

责编:胡静婕 2020-03-30

Part I. Vocabulary and Structure

1. The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness D by his lack of talent.

A.than B.more than C.as D.so much as

2. —The boss wants to talk to you. He seems unhappy with your performance.

—Oh, I B be in trouble. I hope he won't fire me.

A. must B. can C. should D. would

3. You should learn through failures. Why don't you _C_ your plan or try a new approach?

A. accept B. repeat C. adjust D. refuse

4. Many governments are now taking __A___to reduce smoking in public places.

A. steps B. sides C. effect D. change

5. He is __C__ nervous ______ he moved about the room all the time.

A. such; that B. that; that C. so; that D. so; as

6. When John left the office, Amy _D_ at her desk.

A.is still working B. has still worked

C. had still worked D. was still working

7. Not until the game had begun _C__ at the sports ground.

A. should he have arrived B. would he have arrived

C. did he arrive D. had he arrived

8. It is kind __C_ you to do me a favor at this moment.

A. to B. for C. of D. about

9. If you _B__ stayed at home, this would never have happened.

A. have B. had C. will have D. would have

10. You'd better take these documents with you __B__ you need them for the meeting.

A. unless B. in case C. until D. so that

11. — My room gets very cold at night.

— __B__.

A. So is mine B. So does mine C. So mine is D. So mine does

12. _A_ parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.

A. What B. That C. Which D. As

13. I asked two passers-by how to the new railway station, but ___C__ of them knew it.

A. none B. either C. neither D. both

14. You cannot be _C__ careful when you drive a car.

A. very B. so C. too D. enough

15. My father seemed to be in no _D__ to look at my school report.

A. feeling B. emotion C. attitude D. mood

16. I feel very excited___C__ the thought of joining my family in a week.

A. on B. for C. at D. in

17. Children don't understand initially what they are reciting, but___D__ it will have an impact on their thinking.

A. casually B. especially C. regularly D. gradually

18. He pointed at the new car and asked, "___D__ is it? Have you ever seen it before?"(2017)

A. Why B. Where C. Who D. Whose

19. My father asked __B___ to help with his work.

A.I and Tom B. Tom and me C.me and Tom D.om and I

20. Not until the game had begun __C__ at the sports ground.

A. should he have arrived B. would he have arrived

C. did he arrive D. had he arrived

21. Moviegoers know that many special effects are created by computers, _C__they often don' t know is that these scenes still require a lot of work.

A. That B. Whom C. What D. How

22. One of the strongest hurricanes _B_ was the Florida Keys Storm of 1935, during which 500 people were killed.

A. to record   B. recorded C. recording   D. being recorded

23. To make the fish __A_ nice, she put in some sugar and wine vinegar.

A. taste   B. to taste   C. tasted   D. tasting

24. My daughter runs faster than __B_ in her class, She runs the fastest.

A. a boy B. any boy C. some boys D. most boys

25. I’m very sorry to have D_ you with so many questions on such an occasion.

A.interfered B.offended C.impressed D.bothered

26. Well, let's put our heads together and find a(n)___C___to the problem.

A. measure B. way C. solution D. method

27. You cannot see the patient at the moment; he is now _C__ medical treatment.

A. in B. on C. under D. at

28. Let’s think of a situation _A_ this idiom can be used.

A. where B. which C. that D. what

29. Not only __C__ very well, but also ______ well.

A. she cooks; does she dance B. she cooks; she dances

C. does she cook; she dances D. does she cook; does she dance

30. The facilities of the older hotel __D__.

A. is as good or better than the new hotel

B. are as good or better than the new hotel

C. is as good as or better than that of the new hotel

D. are as good as or better than those of the new hotel

Part II. Cloze

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that is most suitable.


The destruction of habitats(栖息地) all over the world is the primary reason species are becoming extinct(灭绝) or endangered. Houses, highways,dams, industrial buildings, and ever-spreading- farms now dominate 1 formerly occupied by forests, deserts, and wetlands. 2 the beginning of European settlement in America, 3 over 65,000,000 acres of wetlands have been drained. One million acres alone vanished 4 1985 and 1995.

habitat destruction can be 5 or it can be subtle occurring over a 6 period of time without being noticed. 7 such as sewage from cities and chemical runoff from farms, can change the 8 and quantity of water in streams and rivers. To 9 living in a delicately balanced habitat, this disturbance can be as 10 as the clear-cutting of a rainforest.

11 remaining habitats are carved into smaller and smaller pockets or islands, remaining species are forced to exist in these 12 areas, which causes further habitat 13 . These species become less adaptable to environmental 14 in fact, they become 15 endangered Scientists believe that when a habitat is cut by 90%, one-half of its plants, animals and insects will become extinct.

