

责编:刘娇 2020-03-30




(I)、 Many men tried to fly like birds. They made wings for themselves, usually of feather and tried to fly (1)______ moving their arms as a bird (2)______ None of them was successful. A bird has a very light body but very strong wing muscles. A man on the contrary has a (3)______ body and not very strong arm muscles. A man will never fly like a bird. His muscles are not (4)______. He can only fly properly in a plane with an engine. There is a kind of plane that doesn't have an engine. It (5)______ a glider. It's pulled into the air, rather like (6)______ a kite. If there is a good wind, it can (7)______ into the air and sometimes cover long distances. Some men didn’t find sitting in a glider (8)______. They wanted to glide by (9)______ wings, like the "bird men" of old time. But the wings of the modern "bird men" were different. They were straight and strong. They weren’t (10)______ feathers.

1. A. by B. through C. with D. in

2. A. movesB. does C. has D. looks

3. A. strongB. light C. heavy D. big

4. A. strong enoughB. enough strong

C. light enough D. hard enough

5. A. is spoken B. is said C. is calledD. is named

6. A. flyB. flying C. to fly D. putting

7. A. rise B. raise C. runD. rush

8. A. so excitedB. too excited

C. exciting enough D. very excited

9. A. beingB. doing C. having onD. wearing

10. A. made from B. made intoC. made of D. make of


(II)、 Everybody talks about the weather in England and this is not (1)______. It (2)______ from minute to minute, so it's always interesting. Someone once said that other (3)______ have a climate, but England just has weather! Tom was amused by all this talk at first, but he gets used to it now.

Last week Tom really (4)______ why everyone is so concerned about the weather. You call never be certain what's going to happen. (5)______ it was spring, there was a very heavy snowfall. As usual, no one (6)______it. The pipes in many houses froze; trains (7)______ to run; cars got stuck: there were many accidents on the roads; lots of people slipped on the icy pavements (人行道) and got hurt. The weather forecast (预报) was very bad. Everyone complained (抱怨) "What terrible weather we (8)______! Haven't seen anything like it!" and so on. And then, suddenly, the sun (9)______ out, the snow melted (溶化) and it was spring (10)______.

1. A. amusingB. surprisingC. excitingD. interesting

2. A. goes B. becomesC. getsD. changes

3. A. countriesB. placesC. citiesD. continents

4. A. understood B. sawC. feltD. got

5. A. SinceB. ThoughC. BecauseD. For

6. A. expected B. thought C. knewD. touched

7. A. failedB. fellC. stopped D. began

8. A. see B. getC. haveD. like

9. A. roseB. cameC. disappearedD. appeared

10. A. tooB. as wellC. alsoD. again


2、Reading Comprehension

(1)、Many people dump (倾倒) most of their garbage in sanitary landfills (垃圾填埋地 ). now the landfills are overflowing with garbage. People are noticing thatcertain items in the garbage aren't breaking down (分解) and mixing with the soil. things made of glass, plastics and tin change little over the years and they are piling up.

We need to do something about it. but how? Recycling is the answer to the problem. people in many countries are trying to use these items again to make new items. It is important be cause it conserves natural resources and saves energy. For example, re cy cling paper saves trees. Re cy cling also saves space in landfills. Let's work together to make our world beautiful.

1. Garbage overflows be cause ______.

A. The landfills are too small

B. There are many items of it

C. People dump most of it into landfills

D. People don't know where to dump it

2. Which item can mix with soil?

A. Paper B. Glass C. Tin D. Plastics

3. People can _______ to solve the garbage problem.

A. Save energy

B. Save trees

C. Dump garbage

D. Recycle

4. Things made of glass, plastics and tin ______.

A. Change a lot over the years

B. Mix easily with soil

C. Are too hard to break down

D. Do harm to people's health

5. Recycling is to ______.

A. Save trees

B. Preserve resources

C. Use space to dump garbage

D. Use old items to make new items


(2)、 Summer came and the weather got hotter. Few people could go to sleep at night easily. They felt tired in the daytime. They hoped to swim in the water or find a cool place. But there was no river around the town. They had to go to the mountains. There was a large lake and it was cool there. They could sleep there or swim in the lake.

