

责编:彭雅倩 2020-03-30



1. —How long at this job?

—Since 1990.

A. were you employed B. will you be employed

C. had you been employed D. have you been employed


2. In no case_____ our children do that.

A. we let B. should we have

C. we cause D. we should let


3. In many small restaurants people are served rice _________ while the dishes cost a lot.

A. of free B. for free C. for freely D. Freely


4. Does the price include breakfast only, or dinner _____?

A. The two B. or else C. as well D. together


5. I had hoped to go into the fire to fetch the expensive box, but my roommate told me_____ .

A. not to B. not go C. not to go D.don’t go


6. --What kind of mobile phone would you like?

--Oh, I’d like one with a camera and I don’t want to ___ __by cash.

A. give B. pay C. use D. buy


7. A person should be_______to his own country. He shouldn’t do anything against his country.

A. kind B. loyal C. honest D. brave


8. The Great Wall is beautiful and I look forward it.

A. to visit B. in visiting C. to visiting D. and visit


9. You can’t imagine _____ when they heard the news_____ the Chinese team won.

A. how they were excited; that B. they were excited; which

C. how excited were they; which D. how excited they were; that


10. The army officer _______ his men to fire the moment the enemy appeared.

A. commanded B. had C. let D. made


11. In the past decade, the Internet_____ rapidly. It’s believed that it_____ a greater growth in the future.

A.grew; will have B. grew; has C. has grown; will have D. has grown; has


12. by the policemen, the robber had to give in.

A. Surrounding B. To be surrounded C. Surrounded D. Be surrounded


13. The queue is so long. I wonder why the supermarket does not open more .

A. desks B. checkouts C. exits D. doors


14. We don’t allow in the lecture hall, so you are not allowed here.

A. smoking...smoking B. to smoke...to smoke

C. to smoke...smoking D.smoking...to smoke


15. We were swimming in the lake ______ suddenly the storm started.

A. when B. while C. until D. before


16. -- Sorry, I’m afraid I have no time.

-- If I were you, I to the party.

A. would go B. went C. will go D. go


17. When Bob woke up he found himself in hospital, but he didn’t know how that

A. came across B. came out C. came along D.came about


18. He kills most of this spare time computer games.

A. to play B. plays C. played D. playing


19. --I haven’t heard from John for a long time.

--What do you suppose to him?

A. was happening B. has happened

C. to happen D. had happened


20. Whatever you do, make sure to _____ it.

A. concentrate to B. be concentrate to C. concentrate on D. be concentrate on



In the north of Scotland there is a lake called Loch Ness. It is the biggest 21 in Britain. It is 22 thirty kilometers long and in places nearly 300 meters deep. It is cold and dark and not many people went there until after 1930. Then a road was made 23 the lake.

Holiday makers began to use the road,and this was when the stories began. Someone said that he has seen a monster(怪物)in the lake. He said it was twelve meters long. It had a long 24 and a small head. Then someone else said he had seen it . 25 said the same thing and in 1933 a London doctor took a 26 . It looked like a monster with a long neck and a thick body but the photo was not too 27 . The newspapers printed the picture and called it the Loch Ness monster, or “Nessie”.

Then the argument began. 28 people,29 ,were certain there was something living in the lake. Others said there was 30 there.

In 1961, a lot of people joined together to make a real 31 to see and photograph the monster if there was one! Several times people thought they saw something but after ten years there was 32 no real proof(证据).

Later underwater television cameras were used, but no one found any real proof. However, they 33 find something interesting: a huge underwater cave. It was big enough to be home of a monster, but of course, this was not a proof.

In 1975, however, some American scientists 34 a search group. They used an underwater camera. It took pictures every seventy seconds. Some of the pictures 35 to show a red-brown creature. Its body was about four meters long and had a very ugly head on the end of a four-meter neck. Many people then began to believe in the monster. But even today we can’t be certain.

21. A. river B. ocean C. lake D. sea

22 A beyond B over C more D cover

23. A. in B. over C. around D. above

24. A. neck B. ear C. nose D. eye

25 A another B other C others D the other

26. A. chance B. map C. gun D. photo

27. A. clear B. clean C. taken D. shown

28. A. No B. More C. All D. Some

29 A however B moreover C yet D but

30 A something B nothing C anything D everything

31. A. thing B. effort C. interest D. trip

32. A. even B. still C. also D. yet

33. A.were B. really C. did D. actually

34. A. found B. Get C. invited D. formed

35 A seemed B seems C looked D looks



Passage one

On July 16, 1969, the tall and powerful rocket blasted off (点火起飞) from Cape Kennedy. The Apollo II separated from the rocket when it was far out in space. The spaceship traveled very fast and in four days the astronauts reached the moon.

The Apollo II spaceship had three parts. One of them was called the lunar module,which was the only part of the spaceship that would land on the moon. Near the moon, the lunar module separated form the rest of the Apollo II spaceship. TWO of the three astronauts traveled down to the Apollo II spaceship, moving on in the orbit of the moon. Then came the exciting moment.

ON the night of July 20, the lunar module successfully landed on the moon.

36. How many days did the astronauts spend traveling from the earth to the moon?

A. 3 days B. 4 days C. 5 days D. Not mentioned

37. The roket can be described as _______?

A. powerful B. lovely C. tall D. both A and C

38. Which of the following landed on the moon?

A. The rocket.

B. The lunar module.

C. The other two parts except the lunar module.

D. The Apollo II spaceship.

39. The landing on the moon was considered_______?

A. a failure B. a disaster C. an accident D. a success

40. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Apollo II’s Successful Flight to the moon.

B. American Astronauts’ Mission.

C. One of the Great Wonders in the word.

D. Apollo II Spaceship.

36-40 BDBDA

Passage two

Go to church, then have a big lunch, then go out to play while mum does the housework. That was a typical (典型的) British Sunday in the 1960s. But things now could not be more different.