(A)1.A.landscapes B. cities C.maps D. pictures

(C)2.A.At B. Before C.After D.Since

(A)3.A.for example B.in addition C.at last D.after all

(C)4.A.both B.in C.between D.before

(D)5.A.simple B.beneficial C. interesting D. obvious

(A)6.A.long B.short C.happy D. sad

(B)7.A.Construction B.Pollution C.Farming D.Living

(D)8.A.amount B.purity C.nature D.quality

(B)9.A.people B.species C.plants D.insects

(C)10.A.effective B.small C. fatal D.surprising

(D)11.A.How B. Whether C. Before D. As

(A)12.A.crowded B.extensive C.large D. bare

(B)13.A.reform B.destruction C.support D.discovery

(B)14.A.improvements B.changes C.protection D.development

(C)15.A.even B.far C.more D.less


What enables some people to get big creative breakthroughs while others only get small and non-creative breakdowns, blaming themselves and society? Are some people "gifted"? Are there other factors 1 work--factors that we have more control over than we think?

While nobody can deny the 2 that some people seem to be blessed with particular creativity, research shows that anyone can 3 their chances of coming up with new and original ideas 4 they would only engage themselves more in the process of 5 . It' s the old Thomas Edison thing about "discovery 6 99 percent perspiration (汗水) and 1 percent inspiration. "

7 , the studies prove this:great creative breakthroughs usually happen only 8 intense periods of struggle. It is sustained effort towards a specific goal 9 eventually prepares for great creative insights.

This kind of sustained effort does not always 10 immediate results, a fact that not only separates the innovators (革新者) from non-innovators, but 11 leads some people to conclude that it is just not 12 for them. "Maybe I should have gone to medical school like my mother wanted," they wonder when the breakthrough is 13 to be found. Alas, one forgets during inevitable encounters 14 self-doubt,that the big surprise is never 15 . Indeed,it can happen at any time and place.

(C)1. A. to B. in C. at D.by

(D)2. A. issue B. problem C. reason D. fact

(C)3. A. miss B. reduce C. increase D.lose

(B)4. A. because B. if C. while D. whether

(A)5. A. creation B. practice C. production D. achievement

(A)6. A. being B. be C. was D. were

(D)7. A. Sooner or later B. Some day or other C. Every now and then D. Time and again

(B)8. A. beyond B. after C. above D. through

(A)9. A. that B. who C. what D. as

(B)10. A. create B. produce C. inspire D. encourage

(D)11. A. too B. once C. again D. also

(C)12. A. good B. difficult C. possible D. stupid

(D)13. A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere

(C)14. A. against B. across C. with D. into

(A)15. A. far away B. used up C. cleared off D. near by


Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend? Now you 1 do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks (网络) have become a 2 for many people to shop without 3 having to leave their homes.

Some shoppers are 4 of department stores and supermarkets- 5 the crowds, waiting in long lines,and sometimes 6 of finding anything they want to buy. They'd rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and 7 a friendly announcer describe a product 8 a model shows it. And they can 9 around the clock, buying something 10 by making a phone call.

Department stores and even mail-under companies are 11 to join in the success of home shopping. Large department stores are busy 12 their own TV channels (频道) to encourage TV shopping in the future. Customers can ask questions about products and place orders, all through their TV sets.

Will shopping by television finally take the place of shopping in stores? Some industry managers think so. 13 many people find shopping at a real store a great enjoyment. And for many shoppers, it is still important to 14 or try on dresses they want to buy. That's why specialists say that in the future, home shopping will 15 together with store shopping but will never entirely replace (取代) it.

(D)1. A. must

(B)2. A. programme

(A)3. A. ever

(C)4. A. proud

(A)5. A. fighting

(C)6. A. sense

(B)7. A. see

(D)8. A. until

(A)9. A. shop

(C)10. A. suitably

(D)11. A. nervous

(C)12. A. putting up

(B)13. A. Then

(D)14. A. design

(A)15. A. exist B. should

B. way

B. never

B. fond

B. striking

B. doubt

B. watch

B. since

B. wait

B. cheaply

B. lucky

B. making up

B. Yet

B. make

B. practise C. shall

C. reason

C. still

C. tired

C. treating

C. hope

C. let

C. if

C. turn

C. simply

C. equal

C. setting up

C. However

C. wear

D. follow D. can

D. purpose

D. once

D. careful

D. stopping

D. feeling

D. notice

D. while

D. deliver

D. hardly

D. eager

D. looking up

D. Therefore

D. touch

D. appear

Part III. Reading

Directions: there are two reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. choose the best answer.


There were many different cultures in the ancient world, but the two that had the most influence on European and American civilizations were the Greek and the Roman. Often these two cultures are lumped together in our minds, as if they were really exactly alike. But that is not the case. In many ways the Greeks and the Romans could not have been more different.

The Greeks were truly democratic, often without a single leader but instead governed by a group of men chosen by the people. The Romans were semi-democratic. They had a governing Senate, but the political power was mostly or completely in the hands of a single emperor.

Both cultures were great builders. But the construction interests of the two cultures were also different. The Greeks tended to be more artistic. Their buildings were well constructed and they were especially interested in temples, columns, and decorative forms. The Romans, on the other hand, were more engineers than artists. They concentrated their efforts on urban planning, well-functioning water pipes, and the best roads.

