

责编:刘娇 2020-03-30

阅读理解 (40%) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Passage 1

The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication means. Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. To pollute means to make things dirty. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.

Man has been polluting the earth. The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people. When the land was used up or the river was dirty in a place, men moved to another place. But this is no longer true. Man is now slowly polluting the whole world.

Air pollution is still the most serious. It’s bad to all living things in the world, but it is not only one kind of pollution. Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us become angry more easily.

Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. They stop the people from burning coal in houses and factories in the city, and from blowing dirty smoke into the air.

The pollution of SO2 is now the most dangerous problem of air pollution. It is caused by heavy traffic. It is sure that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.

The earth is our home. We must take care of it. That means keeping the land, water and air clean. And we must keep the pollution from worsening at the same time.

1. Our world is becoming much smaller ___________.

A. because the earth is being polluted day and night

B. thanks to scientific development

C. because of the rise in pollution

D. because the earth is blown away by the wind every year

[答案] B

2. Thousands of years ago, life was __________ it is today.

A. much easier than B. as easy as C. as hard as D. much harder than

[答案] D

3. “Pollution comes in many ways. We can even hear it.” (Line 4). Here “it” means ___________.

A. water pollution B. air pollution C. noise pollution D. rubbish

[答案] C

4. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because __________.

A. it’s bad to all living things in the world

B. it makes us become angry more easily

C. it has made our rivers and lakes dirty

D. it makes much noise

[答案] A

5. Which of the following is not true?

A. The problem of pollution is not so serious because there are not so many people.

B. If people use public transportation, it is helpful to fight against the pollution of SO2.

C. The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the world’s pollution does.

D. Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.

[答案] A

Passage 2

Some people think that all wild animals are dangerous. Actually, very few of them will attack a man if he leaves them alone. If you met a lion or an elephant, suppose, you would run away, but even a lion will keep away from a man unless it is very hungry. Lions and tigers only kill and eat men when they have grown too old and too weak to catch their usual food, such as deer and other small animals. If you saw a wild elephant, perhaps you would be frightened. Elephants usually run away at once unless you attack them. Some animals get very frightened if they only smell a man; some take no notice at all but quietly walk in another direction. Wild animals only attack hunters when they are afraid that the hunters mean to harm their young ones, or then the hunters shoot at them and make them angry.

1. The word attack (Line 2) is closest in meaning to _____________.

A. hurt B. catch C. hit D. follow

[答案] A

2. Lions and tigers will not kill or eat men ____________.

A. unless men try to run away

B. if they are too old and too weak

C. if they are able to get enough of their usual food

D. no matter how men act towards them

[答案] C

3. Some animals run away when they smell a man probably because __________.

A. they dislike the smell B. they think men are dangerous to them

C. they don’t want to eat men D. they want to eat weak men

[答案] B

4. Some wild animals will become very dangerous _________.

A. when they grow old B. if they are left alone

C. while they are looking for food D. when their young ones are in danger

[答案] D

5. This passage is mainly about __________.

A. how to protect wild animals

B. how animals look for their food

C. how to make friends with wild animals

D. how animals act towards men

[答案] D

Passage 3

From the time we were babies we have been taught our manners. We are taught how to hold a spoon and chopsticks and not to talk with our mouths full of food. We are taught how to shake hands and when to stand and when to sit and the way to introduce people.

Sometimes good manners in one place are very bad manners somewhere else.

Almost everywhere eating together means that people are very friendly to each other. But in parts of Polynesia, it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. They politely turn their backs on each other when they are taking food.

Some East Africans spit for times as a kind of blessing(祝福). They do it to show that they wish a sick person to get well, or to bless a new-born baby. In most places, spitting means just something completely different. It’s something to do to show that you hate someone.

When we go to visit some one, we say “Hello” and “How are you” and things like that.

If you were visiting an East African village, everyone would be very careful not to pay any attention to you. The polite thing there would be for one to go quietly, without speaking to anyone, and sit beside your friend. You would wait until he had finished what he was doing and then he would begin talking to you.

