

责编:彭雅倩 2020-03-30


81. Tom ________ to Chinese food now.

A.is used B.used to C.is using D.uses

82. The machine made a terrible so we couldn’t each other.

A.noise…hear B.voice…hear C.sound…listen D.shout…listen

83. My son a cup of milk and sat at the table.

A.wanted B.asked for C.asked D.required

84. I could believe that he worked so there.

A.hardly…hardly B.hard…hard C.hardly…hard D.hard…hardly

85. They ________ every minute of it at the party yesterday.

A.enjoyed B.pleased C.played D.wanted

86. You look sleepy. You’d better

A.go to bed B.be asleep C.sleep D.go to sleep

87. You must keep in the reading-room.

A.still B.quiet C.quite D.quietly .

88. I have English book but he has two English books.

A.one B.a C.an D./

89. “Did you my English book yesterday?"

“No, I didn’t. Did you it to Jane?”

A.borrow…borrow B.borrow…lend

C.lend…lend D.lend…borrow

90. He said he would give me the money, but he hasn’t given it to me.

A.yet B.still C.already D.too

91. We will speak to her about it next week.

A.sometimes B.sometime C.some times D.some time

92. Will you please try to for me what time that train arrives?

A.find B.find out C.discover D.ask

93. Robots can’t completely humans though they are very clever.

A.take the place of B.take place C.instead D.instead of

94. When did you from Beijing tomorrow?

A.leave B.begin C.start D.leave for .

95. “Was the park ________ yesterday?”

“Yes, It ________ at nine in the morning”

A.opened…open B.open…was open C.open…opened D.opened…opened .

96. What time are you going to tomorrow?

A.set up B.set out C.set down D.put up

97. Would you please a piece of paper and a pen?

A.bring out B.give out C.take out D.find out

98. The student his hand to ask the teacher a question.

A.question B.rose C.help up D.got up

99. When did you from your trip last year?

A.arrive at B.get back C.go ahead D.returned back

100. Chemical energy can heat energy.

A.become into B.grow up C.be changed into D.be covered with

101. I can’t go to the cinema with you. I must the lessons first.

A.go on B.go over C.go down D.go into

102. When Edison’s mother was ill, he a doctor. The doctor operated her at once.

A.sent for…on B.sent out…in C.sent up…on D.sends…in

103. A car is many different parts.

A.made of B.made from C.made up of D.made in

104. Her son is ill. She has to him at home.

A.look at B.look after C.look for D.see off

105. The girl but could see nobody. She began to feel afraid.

A.looked after B.looked for C.looked around D.looked at

106. Rising costs make it hard to the business.

A.carry on B.go on C.hold on D.put on

107. Do you know when the plane will for Beijing?

A.take off B.leave for C.come up D.go up

108. Dr Bethune didn’t take a rest and he working throughout the night.

A.got on B.put on C.went on D.turned on

109. The glass fell to the floor and .

A.broke out B.give out C.got off D.broke into pieces

110. Have you the race?

A.left for B.set out for C.asked for D.entered for

111. He was born in the north, but in the south.

A.brought up B.grew up C.picked up D.came up

112. Grandma is ill. I have to her at home.

A.take hold of B.take care of C.pay attention to D.put my heart into

113. I saw my dog a cat yesterday.

A.run away B.run C.set out D.run after

114. I and saw a plane in the sky.

A.looked at B.looked for C.look about D.looked up

115. A monument to the brave fighter in the middle of the town after the war.

A.was put on B.was put up C.was put down D.was brought up

116. The mouse as soon as it could when it saw the cat.

A.gave back B.rang up C.went ahead D.ran away

117. Mrs. Black is a kind woman. She others easily.

A.gets on well with B.gets to C.gets into D.get in

118. She is so kind that everyone here her their sister.

A.looks after…as B.looks for…as C.looks on…as D.look up…as

119. Don’t lose heart. I’ll help you the others.

A.go over B.catch up with C.go up D.run with

120. Why not your pretty blue dress? It’s your birthday.

A.put up B.put on C.put down D.put into

121. If you have any questions, please your hands.

A.put out B.put up C.put on D.put down

122. You’d better the name of the book before you forget it.

A.write down B.put on C.work out D.turn down

123. Do your best and I’m sure you will your classmates.

A.keep off B.keep away from C.keep up with D.keep on

124. He fell down on the road and was too weak to .

A.hold up B.get up C.bring up D.leave for

125. “What do you the film?”

“Oh, it’s very interesting.”

A.think about B.think of C.get ready for D.ring up






