The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white building is the place where the spare parts_______.

A.are producing B.are produced

C.produced D.being produced

10.The atmosphere ________ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.

A.composes of B.is made up

C.consists of D. makes up of

11.I hadn’t seen him for years, but I _____his voice on the telephone.

A.realized B.recognized C.discovered D.heard

12.The higher the temperature, _______ the liquid evaporates.

A.the faster B.the more fast C.the slower D.the more slower

13. _______ you know, David has been well lately.

A.Which B.As C.What D.When

14.You shouldn’t ______ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.

A.cut B.die C.kill D.kick

15.Mike is better than Peter _____ swimming.

A.for B.at C.on D.in

16.In order to improve our conditions, this new scheme must be _____ .

A.adjusted B.adapted C.adopted D.adhered

17.How did it ______that he made so many mistakes in his homework?

A.come about B.occur to him C.bring about D.take place

18.No one _______ that to his face.

A.dares say B.dares saying C.dare say D.dare to say

19.Would you like to have ______ coffee to drink?

A.some B.any C.any other D.some with

20.I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly______ to me.

A.appeared B.happened C.occurred D.emerged

21.It’s bad______ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.

A.behavior B.action C.manner D.movement

22.I often see _____ the road on his way home.

A.he cross B.him cross C.him crossed D.he crossing

23. The house is dark; the Turners______to bed.

A.must have gone B.must go

C.can have gone D.may go

24.Compared with last year, the output of the factory this year has increased _________ 20%.

A.with B.at C.for D.by

25.The older generation tend to complain about the ______ modern life.

A.fast-pace B.fast-pace C.fast paced D fastly paced


I. 1-5 CBCBD 6-10 CDABC 11-15CDABC 16-20 ACCCD 21-25 CDCBA

II. 1-5DDABD 6-10DBDBC 11-15BABCB 16-20CAAAC 21-25ABADB

III Writing

1. Directions: write an essay on the topic “Man and Nature” in no less than 120 words. Please write your essay on the corresponding part of the Answer Sheet.

2. Directions: write an essay on the topic “Is We-chat Connecting Us or Disconnecting Us?” in no less than 120 words. Please write your essay on the corresponding part of the Answer Sheet.