In a village in Arab, a visitor walks behind all the tents until he gets to the one he wants to visit. If he passed in front, he would be invited into each tent and asked to eat. It was not polite to refuse.

1. We have been taught ________.

A. it’s bad manners to stand and to sit

B. it’s good manners to hold a spoon and chopsticks

C. it’s good manners not to talk with our mouth full

D. how to shake hands when we introduce people

[答案] C

2. In parts of Polynesia it’s not polite _________.

A. not to eat together B. to turn their backs on each other when they eat

C. to see others eating D. to take food

[答案] C

3. In most places, spitting means ________.

A. a kind of blessing B. you want a sick person to get well

C. you give a new-born baby the blessing D. you hate someone

[答案] D

4. If you visit an East African village, you ________.

A. had better say “Hello” or “How are you” to others

B. will keep quiet and not to pay any attention to others

C. should be very careful and not to pay any attention to others

D. can talk to villagers when they are working

[答案] C

5. If you passed in front of the tents in Arab, ________.

A. you would be invited and eat in each tent

B. you just refuse to go into the tent

C. you can walk behind all the tents

D. you can’t get to the one you want to visit

[答案] A

Passage 4

A sage (圣人) presented a prince with a set of three small dolls. The prince was not joyful. “Am I a girl that you give me dolls?” he asked.

“This is a gift for a future king,” said the man. “If you look carefully, you’ll see a hole in the ear of each doll.”


The sage handed him a piece of string.

“Pass it through each doll,” he said.

Interested, the prince picked up the first doll and put the string into to the ear.

It came out from the other ear.

“This is one type of person,” said the man. “Whatever you tell him, comes out from the other ear. He doesn’t retain anything.”

The prince put the string into the second doll. It strings into the second doll. It came out from the mouth.

“This is the second type of person,” said the man. “Whatever you tell, he tells everybody else.”

The prince picked up the third doll and repeated the process. The string did not reappear from anywhere else.

“This is the third type of person,” said the man. “Whatever you tell him is locked up within him. It never comes out.”

“What is the best type of person?” asked the prince.

The man handed him a fourth doll, in answer.

When the prince put the string into the doll, it came out from the other ear.

“Do it again,” said the sage. The prince repeated the process. This time the string came out from the mouth. When he put the string in a third time, it did not come out at all.

“This is the best type of person,” said the sage. “To be trustworthy, a man must know when to listen, when to remain silent and when to speak out.”

1. Why did the sage give the prince dolls?

A. To make him happy for he liked dolls. B. To treat him a girl.

C. To show him the different kinds of persons. D. To teach him how to be a king.

[答案] C

2. According to the sage, we know the first doll stands for the persons who ________.

A. keep nothing B. tell others what you tell them

C. keep the things you told them in their mind and never tell them out

D. find the right time to say, to listen or to remain silent

[答案] A

3. What does the word “process” mean in the passage?

A. 进步 B. 程序 C. 进展 D. 工作

[答案] B

4. Which doll is the person who always keeps silent?

A. The first one. B. The second one.

C. The third one D. The last one.

[答案] B

5. Which of the following is not true?

A. The first type of person pays no attention to what you say.

B. It’s not always good to keep silent.

C. To a leader, the best type of person is the one who never say anything.

D. If you find out the truth of the life, you’ll be a successful leader.

[答案] C

Passage 5

Everyone has an ambition (志向) to travel. But those who cannot do so themselves might find it interesting to work in a travel agency (旅行社), arranging (安排) journeys for other people. Brian Lawley does this, working in a small travel agency in an industrial city. Most of his work is connected with holidays, both at home and abroad. Every autumn, the agency sends out hundreds of booklets (小册子) full of attractive, colored photographs, describing the holidays that their customers will be able to have the next year. Soon, people begin to come into the officer to book their holidays: perhaps a week’s skiing in Austria in January, perhaps a cruise (巡游) to the Caribbean (加勒比海) in February, perhaps a seaside holiday in Spain in May, or a tour of Africa. Brian often has to advise people on what holidays will be suitable for them, and they always have a lot of questions. Last year, for example, a lady of eighty-two wanted to book for a mountaineering (爬山) holiday in the Alps (阿尔卑斯山), and Brain had great difficulty in persuading her that it would not be suitable. In the end, she decided to go for a Mediterranean cruise instead.