Some British sociologists recently studied the typical British Sunday. They found that people get up later and do less housework than they did 40 years ago. They are far more likely to be out shopping or enjoying themselves than cooking Sunday lunch.

Sunday mornings were busy 40 years ago. Most women caught up on their weekly housework and cooked a nice lunch. They seldom allowed themselves any “leisure” until afternoon, after the dishes were cleaned. Then there would be another rush to the table between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm for tea.

But now, Britons can have brunch (早午餐) at the restaurant. Fewer people bother (添麻烦)to cook themselves.

“You only have two free days a week. You don’t want to have to waste one because there is nothing to do but watch boring TV,” said Elizabeth Biggs, 25, a producer in London.

“On Saturday you are recovering from the week,” Biggs added. “Sundays are the last chance for the weekend — you want to get as much as you can out of the day before you have to go back to work.”

In the past, British women usually did their shopping during the week, while the husband was at work. “Now men seem to do that as much as women,” said Jonathan Gershuny, a professor who took part in the study.

Men also do more housework now on Sundays. Back in the 1960s, men were far more likely to spend Sundays out of the house — at the pub or playing football — before lunch.

41. Many Britons have brunch at the restaurant because _______.

A. They have no time to cook at home.

B. They get up too late.

C. They will go to church.

D. They won’t bother to cook themselves.

42. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. British men did little housework at home in the past.

B. Britons usually had a big lunch at home.

C. British women did their shopping on Sundays in the past.

D. Britons used to go to church on Sundays.

43. The underlined word “ leisure” in Para 3 means ___________.

A. housework B. shopping C. lunch D. free time

44. The text mainly tells us ________.

A. why Britons go shopping on Sundays

B. what Britons did on Sundays

C. How Britons spend their holidays

D. the changes of the ways the Britons spend their Sundays

45. What can we infer (推断) from the passage?

A. Men do more housework on Sundays.

B. No people go to church on Sundays now.

C. Sundays in Britain might be very boring in the past.

D. Britons all go out on Sundays.

41-45 DADAC

Passage three

The story of the Kennedy brothers is rather like one of those songs which children sing happily and which end up with the shout, “And then there none.”

The eldest brother was killed in the war, John was shot in Dallas in 1963, Robert was murdered in 1968, and Edward’s chances of becoming president may have died when his car had an accident, killing the passenger.

The four boys were brought up by their father to do and fight for nothing but the best, whether on the games field or in political life. He managed to give them so much ambition(雄心) and energy that only since the youngest brother found his political death, have people begun to ask themselves, “Why did we look on the Kennedys as the family chosen to lead the USA to a better future?”

In fact, John and Robert had both shown their ability and courage in international politics and their work for civil rights, and Edward had a good record as senator(上议员); but so had many other people. Only history will show how much of the Kennedy story was built on fact and how much on the famous family name.

46. The best title for the article is ________.

A. Political Murder B. The Kennedy Brother

C. A Famous Family Name D. The Best Family of USA

47. From the article we know that old Kennedy taught his sons _______.

A. to try their best to be good

B. to fight for everything

C. to aim high and try to achieve great successcitizens

D. not to waste so much of their energy in fighting

48. According to the article, Edward Kennedy _______.

A. was the oldest of the four brothers

B. liked to sing children’s song

C. died in a hospital soon after the car accident

D. was active in political life

49. Which of the following is wrong?

A. Edward was elected president of the US.

B. Two of the brothers were murdered in the 1960s.

C. The father raised the boys by teaching them what to struggle for.

D. People used to think highly of the Kennedy brothers.

50. The writer thought that _______.

A. the Kennedy family was the best choice of the American people

B. besides the Kennedy brothers, many other people had great ability in politics.

C. the brothers had the greatest chance of becoming president of the USA

D. the Kennedy story was built not on fact but on the family name.

46-50 BCDAB

Passage four

Waller was a liked-by-all fellow full of fun who often went to coffee houses to tell people interesting stories, of which some even brought him some money. One day, asked by an office secretary who told Waller that his boss was a never-seen before serious man and he never even smiled. Waller would tell a most funny story. “Well, sir,”Waller said before he began the story, “What will be given in return of mine succeeds?”“$100,”replied the secretary.“I haven’t seen him have a bright face since I worked in his office.”

“Then let’s make it.”Waller went to the man’s table and whispered to him, “Please tell your boss that the funny man Waller’s hen gave birth to a baby.”

Three days later a letter reached Mr Waller in which were $100 and a piece of yellow paper with the words, “Mr Waller, you have succeeded—When I repeated your $100-worth sentence, my boss burst into frightening laughter, saying that whoever has managed to make him laugh during the business hours will get dismissed(解雇)!”

51. Waller often went to coffee houses to tell people interesting stories in order to .

A. make money B. practise telling stories

C. enjoy himself D. draw the secretary’s attention

52. The secretary asked Waller for a most funny story because he .

A. tried to please his serious boss with it

B. was tired of his boss’ seriousness

C. wanted to improve his working conditions

D. wanted to see his boss’s laughing face

53. Saying “Let’s make it”, Waller .

A. wondered whether he could make the boss smile or not

B. thought of nothing but the 100 dollar return

C. knew that he could make fun of the secretary

D. was sure of his succes

54. Which of the following ends is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The secretary lost his job in the office.

B. The boss was never so strict with the secretary from then on.

C. The secretary dare not make his boss laugh any longer.

D. Mr Waller was dismissed at last.

55. The best title for the passage is .

A. Either Is in His Proper Place B. Satisfying Both Sides

C. Killing Two Birds with One Stone D. Things Went Opposite to Wishes

51-55 CADAD