It was Saturday. A lot of people went there for their weekend they had a lot of fun in the villages and swam in the cool water. The next afternoon they had to return to their town. Bad luck! The last train came to the station at five to six. It was fifty minutes late. There were many people on the platform. They were anxious to get on the train. As soon as it stopped, they tried to get on.

The driver felt terrible at that moment. He had to take some medicine, but he couldn't find any water in the train and had to get off. It was time to start. The train was filled with people. Only the driver was still standing on the platform. There was no room for him on the train!

1. The people felt tired in the daytime be cause ______.

A. they were too anxious to sleep at night

B. they went on working at night

C. they couldn't sleep in the hot weather

D. there was no river in the town

2. People went to the mountains to ______.

A. have a good time

B. learn to swim

C. see the large lake

D. visit friends

3. ______, so people were anxious to get on the train.

A. the weather would get cold

B. they had to go to work on Monday

C. a heavy rain was coming

D. they had a good time there

4. The train usually arrived at the station at ______.

A. twenty to six

B. five to six

C. five past five

D. five to five

5. The driver stood on the platform because ______.

A. he wanted to have a rest

B. it was cool there

C. he didn’t take the medicine

D. he couldn't get on the train


(3)、 Researchers have found that rem (rapid eye movement) sleep is important to human beings. This type of sleep generally o c curs four or five times during one night of sleep lasting five minutes to forty minutes for each occurrence. The deeper a person's sleep be comes, the longer the periods of rapid eye movement.

There are physical changes in the body to show that a person has changed from nrem (non-rapid eye movement) to rem sleep. Breathing be comes faster, the heart rate in creases, and, as the name implies, the eyes begin to move quickly.

A c companying these physical changes in the body is a very important characteristic of rem sleep. It is during rem sleep that a person dreams,

1. A c cording to the passage, how often does rem sleep o c cur in one night?

A once.B twice.

C four or five times.D forty times.

2. The word "deeper" in paragraph 1 is closest ______ in meaning to which of the following?

A heavier B. louder

C. stronger D. happier

3. Which of the following shows that a person is not dreaming in his sleep?

A his eyes begin to move.

B his breathing be comes faster.

C his heart rate in crease.

D his eyes stop moving.

4. The subject of this passage is ______.

A. why people sleep

B. the human need for rem sleep

C. the characteristic of rem sleep

D. physical changes in the human body

5. Which of the following is the best title of the article?

A. rem sleep. B two types of sleep.

C. sleepers. D what happens to sleepers.


(4)、 When you take a walk in any of the cities in the west, you often see a lot of people walking dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world, but the reason why people keep a dog has change d in the old days people used to train dogs to protect themselves against attacks by other beasts. And later they came to realize that a dog was not only useful for protection but willing to obey his master. For example, when people used dogs for hunting, the dogs would not eat what was caught without permission.

But now people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks of animals. Why do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery. But the most important reason is for companionship. For a child, a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have no children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up. So the main reason why people keep dogs has changed from protection to friendship.

1. A c cording to the passage, in the old days people trained dogs ______.

A. For protection against robbery

B. Just for fun

C. For companionship

D. For protection against other animals

2. The word " companionship" may mean ______.

A. Worship

B. Treasure

C. Friendly relationship

D. Partnership

3. The dogs were used for hunting be cause ______.

A. They were good hunters

B. They obeyed their masters

C. They were useful for protection

D. They did not eat other animals

4. The most important reason for people to keep dogs now is ______.

A. They need companion

B. They like children

C. They enjoy hunting

D. They want to protect themselves

5. We can infer (推断) from the passage that ______.

A. Dogs can be helpful to those who need company

B. City people always feel lonely

C. Dogs can be interesting

D. The city can be a very dangerous place


(5)、 Some people do not like anything to be out of place. They are never later for work. They return their books to the library on time. They remember people's birthdays, and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive. Mr. Ro ck is such a person.