Arranging journeys for people who have to travel abroad on business is often very hard, but Brain enjoys this work. For example, last spring Mr. Perry, a director of a chemical factory, went on a business trip, and Brain arranged it all for him. First Mr. Perry traveled to London by train, and stayed overnight and flew to Frankfurt, in Germany, where he spent the morning discussing business. Then he went on by train to Zurich (苏黎士), where he stayed the night. After a meeting the next morning, he caught a plane for Tokyo, and spent three days there before going to America. He had business in Seattle (西雅图), Chicago and New York, and stayed some time in each of those places. From New York, he flew back to London, and then got home by train. The next day he telephoned the agency to thank Brian for arranging everything so well for him.

1. Who would like to work in a travel agency?

A. People who live I an industrial city. B. People who would like to travel but cannot.

C. Ambitious people. D. The people who go on holidays abroad.

[答案] B

2. When do the customers come into the office to book their holidays?

A. Early in the morning. B. Every year.

C. In January. D. Shortly after receiving the booklet.

[答案] D

3. Those who cannot travel themselves might find it interesting to work in a travel agency ________.

A. arranging trips for other people B. arranging trips for themselves

C. booking trips for other people D. describing the holidays for other people

[答案] A

4. Mr. Perry telephoned the agency to thank Brian because _________.

A. Mr. Perry arranged everything so well for Brian

B. Brian arranged everything so well for Mr. Perry

C. the agency sent Mr. Perry abroad on business

D. Brain helped him in the travel agency

[答案] B

5. How was Mr. Perry’s journey arranged?

a. Fly to Tokyo. b. To Frankfurt by plane. c. Back home by train.

d. Fly back to London. e. Zurich by train.

f. Have business in Seattle, Chicago and New York. g. To London by train.

A. g,b,a,f,e,d,c B. c,b,a,b,e,f,d C. g,b,e,a,f,d,c D. f,e,a,b,g,c,d

[答案] C

Passage 6

Harry Belafonte(哈利·贝拉方特), a famous singer in America, felt sad when he saw a film about the starving people in Africa. He said to himself, “I should do something to help them. What can I do?” He thought of a plan to gather the stars from the music world and make a special record. The money from the record would help the starving people in Africa. Those famous singers and musicians were always very busy, but they were willing to come to the event(活动)from all over the country.

During the Christmas holiday in 1984, Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie were writing the words and music for records. They often talked about the music far into the night, when they finished the music, they called it “We Are the World.”

On the evening of January 28th, 1985, forty-five singers made a historic recording. At 10 o’clock, every one sang part of chorus(合唱)and harmony(协调). At 4 the next morning, they started recording the solo vocal parts of the song. They finally finished recording at 8.

On April 5th, more than 8,000 radio stations all over the world played “We Are the World” at the same time.

1. This passage as a whole is about_________.

A. a famous American singer B. the making of a special record

C. the poor people in Africa D. a famous song

[答案] B

2. From the passage we can see that Harry Belafonte was a ________ man.

A. rich B. strict C. kind-hearted D. interesting

[答案] C

3. According to the passage, ________ would help the starving people in Africa.

A. the special record B. the money from the stars.

C. the money from the government D. the money from the record.

[答案] D

4. The recording was made_________.

A. soon after the words and music were finished

B. during Christmas holidays in 1984

C. about a month after the words and the music were finished

D. on April 5, 1995

[答案] C

5. “We Are the World” is the name of ________.