Only in cooking and eating habits are the two cultures really similar. Both peoples ate very well indeed: lots of fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, healthy meals, holding at the same time long discussions and tasting excellent wines.

In fact, it would probably be fair to say that they both loved life in their warm,sea-oriented climates and they both lived a full life.

1. What is the first paragraph about?(C)

A. The Greek and the Roman were similar.

B. People misunderstood European civilization.

C. Greek civilization was quite different from Roman civilization.

D. European civilization influenced American civilization greatly.

2. Which of the following is TRUE?(B)

A. The Romans had more political awareness.

B. The Romans had less political freedom and democracy.

C. The Romans had more freedom to choose their leader.

D. The Romans had fewer people elected into the government.

3. What were the Greeks famous for?(B)

A. The overall planning of a city or a town.

B. The artistic decoration of the buildings.

C. The practical functions of the buildings.a

D. The system of water supply and transportation.

4. How are the two cultures alike?(D)

A. Both loved the sea.

B. Both lived long lives.

C. Both loved cooking

D. Both enjoyed talking over meals.


Tom had once worked in a city office in London, but now he was out of work.He had a large family to support, so he often found himself in difficulty.He often visited Mr.White on Sundays, told him about his troubles, and asked for two or three pounds.

Mr.White, a man with a kind heart, found it difficult to refuse to give the money, though he himself was poor.Tom had already received more than thirty pounds from Mr.White, but he always seemed to be in need of some more.

One day, after telling Mr.White a long story of his troubles, Tom asked for five pounds.Mr.White had heard this sort of thing before, but he listened patiently to the end.Then he said,“I understand your difficulties, Tom.I’d like to help you.But I’m not going to give you five pounds this time.I’ll lend you the money, and you can pay me back next time you see me.”

Tom took the money, but he never appeared again.

5.Tom was now in difficulties because he ____.(D)

A.worked in a city office and was poorly paid

B.was poorly paid and had a large family to support

C.was poorly paid and always spent money carelessly

D.was out of work and had a large family to support

6.Altogether Tom received from Mr White.(A)

A.at least thirty-five pounds B.just thirty-five pounds

C.less than thirty pounds D.five pounds

7.Every time Tom went to Mr.White, he would .(B)

A.directly ask for some money.

B.give some reasons before asking for money.

C.give reasons and then borrow five pounds.

D.ask for money before explaining his troubles.

8.Mr.White decided to lend, not to give Tom five pounds in order to .(C)

A.encourage him to come again

B.get all his money back.

C.get rid of him

D.thank him for his stories.


Sometimes I scratch my head when I read about the government' s efforts to improve schools: new standards and tests to be applied, strict teacher evaluations, and threats of school closures and job losses. They frighten the school employees, not to mention the students. Instead of making people unable to solve problems or try new ideas--which is what fear does to us--research on school reform strongly suggests that policy-makers should encourage school leaders to take a more humane approach. In their study on the reform efforts of twelve Chicago public schools, Bryk and Schneider found that enabling positive social relationships between the adults was the key to successful school improvement and that trust was at the heart of those relationships.

Trust in schools comes down to one thing:psychological safety or safety to speak one's mind,to discuss with openness and honesty what is and isn’ t working,to make collective decisions.

Yet this kind of safety doesn’ t come easily to schools. According to Bryk and Schneider, the adults in school rely on each other to do their jobs correctly and with integrity (正直). The challeage is that our expectations are very diverse based on our unique backgrounds.

At one school where I taught, each teacher had different expectations about how much effort teachers should put into their work--a big difference between the teachers who left after the last bell and those who worked into the evening. And when expectations are uncoasci or unspoken, it becomes impossible for others to live up to them.

We also make assumptions about the intentions behind a person' s behavior. As we all Imam,assumptions are often wrong. For example, parents and teachers my think the principal made a particular decision based on his career advancement rather than hat" s best for the students. don't feel psychologically safe to question our assumptions and expectations, trust flies out the window and our relationships suffer.

9. According to Paragraph 1,why does the author scratch his head?(D)

A. Because he doesn' t know what to do once schools are closed.

B. Because he is not sure about the practicability of those new tests.

C. Because he is concerned that many teachers will lose their jobs.

D. Because he is not in favor of the government' s reform efforts.

10. According to Bryk and Schneider, what was most important for successful school improvemt?(B)

A. New standards and tests in schools.

B. Positive social relationships.

C. Strict teacher and student evaluations.

D. Assistance of the government.

11. What is meant by trust in school?(A)

A. Freedom to express one' s views,

B. Extra effort teachers put into their work.

C. Independence of the teachers in schools.

D. Unconscious and unspoken expectations.

12. What does the author say about the assumptions made about the intentions behind a person's behavior?(C)

A. They should be trusted.

B. They are often bold.

C. They are often incorrect.

D. They should be encouraged.

Part IV. Writing







