

责编:刘娇 2020-03-30

单项选择 (30%)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. It’s six o’clock now. It’s time _______ .

A. get up B. got up C. to get up D. getting up


2. Miss Gao isn’t here. She ________ to the station to meet Mr. Brown.

A. went B. has gone C. has been D. would go

[答案] B

3. “Can you speak Chinese, Peter?” “Yes, but only _______ .”

A. little B. few C. a little D. a few


4. Excuse me. Can you tell me when ________ ?

A. does the ship B. the ship leaves

C. the ship had left D. did the ship leave


5. Why not look up the new word in a dictionary ______ you don’t know it?

A. if B. that C. though D. whether


6. The coat I bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to change it for a _______ one.

A. small B. large C. nicer D. smaller


7. You can ______ what is happening on the other side of the world by telephone.

A. see B. make C. hear D. learn


8. “Let’s go for a long walk into the country this morning.” “_______ , but I think I’m catching a cold.”

A. I certainly could use the exercise B. Yes, let’s go

C. Sure. I’d like to go for a long walk D. No, I won’t


9. Jack runs as _______ as Tom.

A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. much faster


10. I want to be a doctor when I ________ .

A. grow up B. talk about C. agree with D. get up


11. The man over there is my brother. ________ is a doctor.

A. She B. He C. Hers D. His


12. I was born ______ July 2, and my birthday is coming soon.

A. for B. at C. in D. on


13. This is my dress. That one is ________ .

A. Mary B. Mary’s C. sister D. mother


14. Mr. Li is out. But he _______ here ten minutes ago.

A. was B. is C. will be D. would be


15. “ _______ does your father do?” “He is a worker.”

A. Which B. Who C. What D. How


16. “Must I finish my homework now?” “No, you ______ .”

A. may not B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t


17. “What ______ do you like best?” “Football.”

A. food B. subject C. sport D. music


18. Which is bigger, the sun ______ the moon?

A. or B. and C. but D. so


19. My uncle enjoys _______ TV after supper.

A. watching B. watcher C. watched D. to watch


20. I have two cats. One is black, and _______ is white.

A. another B. some C. other D. the other


21. There is ________ “h”and ________ “u”in the word “huge”.

A. a; an B. an; a C. a;a D.an;an


22. — Li Hua’s English is very good.

— Yes,and her French ________ her English.

A. is as good as B. isn’t as good as C. is as well as D. is as better as


23. — What’s wrong with you,Cheng Li?

— I’m feeling ________.

A. terrible B. terribly C. badly D.good


24.— What did Lu Xun do after he gave up medicine?

— He devoted ________ writing all his life.

A. him to B. himself in C. himself to D.her in


25.— Why don’t you ask Tom to do it?

— I don’t know whether he is ________ to. He sometimes makes things worse.

A. possible B. afraid C. easy D. able


26. — Did you go to Jane’s birthday party?

— No, I ________.

A. am not invited B. wasn’t invited

C. haven’t been invited D. didn’t invited


27. “Tom, ________ afraid of speaking in public. You are no longer a small boy.” said Mum.

A. not be B. not to be C. be not D. don’t be


28. — People can not only use salt for meals.

— Yes. They also use it to ________ fire.

A. put on B. put off C. put out D. put down


29. — Is it possible to be mad ________ others?

— Of course not.

A. to B. at C. with D. for


30. They found ________ useful to advertise on the Internet.

A. that B. this C. it D. it is


31. Why was the plane put off?_______ the heavy rain?

A. Because B. Because of C. Instead of D. After


32. — Dad, when will you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me four days ago.

— I’m sorry, Jack. But I think I will have a ________ holiday soon.

A. four-days B. four-day C. four days D. four day


33. — How long has this shop ________?

— For about three weeks.

A. opened B. been open C. been opened D. open


34.— I have won the girls’ long jump.


A. It’s nothing B. All right C. Don’t be proud D. Congratulations


35.— Can you ________ him studying hard?

— No,I can’t. He never studies hard.

A. stop B. prevent C. keep D. warn


36.— What about some soy milk? They are full of protein.


A. Yes, I’d love to B. No,thanks

C. I want to get vitamin D. It’s terrible


37.—________ is the price of the book?

— It’s 188 yuan.

A. How much B. How many C. How D. What


38.— We’d better go out for a walk instead of ________ TV. Don’t you think so?

— OK. Let’s go.

A. to go to watch B. going to watch C. going watch D. goingwatching


39. We don’t know ________. It is said that she would come tomorrow.

A. how she will come B. when she came

C. when she will come D. when she comes

[答案] D

40. Which of these signs is not seen in a supermarket?

A. Push B. Pull C. Business Hours D. Slow Down


41. I have two _____ in my pencil-box.

A. knife B. knifes C. knives D. a knife


42. The desks are made ______ wood.

A. from B. of C. in D. by


43. — Whose book is this? Is this yours?

— No, it’s ______.

A. her B. she C. my D. hers


44. Which is _____, English or Chinese?

A. interesting B. interestinger C. more interesting D. most interesting


45. — Must they clean the classroom now?

— No, they_____.

A. can’t B. needn’t C. don’t D. mustn’t


46. We’ll go to the zoo if it ______ fine this afternoon.

A. is B. are C. will be D. was


47. Mrs. White _____ in this school since she came here.

A. teaches B. taught C. has taught D. had taught


48. The teacher told us not ____ in the sun.

A. read B. to read C. reads D. reading


49. The PLA _____ in 1927.

A. was found B. found C. was founded D. founded


50. Your father has been to Guangzhou twice, ______?

A. has he B. hasn’t he C. doesn’t he D. isn’t he


51.— Hi, Sam. You came to school late. What happened?

—______. I had a bad luck.

A. I’m sorry to hear that B. I’ve no idea

C. Terrific D. Forget it


52.The old farmer told the twins and me to help ______to some apples.

A himself B. themselves C. ourselves D. yourselves


53.The undersea palace which was _______by the explorers years ago is very beautiful.

A.covered B.invented C.discovered D.founded


54.—Where is Tom?

—He hasn’t come to school today, I think he ____be ill.

A.has toB.should C.may D.can


55. Before you take the medicine, you must read the _____ first.

A.information B. instructions C. mark D. experience


56.My son likes playing football so much that he often _______his shoes quickly.

A.tries out B. wears out C. thinks out D. rushes out


57.I found ____ tired after playing basketball and couldn’t wait to have a drink.

A. it B. that C.me D.myself


58. —Could you tell us when the WTO ______?

—Sorry, I don’t know.

A. was found B.was founded C.was appeared D. was discovered


59.The teacher told the class to _______their books and have a test.

A.put away B. put off C. put on D.put up


60.I knew nothing about it _______ I was told.

A. until B. if C. because D. when







