

责编:彭雅倩 2020-03-30

江南大学网络教育高起专英语入学测试模拟卷-词汇和语法 (共125题)

1. She is __________newcomer to _________chemistry, but she has already some important discoveries.

A.the; the B. the, /

C. a, / D. a; the

2. The singer was ______during the performance.

A.at her better B.at her best

C.better D.on her best

3. ___ was the third time that I had attended meeting.

A.That B.It C.This D.What

4. Not until I began to work _____ how much time I had wasted.

A.didn’t I realize

B.did I realize

C.I didn’t realize

D.I realized

5. Eight hours per day for sleep ____ guaranteed so that we can be energetic during the day- time.

A.could be B.might be

C.must be D.ought to be

6. Can you imagine what a girl will look like ____ she comes across a rat in her room?

A.if B.in case

C.though D.now that

7. After we got there, we found that it was _______ city.

A.such a nice B.such nice a

C.so a nice D.so nice

8. There are a few ________ in the baby’s mouth.

A.tooth B.toothes C.tooths D.teeth

9. No teacher and no student ____ absent today.

A.is B.are C.was D.were

10. These gigantic bridges across the Huangpu River ____ in the 1900s.

A.was built B.are built

C.is built D.were built

11. I don’t enjoy reading _____ and I am not into writing.

A.many B.very

C.too much D.too many

12. From 2009 to 2010, he was ____ at Yale.

A.to teach B.teaching

C.teached D. to teaching

13. I saw James doing his homework ____ I went to his room.

A.that B.when C.how D.which

14. Either Robert or I ____ going to the movies.

A.are B.is C.am D.were

15. He fell ____ the habit of not attending ____ other people’s advice.

A.of; in B.in; of

C.to; for D.into; to

16. When he came home, he found the door ____.

A.opening B.to open

C.is open D.open

17. There ________ of stars in the sky.

A.is a million B.are million

C.is million D.are millions

18. There are so much noise outsides that the speaker could hardly ____.

A.make the audience hear

B.make the audience hearing from

C.make himself hear

D.make himself heard

19. It was __________ who told me about the news.

A.herself B.himself C.he D.themselves 20. Let’s make it at seven o’clock on Tuesday morning at my office if ________.

A.you’re convenient

B.it is convenient for you

C.you feel convenient

D.it is convenient with you

21. The wind was ___ strong ___ we could hardly move forward.

A.too; too B.too; that

C.so; that D.so; as

22. She takes this kind of drug three times ________ day.

A.a B.an

C.in a D.in the

23. Six _____five is thirty.

A.times B.plus C.minus D.divides

24. I ____ English at the Teacher’s College, but I’m now ____ in a middle school.

A.teach; teaching B.teaching; teach

C.taught; teaching D.teaching; taught

25. Not only ____ polluted but ______ crowded.

A.was the city; were the streets

B.the city was ; were the streets

C.the city was; the streets were

D.was the city; the streets were

26. In _______ days Chinese women were looked down upon and suffered very________.

A.this; more B.those; much

C.that; lots D.those; many

27. The writer and worker ____ coming to our school tomorrow.

A.are B.is C.were D.was

28. A young man should be ____ his guard against bad company.

A.in B.on C.from D.with

29. His illness caused by________.

A.bacteria B.bacterium C.bacteriums D.bacterias

30. Fred is second to none in maths in our class, but believe it or not, he _______ passed the last exam.

A.easily B.hardly

C.actually D.successfully

31. ____ more attention, the flowers would have grown better

A.Giving B.To give

C.Given D.Give

32. In the party yesterday, he made us ____.

A.laugh B.laughing

C.to laugh D.laughed

33. This book on the desk is_________.

A.a dictionary of mine

B.a dictionary of me

C.a dictionary of my

D.a dictionary of mys

34. We ____ a factory last Friday.

A.visit B.visiting C.visited D.visits

35. A glace ____ this letter will convince you by its contents that Mike is grasping at your money.

A.in B.down C.for D.at

36. Hardly _____ when it started raining.

A.the game had begun

B.the game began

C.did the game begin

D.had the game begun

37. —This book is ______ more useful for us students.

—Yes, but it is _______ too difficult.

A.less, more B.much, rather

C.rather, more D.less, much

38. ____ appears that he is an experienced English teacher.

