

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30

1. They sell many kinds of ________ in the shop.

A.watchs B.watch C.watches D.watch’s

2. The bridge is three hundred ________ long.

A.feet B.foots C.footes D.feets

3. In Britain the ________ are all painted red.

A.letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letter’s boxes D.letters’ boxes

4. He is a friend of ________.

A. my sister’s B.I sister C. me sister D. me sisters’

5. She looked ________ today and smiled ________ all the time.

A.happy…happy B.happily…happily C.happy…happily D.happily…happy

6. The number of articles published on smoking ________ surprising.

A.is B.are C.were D.have been

7. I am ________ grateful for the advice you gave me.

A.deep B.deeply C.depth D.deepen

8. Alice isn’t the tallest girl in her class, but she is taller than ________.

A.any of the girls

B.any other girl

C.some the other girls

D.some of the other girls

9. Where have you ________? Tom is looking for you.

A.gone B.been to C.gone to D.been

10. Who ________ the picture? It’s upside-down.

A.hung B.hang C.hanged D.hanging

11. Look at the clouds. It ________ rain.

A.will B.shall C.is going to D.is

12. “Have you finished your work?” “No, ________.”

A.haven’t B.not yet C.already not D.don’t yet

13. This story _______ in a small village in European.

A.was taken place B.took place C.took the place D.took the place of

14. Half of the money ________ your brother.

A.belong to B.belong C.belongs to D.belongs

15. The thermos is used for _________ water hot.

A.to keep B.keeping C.keep D.kept

16. Ben had a broken arm ________ the motorcyclist had a broken leg.

A.for B.so C.and D.but

17. ________ of the boys has got a pencil and some paper.

A.All B.Every C.Everyone D.Each

18. ________ a few sheep behind the house.

A.It is B.They are C.There are D.There is

19. “________ paper do you read?”

“I read‘China Daily’.”

A.Which B.How C.How many D.What

20. It was raining ______ I got off the bus.

A.when B.while C.though D.because

21. Although it’s raining, ________ we are going to see him this afternoon.

A.but B.and C.then D./

22. “Would you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?” “________.”

A.Yes, I’d like to watch TV

B.No, I do not watch TV

C.Yes, to listen to the radio

D.I’d like to watch TV

23. Don’t drink too much coffee in the evening, ________ you won’t fall asleep.

A.and B.or C.but D.so

24. It’s still early. How about ________ the piano for a while?

A. to play B. play C. do you play D. playing

25. Nothing can make me ________ it is a ________ story.

A. to believe…real

B. believe in…true

C. to believe in…true

D. believe…real

26. “Alice couldn’t answer the question, could she?” “________.”

A. No, she couldn’t

B. No, she could

C. Yes, she couldn’t

D. Yes, she answers

27. All the desks in the classroom ________ dust.

A.are covered with

B.are cover with

C.are covering with

D.covered with

28. These kinds of shoes ________ well.

A.don’t sell B.are not sold C.won’t be sold D.were not sold

29. I’m sorry you can’t go in now. The room _______ yet.

A.hasn’t been cleaned

B.hasn’t cleaned

C.isn’t been cleaned

D.hasn’t being cleaned

30. It is a fine day today. You _______ take a raincoat with you.

A.mustn’t B.can’t C.may D.needn’t

31. Paul is working hard these days. He _______ pass the exam this time.

A.has to B.shall C.may D.need

32. It’s snowing now. You’d better _______ at home.

A.stayed B.to stay C.stay D.staying

33. _______ you please _______ a minute?

A.Would…wait B.Do…wait C.Shall…wait D.May…wait

34. “_______ I go out and play now?” “No, you mustn’t.”

A.Need B.May C.Shall D.Will

35. ________ was the population in China by the end of last year?

A.How much B.What C.How many D.Which

36. “________ paper do you read?” “I read‘China Daily’.”

A.Which B.How C.How many D.What

37. He never has lunch at the factory, ________ he?

A.has B.hasn’t C.does D.doesn’t D.Yes, she answers

38. Everything is ready for the test, ________?

A.aren’t they B.are they C.isn’t it D.is it

39. Two of the boys ________ while playing football.

A.hurt B.were hurting C.got hurt D.had been hurt

40. We often use signs as well as words to tell people _________.

A.what to do B.to do how C.how to do D.to do what

41. I often visited the British Museum ______ I was staying in London.

A. until B. while C. during D. throughout

42. Speak to her slowly ______ she may catch you.

A. because B. so that C. for D. since

43. ______ needs further discussion whether we'll build a library or not.

A. We B. He C. It D. The thing

44. People in the west make ______ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.

A. that B. it C. this D. as

45. The computer center, ______ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.

A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened

46. I don’t know ______ or not he will come to the party tomorrow evening.

A. weather B. if C. that D. whether

47. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______.

A. it what to do with B. what to do it with C. what to do with it D. to do what with it

48. Whistling the merry tune, ______.

A. his bike was being repaired

B. his bike was repaired by Jack

C. Jack was repairing his bike D. Jack's bike was being repaired

49. ______ little water is not enough for ______ many people.

