

责编:刘娇 2020-03-30


Directions: Each blank in the following passage is provided with four possible choices marked A, B, Cand D. Read the whole passage and chose the best answer for each blank.

◎题型: 材料题

Passage 1

As a child, Jordan played baseball, basketball and football. His  1  sport at the time was baseball but after he began spending a lot of time  2  the basketball court, his outlook changed. Because his older and taller brother, Larry, continuously kept  3  him when they played one-on-one, he was  4  to become a better player.

5  the time Jordan was finishing his senior year at Laney, he had grown  6  6'5" and attained a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina. Jordan's ever-growing  7  began at UNC  8  he made a last minute game-winning shot in the NCAA championship game.

In the summer of 1984, Jordan played on the US Men's Olympic Basketball Team  9  head coach Bobby Knight. The team had such college players  10  Jordan, Patrick Ewing, and Chris Mullin.

The US won all eight of the games by an average of 32.1 points per game. Jordan led the team in scoring with an  11  of 17.1 points per game and Jordan's own plays quickly awed the other teams. Two months after the Olympics, Jordan played his first regular-season game with the Chicago Bulls.

Jordan immediately proved that he belonged in the big leagues and his skilled and graceful moves and hang-time  12  him the infamous nickname Air Jordan. His basketball skills and charm made him the perfect key figure to market both Nike products and the NBA.

Jordan led the Bulls to three continuous World Championships (1991, 1992 and 1993). Jordan  13  from the NBA before the 1993/94 seasons after the mysterious death of his father and after rumors about his gambling addictions began to circulate.

After proving that he was the best basketball player in the world, Jordan sought a new challenge and decided to try his  14  at professional baseball. He played outfielder for the Birmingham Barons, affiliates of the Chicago White Sox. Jordan quickly  15  that he was not cutout for baseball after a disappointing season.

In 1995, Jordan  16  a surprise return to basketball right before the playoffs but unfortunately, the Bulls didn't win the Championship. In 1996, Jordan led the Bulls to their best regular season record and the fourth Championship title in six years. He  17  took a shot at the silver screen, where he starred alongside Bugs Bunny in the animated comedy Space Jam.

Jordan  18  to retire after winning his last  19  in 1999. He has decided to dedicate his life  20  his wife Juanita, and their three children, Jeffrey, Marcus and Jasmine. Jordan lives in Highland Park where he is happily enjoying his retirement.


1. A. liked B. preferred C. favoured D. loved


2. A. for B. over C. in D. on


3. A. winning B. hitting C. beating D. fighting


4. A. planned B. decided C. determined D. forced


5. A. For B. At C Since D. By


6. A. above B. up C. to D. out


7. A. population B. popularity C. power D. position


8. A. while B. which C. when D. where


9. A. under B. after C. beside D. by


10. A. for B. like C. as D. with


11. A. record B. average C. progress D. addition


12. A. honored B. found C. picked D. won


13. A. left B. escaped C. retired D. separated


14. A. hand B. foot C. fortune D. attempt


15. A. noticed B. realized C. encouraged D. faced


16. A. got B. did C. made D. insisted


17. A. therefore B. instead C. however D. also


18. A. pleased B. required C. decided D. offered


19. A. Fellowship B. Championship C. Membership D. Scholarship


20. A. to B. for C. on D. in


◎题型: 材料题

Passage 2

Although most of us think of the brain as a single structure, it is actually divided into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere __21_____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left ___22______. The ___23_____ was first known by the ancient Egyptians, ___24_____ noticed that injuries to one side of the brain caused damage to the ____25______ side of the body.

But it was not until 1836 ____26_____ a Frenchman ____27______ Mare Dax pointed out that paralysis of the right side of the body was often ____28______ with loss of speech, while patients whose left side was paralyzes could usually talk normally. So he ___29_______ at the left hemisphere controlled not only the right side of the body, ____30______ speech also.

The left hemisphere, ___31______ the main seat of language, performs analytic tasks ____32_____ as logic, maths and writing. The right hemisphere is ____33______ in dealing with special concepts, recognition of faces, designs, musical pattern, colors, etc.

At school ____34______ children spent half their time in art classes and the other ___35____ in science subjects, _____36______ was found that their performance in science ___37____ improved. The school’s performance was above ____38_______ in nearly every subject. This _____39______ that time spent developing the faculties of the right hemisphere also helps those associated with the left hemisphere. Indeed, it is the combined ___40_____ of both hemispheres that leads to the most significant creative activities, whether in science or art.


21. A. possesses B, reminds C. controls D. obtains


22. A. body B. side C. muscle D nerve


23. A. policy B. trouble C. action D. fact


24. A. who B. whom C. what D. which


25. A. opposite B. left C. right D. same


26. A. which B. that C. where D. how


27. A. was calling B. calling C. called D. was called


28. A. attempted B. designed C. mentioned D. associated


29. A. compared B. concluded C. included D. consisted


30. A. not B for C. but D. only


31. A. because of B. due to C. through D. besides


32. A. such B. so C. much D. many


33. A. taken B. interested C. superior D. curious


34. A. how B. whether C. if D. where


35. A subject B. class C. half D. time


36. A. these B. it C. that D. this


37. A. subjects B. colors C. controls D. patterns


38. A. average B) all C. from D. behind


39. A. satisfies B. suggests C. leads D. regrets


40. A. comment B. pleasure C. turn D. use