A.This B.It C.That D.What

39. All you need do is ____ a taxi from the airport.

A.take B.to taking

C.took D.to take

40. This is Miss Mary ______donation has helped many people during the Wenchuan Earthquake.

A.whose B.which C.that D.who

41. This story happened in ___________.

A.the 2002s B.the 2002’s

C.2002s D.2002’s

42. Who ____ have thought that the man living next door ____ be a hidden terrorist!

A.could; must B.must; should

C.would; should D.should; would

43. Only after I read the text over again _____ its main idea.

A.that I knew B.did I know

C.I could know D.I did know

44. James can pass the final exam ____ he works hard.

A.because B.since C.if D.though

45. —Are you going _____for the holiday?

—Yes, I’m going to Xi’an with my parents on Friday.

A.everywhere B.nowhere C.anywhere D.where

46. This is a problem ____ to work out in two minutes.

A.enough easy B.easy enough

C.hard enough D.enough hard

47. The suggestion ____ to the meeting was adopted.

A.to send B.sending

C.sent D.send

48. ____ my knowledge, nothing like this has ever happened before.

A.With B.within C.In D.For

49. Your English is good. ____ is not as good as yours.

A.My B.Mine C.I D.Me

50. My father gave ____ me a book as my birthday gift.

A.to B.for C.at D./

51. Please keep ____. The baby has fallen ____.

A.silent; sleeping

B.silent; asleep

C.silent; slept

D.in silent; asleep

52. —Is there anything I can do for you?

—I’d like to have these material _____ by ten o’clock.

A.printed B.print

C.printing D.to print

53. I saw _________apple fell from ________ apple tree.

A.a; a B.an; a

C.an; an D.an; the

54. _____ wasn’t until he saw her that he felt happy.

A.That B.This C.what D.it

55. But here __ is my words ____ counts.

A.it, that B.it, / C./, that

56. —David has made great progress recently.

—_____, and ______.

A.So he has; so you have

B.So he has; so have you

C.So has he, so have you

D.So has he, so you have

57. In those days, George used to get up at time, but that week he ____ at five every day.

A.were getting up

B.was got up

C.is getting up

D.was getting up

58. People always say _______ is mysterious.

A.lives B.life

C.the life D.lifes

59. I doubt ____ he will join us in the debate.

A.that B./ C.whether D.which

60. I ____ you will give us some advise.

A.hopes B.hope

C.hoped D.have hoped

61. This pretty little American girl comes from ________.

A.the united state


C.The United States

D.united state

62. I saw the man ___ down and the driver ___away.

A.knocking; driven B.knock; driving

C.knocked; driving D.knocked; drive

63. Please show your passport ____ me.

A.to B.for C.on D.at

64. I am happy ____ you.

A.to meet B.meeting

C.meet D.for meeting

65. When she hears that her student has gone to town, she becomes very worried and determines to bring him back _______.

A.safe B.safety C.safely D.carefully

66. We expected ____ you would stay for a few days.

A.where B.if C.that D.whether

67. In 1828 Noah Webster published ______ American dictionary.

A.the one B.the first

C.a first D.one

68. Every morning, Mom makes a sandwich with two ________ of bread.

A.piece B.pieces C.kinds D.sheets

69. Eight plus eight is _____.

A.zero B.sixteen

C.one D.sixty four

70. I _______ a Chinese, have made up my mind to devote myself to my motherland.

A.that is B.who is

C.which is D.who are

71. I have five books in my bag, one is novel, _________ are textbooks.

A.another B.other

C.the other D.the others

72. ________ Jinyun Mountain is ________ highest mountain in Beibei city.

A./; / B.The; the

C.The; / D./; the

73. The teacher told us that the earth ____ around the sun.

A.moves B.move C.moved D.moving

74. _______, the president begins his speech.

A.Ladies and gentlemen

B.Gentleman and lady

C.Lady and gentleman

D.Gentlemen and ladies

75. I don’t like the hotpot in Chongqing, ____ it’s delicious.

A.though B.because C.since D./

76. Nine minus seven is _____.

A.one B.zero C.sixteen D.two

77. “Could I take your order now?” “Yes. One _____ tea and two _____ coffees.”

A.black, white B.red, white

C.black, green D.red, black

78. The revolutionary fighter would rather die with his head high than ____ with his knees bent.

A.to live B.living

C.live D.lived

79. A number of veterans retired, and some were ____.

A.ready B.ready to

C.readying D.to be ready

80. ____ the news, they felt very excited.

A.Hear B.Hearing

C.Heard D.To hear

81. You will be ____ in the rain, I am afraid.

A./ B.caught C.got D.sleep

82. Mary was elected _______ of our class last September.

A.monitor B.the monitor

C.a monitor D.one monitor

83. All of us considered him ____.

A.honest B.is honest

C.be honest D.to be honest

84. We couldn’t buy these books because ________ of us had ________money on us.

A.all; no B.none; any

C.any; no D.no one; any

85. Is this _________ pencil?

No, it isn’t. _______ is a blue one.