A. Such, so B. So, so C. Such, such D. So, such

50. The singer was ______during the performance.

A.at her better B.at her best C.better D.on her best

51. ________teacher has gone to America. ________ of them are still in Shanghai.

A.Both…Both B.Both…Neither C.Neither…Both D.Neither...neither

52. The boy has to look after himself, because his parents ________ abroad.

A.are both B.both are C.are all D.all are

53. John can speak English and Mary can speak English ________.

A.also B.either C.as also D.as well

54. ________ human beings ________ animals can live without air.

A.Not only…but also B.Both…and C.Either…or D.Neither…nor

55. When did you______from your trip last year?

A.arrive at B.get back C.go ahead D.returned back

56. He was born in the north, but_____in the south.

A.brought up B.grew up C.picked up D.came up

57. Grandma is ill. I have to_____her at home.

A.take hold of B.take care of C.pay attention to D.put my heart into

58. She is so kind that everyone here_____her_____ their sister.

A.looks after…as B.looks for…as C.looks on…as D.look up…as

59. Everybody looked ________ at the sick boy.

A.sadly B.sad C.unhappy D.worried

60. The Chinese people first _____ paper in the world.

A.invented B.discovered C.made D.did

61. My mother won’t allow me to travel ________.

A.alone B.lonely C.one man D.along

62. I like to _____ others playing basketball.

A.watch B.see C.look D.notice

63. I _____ a lot more time in writing English than before.

A.spend B.cost C.take D.put

64. You must keep _____ in the reading-room.

A.still B.quiet C.quite D.quietly

65. “Did you _____ my English book yesterday?"

“No, I didn’t. Did you it to Jane?”

A.borrow…borrow B.borrow…lend

C.lend…lend D.lend…borrow

66. They ________ every minute of it at the party yesterday.

A.enjoyed B.pleased C.played D.wanted

67. I saw my dog ________ a cat yesterday.

A.run away B.run C.set out D.run after

68. I saw my dog_____ a cat yesterday.

A. run away B.run C.set out D.run after

69. Li Ping’s father told him never to_____ the study of English.

A.give out B.give up C.give in D.give back

70. As a student we should ________ manners.

A.do B.take C.make D.have

71.“Are foreign languages much more interesting than science?”

“No, I don’t________ you.”

A. agree to B. agree with C. get on with D. go on with

72. It’s not right to ________ people when they are in trouble.

A. laugh B. laugh on C. laugh at D. laugh for

73. I can’t go to the cinema with you. I must ________ the lessons first.

A. go on B. go over C. go down D. go into

74. We will speak to her about it ________ next week.

A. sometimes B. sometime C. some times D. some time

75. Don’t stand there in the doorway. Please ________ come in ________ go out.

A. either…or B. neither…nor C. so…that D. and…or

76. When the parents were at work, they ________ to look after the baby.

A. took turns B. wont on C. worried about D. took interest in

77. Knock at the door, before you ________ the room.

A. enter into B. come in C. go to D. enter

78. “What do you ________ the film?” “Oh, it’s very interesting.”

A. think about B. think of C. get ready for D. ring up

79. The machine made a terrible ________ so we couldn’t________ each other.

A.noise…hear B.voice…hear C.sound…listen D.shout…listen

80. He ________ the same mistake again and again.

A.did B.made C.had D.tried

81. She ________ a cold for three weeks.

A.has caught B.has got C.has taken D.has had

82. There are ________ no trees in this poor area.

A.hardly B.nearly C.mostly D.almost

83. He said he would give me the money, but he ________ hasn’t given it to me.

A.yet B.still C.already D.too

84. The doctor ________ an operation to a very sick worker.

A.gave B.did C.made D.took

85. I hope that I can hear from you ________

A.quickly B.fast C.fastly D.soon

86. I believe that she will catch up with others ________

A.fast B.fastly C.quick D.quickly

87. I like to ________ others playing basketball.

A.watch B.see C.look D.notice

88. She ________ a bag of sweets on the floor.

A.dropped B.fall C.fell D.felt

89. The man________ himself before the police came.

A.was hanged B.hung C.had hung D.hanged

90. Robots can’t completely ________ humans though they are very clever.

A.take the place of B.take place C.instead D.instead of

91. Why not ________ your pretty blue dress? It’s your birthday.

A.put up B.put on C.put down D.put into

92. Li Ping’s father told him never to ________ the study of English.

A.give out B.give up C.give in D.give back

93. What time are you going to ________ tomorrow?

A.set up B.set out C.set down D.put up

94. Have you ________ the race?

A.left for B.set out for C.asked for D.entered for

95. My friend is visiting us next week, and I will ________ Shanghai.

A.see him off B.show him around C.give him a message D.ring him up

96. Do your best and I’m sure you will________ your classmates.

A.keep off B.keep away from C.keep up with D.keep on

97. Which hobby group do you ________ ?

A.join in B.take part in C.belong to D.take place

98. The baby often ________ in the middle of the night.

A.wakes up B.brings up C.gets up D.picks up

99 The girl ________ but could see nobody. She began to feel afraid.

A.looked after B.looked for C.looked around D.looked at

100. As soon as he entered the classroom, Paul ________ his coat.

A.put up B.give up C.took off D.turn on