Mr. Ro ck works in a bank, and lives on his own. The only family he has is in the next town. His sister lives there with her husband, and her son, mark. Mr. Rock does not see his sister or her family every year, but he sends them Christmas cards and he has not forgotten one of mark's seventeen birthdays.

Last week mr. Rock had quite a surprise. He drove home from the bank at the usual time, driving neither too slowly nor too fast. He parked his car where he always parked it, out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal. Straight away, there was a knock at the door. Mr. Ro ck opened the door only to find a policeman on the door-step.

"have i done anything wrong?" mr. Rock asked himself. "have i driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have i forgotten to pay an important bill?"

"hello, uncle," said the policeman. "my name is mark. I'm your nephew."

1. Mr. Ro ck is a person who does the following except ______.

A. put things in order

B. go to work early

C. visit friends regularly

D. pay the bills in time

2. Which of the following is not true?

A. mr. Rock lives by himself.

B. mr. Rock's sister has a family.

C. mr. Rock's sister lives not very far away.

D. mr. Rock visits his sister quite often.

3. According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. he drove very fast.

B. he made his meal after he got into the house.

C. he drove very slowly.

D. he parked his car at a wrong place.

4. Mr. Rock was surprised to see a policeman be cause ______.

A. something was wrong in the bank

B. he did not know what to say

C. the policeman wanted to ask him a question

D. he did not do anything wrong

5. From the story we can infer (推断) that ______.

A. mr. Rock had not seen his nephew for a long time

B. mr. Rock did not like to see the young man

C. mr. Rock was a shy person

D. mark came to visit his uncle regularly


(6)、 When she first arrived, anne was very warm and friendly toward helen, but she was also very strict. She saw it as her job to civilize (教化)this child and teach her to truly master her world anne spelled simple words into helen's hand she gave helen a doll and then spelled the word d-o-l-l into her hand but for several weeks helen did not truly understand she confused similar ideas such as milk and mug ?the liquid and its container.

Then one day, when helen was feeling especially frustrated (沮丧) and angry, anne stopped their lesson and took the little girl outside to the well and began to pump water from it. As water was flowing out, the teacher spelled w-a-t-e-r into helen's hand and suddenly, like a light in the darkness, helen understood that her new friend was giving a name to the cool liquid that flowed into her hand instantly she needed to know the name of everything, and before the day was over she had learned hundreds of names including her own, her teacher's, her mother's, her father's and her sister's. Even more importantly, she had learned that everything has a name.

Years later she referred to this incident as the moment when she was reborn.

1. Anne was very strict with helen, because she wanted to teach the child ______.

A. how to spell simple words and master the world

B. how to master the world and behave properly

C. how to behave properly and understand things around her

D. how to understand everything and behave properly

2. For the first few weeks, helen hardly learnt anything, be cause ______.

A. anne spelled only simple words into helen's hands

B. helen confused milk and mug

C. anne gave helen a doll and spelled the word d-o-l-l

D. helen did not really see her teacher’s point

3. One day, anne stopped her lesson and took helen to the well ______.

A. probably to pump some water

B. probably to let helen have a rest

C. probably to change her teaching method

D. probably to let water flow into helen's hands

4. The significance(意义) of the incident that day was that ______.

A. helen came to know every one of her family

B. helen came to know the name of everything

C. helen learnt hundreds of words

D. helen learnt that everything has a name

5. Years later helen referred to this incident as the moment when she was reborn, because ______ from then on.

A. she began a life completely new

B. she was given a life again

C. she began to live like a human being

D. she was given a light in the darkness