A.yours Mine B.your; Mine

C.yours; My D.your; my

86. ________are watching TV, how cozy of them.

A.Smithes B.Smith

C.Mr smith D.The Smiths

87. Who is_______ most beautiful woman in ________ world.

A./; the B./; a

C.the; the D.the; /

88. Joe was very disappointed ____ not finding her cat at home.

A.in B.for C.at D.with

89. That sounds ____ a good idea.

A.have B.like C.to D.are

90. _____ exercise every morning makes one healthy.

A.Taking B.Take

C.To take D.Taken

91. If Bernard ____ faster, everything would have been all right.

A.have worked B.has worked

C.had worked D.worked

92. It cost them a few __________ to visit a few___________.

A.day ; city B.days ; city

C.daies ; cities D.days ; cities

93. Peking is ________ of _________ People’s Republic of China.

A.the capital; /

B.the capital; the

C.capital; the

D.capital; /

94. They had to face the fact ____ the nearest filling station is 30 minutes away.

A.which B.who C.that D.why

95. Nothing could make me give it up, ____?

A.could it? B.couldn’t it?

C.could they? D.couldn’t they

96. ________ bird is a creature that can fly in _______ sky.

A.A; / B.. A; the

C.An; the D.The; /

97. Always do to others ____ you would be done by.

A.if B.and C.as D.with

98. After her _______ breakfast, she will go to school _______ bus.

A./; by the B.the; by

C./; by D./; by a

99. I found my mother had ________.

A.some white hair

B.a few white hairs

C.a little white hair

D.many white hair

100. David didn’t know ____.

A.what’s the matter

B.what the matter is

C.what was the matter

D.what the matter was

101. ____ you please carry this box for me?

A.Might B.Would C.Should D.Must

102. The teacher came into the classroom, ____ by a group of his student.

A.followed B.following

C.to follow D.follow

103. Irish weddings are almost certain to ____ in this way for genertations.

A.have celebrating

B.be celebrated

C.have celebrated

D.have been celebrated

104. Tom is a friend of_________.

A.Mary’s mother’s

B.Mary’s mother

C.mother’s of Mary

D.Mary mother’s

105. In China, before dinner you sometimes get a hot, ____ cloth, which you can clean your face and hands.

A.damp B.clean C.dark D.dirty

106. The house where Elvis once lived has been turned into a museum and is visited by ______ people every year.

A.hundreds B.a thousand

C.thousands of D.hundred of

107. Somebody called you just now, but I didn’t know____.

A.who were they B.who they were

C.who was it D.who it was

108. Many ________ sacrificed their young _________ in this holy career.

A.hero; life B.heroes; lives

C.heros; lifes D.heroes; life

109. Beijing held the ____ Olympic Games.

A.29 B.29th C.29s D.29’s

110. Looking down from the Jinyun Mountain, we saw many red ________.

A.roof B.roofs C.roves D.roofes

111. Tiger can be found in many________.

A.zoo B.zooes C.zoos D.zooing

112. It is not rare in _____ that people in ____ fifties are going to university for further education.

A.90s, the B.the 90s, /

C.90s, their D.the 90s, their

113. I don’t like it at all. It can’t be _____.

A.better B.worse C.best D.worst

114. After these ____ successful films he made several follow-ups.

A.high B.highly C.really D.height

115. I heard my name ____ in the meeting.

A.calling B.called

C.to call D.call

116. This is the first time that I ____ to Kunming.

A.come B.came

C.have come D.had come

117. —Look at that lady on the stage. She’s already forty.

—You are joking. She doesn’t look ________.

A.so B.it C.that D.this

118. —Where is George? He said he would meet me here at 3 o’clock.

—He seems _____ with Mr. Brown in the office.

A.to talk B.to be talking

C.to have talked D.talking

119. He received a blow on the head. It didn’t worry him at the time, but it ____ very troublesome later.

A.is B.was

C.will D.was to be

120. He took some change from his pocket ____ a piece of newspaper.

A.buying B.buy

C.to buy D.bought

121.____ wants to go to the cinima.

A.Neither of them

B.All of them

C.Both of them

D.no of them

122. Is she ________Chinese or __________ American?

A.a; a B.a; an

C.an; an D.an; a

123. In _________summertime, this garden decorated by all kind of flower.

A./ B.the C.an D.a

124. I can’t express ____ well in English.

A.me B.I C.mine D.myself

125. You are _____ careful than your brother. You two can’t do the work that needs care and skill.

A.not more B.no more

C.not less D.no less



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