A. the famous singers B. the special record

C. a country in Africa D. a song in the record

[答案] B

Passage 7

The news report that night was a famine(饥饿)in Ethiopia. The pictures were of people who were so thin that they looked like beings from another planet. The camera focused(聚焦)on one man so that he looked directly at me, sitting in my comfortable living room. All around was the sound of death.

It was clear that the world had not noticed this until now, you could hear the sadness in the voice of the reporter, Michael Buerk. At the end of the reporter he was silent. Paula started crying, then rushed upstairs to check our baby, Fifi, who was sleeping peacefully.

I kept seeing the news pictures in my mind. What could I do? I was only a pop singer and by now not a very successful pop singer. All I could do was to make records which no one bought. But I would do that, I would give all the profits of the next Rats (the name of the music group he was in) record to Oxfam(an organization in Britain which helps poor music people around the world). What good would that do! It would only be a little money but it was more than I could give just from my bank account. Maybe some people would buy it because the profits were for Oxfam. And I would be protesting about disaster(灾难). But that was not enough.

1. What do we learn about the writer from the passage?

A. He felt really bad because the news report made him think of his own hard.

B. After he saw a news report on TV about the famine in Ethiopia, he decided he had to do

something about the problem.

C. His ideas on how to collect money for the people in Ethiopia were very successful.

D. He wanted to do more than just be a famous singer.

[答案] B

2. Which paragraph describes what he thought about after the report?

A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3 D. None

[答案] C

3. The world in the third paragraph “profits” means__________.

A. payment B. salary C. cost D. money he would make

[答案] D

4. From the passage we learn that Paula, his wife__________.

A. gave him ideas about how to help

B. also felt very bad after seeing the report

C. took much more care of their child than he

D. wanted him to be a successful singer

[答案] B

5. The writer wished that__________.

A. he would be a very successful pop singer if he could have sold all his records

B. he would rather give all his money from the bank account than the little money made by

making new records

C. perhaps people would be interested in his records because they knew that the money they

paid for the records would go to Oxfam

D. he would make records which no one bought

[答案] C

Passage 8

In the 1930s, a lot of people in the USA were out of work. Among these people was a man named Alfred Butts. He always had an interest in word games and so, to fill his time, he planned a game which he called “Lexico”. However, he was not completely satisfied with the game, so he made a number of changes to it and, in time, changed its name from “Lexico” to “Alph” and then to “Criss Cross”. He wanted to make some money from his new game but he didn’t have any real commercial(商业性的)success. In 1939, Butts happened to meet a man called Jim Brunot who showed an interest in the new game. The two men worked together on developing the game and in 1948 it was offered for sale in the United States under its new name—“Scrabble”. At first, it didn’t sell very well. In the first year it sold just 2,250 sets and by 1951 it had only reached 8,500 sets a year. Then, in 1952 the manager of Macy's department store in New York, Jack Strauss, happened to play “Scrabble” while he was on holiday. He thought it was a wonderful game and, when he went back to work after his holiday, he insisted that Macy’s should stock(储备)the game and make an effort(努力)to call the public’s attention to it. As a result, “Scrabble” became a big success in the United States and it soon spread to Australia and then to other English-speaking countries.

1. The text is mainly about ________.

A. “Lexico” B. three men C. a word game D. Alfred Butts

[答案] C

2. Alfred Butts invented the game “Lexico” ________.

A. to make himself famous B. to make spelling simpler

C. when he was out of work and looking for a job

D. when he was playing word games to pass the time

[答案] D

3. According to the passage, it was _______ who made “Scrabble” popular.

A. Alfred Butts B. Jack Strauss

C. Alfred Butts and Jim Brunot D. Jack Strauss and Jim Brunot

[答案] B

4. When did Alfred Butts first put his game on the market?

A. In 1939. B. In 1948.

C. Before 1939. D. Between 1939 and 1948.

[答案] B

5. From the passage we can learn that ________.

A. some inventions can be made by accident B. inventions must be made very carefully

C. inventions can only be made jointly D. only famous people can make inventions

[答案] A






