

责编:贺园园 2020-03-30


Vocabulary and Structure

1.Mr. Wang is very friendly, and like him very much.





2.–Excuse me; may I take a seat here?

– . The man on the seat has left.

A.You’d better not

B.No, thanks

C.Yes, please

D.I’m afraid not

3.Tian’anmen Square is one of squares in the world.




D.the largest

4.– you swim?

–Yes, but I’m not a good swimmer.





5.There many students in the library after school every day.

A. has

B. have

C. is

D. are

6. –Guess how much does it cost?

–I think it cost 15 and 20 dollars.

A. from

B. between

C. among

D. with

7. It can’t be Lucy’s bike. Look! is under the tree.

A. She

B. Her

C. Hers

D. She’s

8. –______ won the 100th gold at the Olympics for China?

–Zhang Yining, she’s from Beijing.

A. Who

B. What

C. When

D. Where

9. –The banana pie tastes delicious.

–Could I have another ?

A. one

B. it

C. this

D. that

10. –Mom, when shall we go to Weifang Museum this weekend?

–Oh, sorry. I’m going to Beijing for a meeting. Saturday Sunday is OK.

A. Neither, nor

B. Both, and

C. Either, or

D. Not only, but also

11. Would you mind my using your dictionary?


A. Yes, please

B. Of course not

C. You are welcome

D. My pleasure

12. Where are ______________?

A. the teachers’ rooms

B. the teacher’s rooms

C. The teacher’s room

D. the room of the teachers

13. My uncle told me he was going to visit___________.

A. the United State

B. the United States

C. United States

D. United State

14. I saw _____ old man walking across the street and _____old man looked worried.

A. an, an

B. the, the

C. an, the

D. the, an

15. -Do you like Jane’s new skirt?

-Yes, very much. I’ll ask mum to buy ___for me.

A. one

B. it

C. the other

D. a

16. Here are two apples, you may have ______of them.

A. every

B. any

C. all

D. either

17. I saw _____ playing basketball on the playground just now.

A. them

B. their

C. theirs

D. they

18. -What’s the date today?


A. nine

B. Monday

C. June 5th

D. 11:00

19. _____ my way home ,I met an old friend of mine.

A. In

B. By

C. On

D. At

20. -I'm going to have an English exam tomorrow.


A. Good luck

B. I'm sorry

C. That's ok

D. Congratulations

21. -Would you mind my using your dictionary?


A. Yes, please

B. Of course not

C. You are welcome

D. My pleasure

22. Where are ______________?

A. the teachers’ rooms

B. the teacher’s rooms

C. The teacher’s room

D. the room of the teachers

23. My uncle told me he was going to visit___________.

A. the United State

B. the United States

C. United States

D. United State

24. I saw _____ old man walking across the street and _____old man looked worried.

A. an, an

B. the, the

C. an, the

D. the, an

25. -Do you like Jane’s new skirt?

-Yes, very much. I’ll ask mum to buy ___for me.

A. one

B. it

C. the other

D. a

26."Which of the two ties will you take? I'll take ___ to give me a change sometimes. "

A. either

B. both

C. neither

D. all

27.It was terrible. One passenger was killed, and ___ was badly hurt.

A. the others

B. rest

C. the other

D. the rest

28.The factory has ___ money and fewer workers than last year.

A. much

B. many

C. less

D. little

机考《高起专综合 英语》复习资料参考答案

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