

责编:刘娇 2020-03-30


Multiple choice

101.—Do you speak English or French in Canada?

—______,but, I prefer French.

A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. All

102.—Would you like _____sandwich?

—Yes, please, I usually eat a lot when I'm hungry.

A. another B. other C. others D. each

103.—Are you going to visit Mr. Black or Green tomorrow?

—_______,because they won't be free until the day after tomorrow.

A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Nobody

104. I'm looking for a babysitter, She must be _____too old _____too young.

A. neither; nor B. both; and C. either; or D .not only; but also

105. Which is bigger, the sun _____the moon?

A. or B. and C. but D. so

106. Why not look up the new word in a dictionary ______you don't know it?

A. if B. that C. though D. whether

107.____all the passengers are here , why don't we start at once?

A. As soon as B. After C. Now that D. When

108. He hurt her _____badly ______she had to see a doctor.

A. too; that B. so; that C. either; or D. too; to

109. Do be careful! The man is hard ________.

A. dealing with B. to be dealt with C. to deal with D. for dealing with

110.Hurry up, ______we will miss the train.

A. but B. and C. or D. so

111.—I'm going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend.

—_________you are there, can you buy me some green tea?

A. Because B. While C. If D. Though

112. I can't understand this passage _______there are no new words in it.

A. if B. because C .though D. and

113. Before2003, there was no direct airline _______Taiwan and the mainland.

A. along B. in C. between D. at

114.—How are you going to meet your aunt at the airport ______Thursday morning?

—I'm going there ______my car.

A. on; in B. on; by C. in; by D. in; in

115. I was ______the drawing and bought it _____300 yuan.

A. good at, with B. bad at, on C. interested, for D. terrified of ,at

116.—What would you do _______the lost library book?

—I would try to find it or pay _____it.

A. about; for B. for; to C. with; to D. with; for

117. Yao Ming is a great basketball player, we are proud _____him.

A. of B. to C. for D. at

118. My father will come back from Beijing ____a week.

A .for B. in C. after D. since

119. The accident happened ____the morning of May 2nd.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

120.In an English—Chinese dictionary, the word“sing”comes _____the word “king”.

A. before B. among C. between D. after

121. There is a small hole ____the wall. Please put up a picture _____the wall.

A. on, on B .in; on C. in, over D. on, over

122. It was a very long day _____Tom. He didn't get home from school ___six o'clock.

A. for, until B. for, by C. to, since D. to, at

123. ____the best way to travel on Bastille Day?

A. When does B. Which's C. What's D. Where is

124. She has few rulers, _____?

A. has she B. isn't she C. hasn't she D. do she

125. ______, you have to tell me the truth, or I will not find a way to help you get out of the trouble.

A. In all B. After all C. At all D. First of all

126. –I am very _____ with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious.

-- Mm, it does have a _____ smell.

A. pleasant, pleased B. pleased, pleased C. pleasant, pleasant D. pleased, pleasant

127. The trade talks between China and the United States ended last Friday. However, a lot of problems concerning trade conflicts between two countries remain _____.

A. settling B. to be settled C. settled D. to settle

128. He left London to travel to the East, and then continued south, ____ the coast going westwards.

A. to be followed B. followed C. be following D. following

129 Since my first book was published last month, my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing. Many friends of mine _____ to express their congratulations to me.

A. phone B. will phone C. were phone D. are phoning

130. If you can live with the people suffering from cancer or AIDS for some time, you will have ____ better understanding of _____ life.

A. a, the B. the, a C. /, the D. a, /

131.—We never know _____the old man is.

—They say he is a teacher.

A.what B.who C.which D.where

132. I was told ____Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers.

A. that how B. how that C. when that D. that when

133. The socks cost ____much _____we didn't buy any.

A. if; not B. so; that C .too; to D. such; that

134. I haven't seen him ____he left the small town.

A. as B. since C. when D. before

135. They will give Miss Salina these mushrooms ____she comes back.

A. until B. as soon as C. before D. since

136._____it was dark , we had to stop to have a rest.

A. As B. But C. And D. Or

137.They will buy some broccoli and carrots if it ____ tomorrow.

A. won't rain B. doesn't rain C. don't rain D. isn't rain

138. He has two sons, ______work as chemists.

A. two of whom B. both of whom C. both of which D .all of whom

139. I, ____your good friend, will try my best to help you out.

A. who is B. who am C. that is D. what is

140. He is a man of great experience, ______much can be learned.

A. who B. that C. from which D. from whom

141.—Do you know the town at all?

—No, this is the first time I ____here.

A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming

142. I don't like ____you speak to her.

A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which

143.There are a lot of students ____trees on the hill.

A. planting B. to plant C. planted D. are planting

144. We'd better finish the work as quickly as possible. _____ seems to be little time left.

A. It B. That C. There D. We

145. _____ lots of trees on the hill.

A. There used to being B. There used to be

C. There is used to be D. There was used to be

146. There ____ a lot of traffic at this time of day, so you'd better ____more careful.

A. has; be B. have; been C. is; be D. are; are

147. The radio says ____a cold day in North China tomorrow.

A. will be B. there will be C. will have D. will get

148. There is little water in the bottle,_____?

A. isn't there B. is it C. are there D. is there

149. At the crossing there is an arrow_______ the direction to the Andrew farm.

A. indicating B. to indicate C. indicated D. indicate

150.She doesn't ___ eating anything today. There must be something wrong with her.

A. feeling like B. like C. feel like D. want






