

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30

60. A lawyer’s income is usually very high, ________ more than one million yuan a year.

(A) add up to (B) added up to

(C) amounted to (D) amounting to


61. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) coast (B) broad (C) soap (D) float


62. Because of the terrible weather, neither I nor she ________ have a walk this evening.

(A) am going to (B) are going to (C) is going to (D) was going to


63. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three.

(A) exercise (B) excuse (C) explain (D) tremely


64. It is not polite to ________ when someone is making a speech at a meeting like this.

(A) turn up (B) cut in (C) speak out (D) stand by


65. ________, its very tidy.

(A) As her room is small (B) Small as her room is

(C) As small her room is (D) Small as her room


66. Please speak loudly ________ everyone in the classroom can hear you.

(A) so that (B) so as to (C) in order to (D) so on


67. On April 1st they flew to Beijing, ________ they stayed several days.

(A) when (B) which (C) where (D) there


68. She should stop working; she has a headache because she ________ too long.

(A) has been reading (B) had read (C) is reading (D) read


69. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) Wednesday (B) thunder (C) language (D) twentieth


70. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) word (B) world (C) sword (D) worm


71. The experiment ________ the discovery of a cure for cancer.

(A) happened to (B) led up (C) resulted in (D) set up


72. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) graduate (B) recognize (C) apology (D) finger


73. Nobody but John ________ the secret.

(A) know (B) ) knows (C) have known (D) is known


74. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) hall (B) fall (C) small (D) shall


75. She got to know the young man very well ________ she had worked for so long.

(A) with whom (B) in whom (C) whom (D) to whom


76. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three.

(A) maps (B) bags (C) desks (D) bikes


77. The committee members propose that the plan ________ postponed for a few days.

(A) being (B) to be (C) been (D) be


78. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three.

(A) butter (B) mute (C) mule (D) assume


79. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three.

(A) enough (B) rough (C) tough (D) though


80. When the old lady is alone in the house, her dog makes her feel ________ and relaxed.

(A) safe (B) healthy (C) lonely (D) angry


81. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three.

(A) Christ mas (B) tight ly (C) first (D) test


82. —Do you like the book Sidney gave you? —Very much. Its exactly ________ I wanted.

(A) one which (B) the one (C) one that (D) one what


83. All of her living cost ________ 2,000 yuan each month.

(A) gets to (B) equals to (C) arrives at (D) comes at


84. I don’t mind ________ the decision.

(A) you to delay making (B) your delaying making

(C) your delaying to make (D) you delay to make


85. Your little girl is becoming very rude. You ________ scold her.

(A) may (B) can (C) ought to (D) need


86. It’s reported that the police are ________ the area for the criminal.

(A) processing (B) searching (C) operating (D) handling


87. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) childhood (B) chicken (C) character (D) chairman


88. Though he ________ well prepared before the job interview, he failed to answer some important questions.

(A) will be (B) would be (C) has been (D) had been


89. He spoke so quickly that I did not ________ what he said.

(A) catch (B) accept (C) take (D) listen


90. Most Chinese like to drink tea. But some prefer coffee ________ tea.

(A) to (B) with (C) for (D) against


91. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three.

(A) mamage (B) many (C) matter (D) madam


92. ________ he was seriously ill, I wouldn’t have told him the truth.

(A) If I knew (B) If I know (C) Had I known (D) Did I know


93. ________determines a good meal varies from country to country.

(A) What (B) That (C) It (D) Which


94. So many representatives________, the conference had to be postponed.

(A) to be absent (B) were absent (C) being absent (D) was absent


95. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) turn (B) saturday (C) hurt (D) occur


96. We anticipate ________ problems in carrying out the reform.

(A) run into (B) to run into (C) running into (D) ran into


97. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) aunt (B) author (C) austrilia (D) autumn


98. The city has decided to ________ all the old buildings.

(A) break away from (B) get rid of (C) come up with (D) knock down


99. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) coast (B) broad (C) soap (D) float


100. If you travel in a foreign country, a tour ________ may save you a lot of trouble.

(A) director (B) guide (C) helper (D) assistant


101. I’d like to ________ your essay with you when you have time.

(A) go for (B) go over (C) go after (D) go by


102. He doesn’t feel like ________ a picnic in the park this weekend, and he suggested watching the football match instead.

(A) have (B) to have (C) having (D) had


103. You’d better ________ the whole article at once.

(A) copy (B) to copy (C) copying (D) copied


104. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three.

(A) deal (B) deaf (C) weak (D) beat


105. Don’t worry! Just do it ________ I do it.

(A) like (B) since (C) for (D) as


106. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) lecture (B) recognize (C) level (D) recent


107. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three.

(A) worth (B) worn (C) worst (D) word


108. The manager told us never to ________ till tomorrow what we can do today.

(A) come up (B) turn on (C) put off (D) give out


109. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) rather (B) worth (C) thus (D) whether


110. If you ________ smoking and drinking, your health will improve soon.

(A) gave up (B) had given up (C) give up (D) will give up


111. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three.

(A) asleep (B) awake (C) hasten (D) Christmas


112. He said, “I ________ a lot of new words by the end of last year.”

(A) had already learnt (B) have already learnt

(C) would have already learnt (D) already learnt


113. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) gone (B) done (C) another (D) glove


114. The machine will continue to make much noise ________ we have it repaired.

(A) when (B) if (C) because (D) unless


115. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) print (B) high (C) right (D) mind


116. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) persuaded (B) happened (C) treated (D) wounded


117. ________, she often behaves like a child.

(A) As old is she (B) As old she is (C) Old as is she (D) Old as she is


118. The government gave several good ________ for increasing the tax on cigarettes.

(A) purposes (B) reasons (C) questions (D) problems


119. There are 4 words marked A), B), C) and D ) in each group. Choose the one which underlined part has a different pronunciation from the other three

(A) circle (B) bicycle (C) cake (D) ceiling







