

责编:刘娇 2020-03-30




30. I like taking . Wherever I visit, I bring my camera with me.

A. photos

B. photoes

C. photo

D. photo’s

31. I’m too tired. Let’s have a few rest.

A. minute

B. minutes

C. minute’s

D. minutes’

32. Britain is European country and China is Asian country.

A. an, an

B. a, a

C. a, an

D. an, a

33. One should take care of health.

A. her

B. one

C. our

D. one’s

34. He drives much than he did three years ago.

A. careful

B. carefully

C. more careful

D. more carefully

35. I have seen it .

A. thousand times

B. thousands of time

C. thousands of times

D. thousand of times

36. Roy made several kites, but of them can fly high in the sky.

A. neither

B. none

C. all

D. most

37. I met an old friend of mine the way home.

A. at

B. on

C. in

D. for

38. It’s a fine day, ?

A. is it

B. isn’t it

C. is the day

D. isn’t the day

39. The policeman told the pupils, “ You play football in the street”.

A. can’t

B. needn’t

C. mustn’t

D. shouldn’t

40. I know him very well because we friends for years.

A. are

B. were

C. had been

D. have been

41. She her key in her room now.

A. finds

B. is finding

C. looks for

D. is looking for

42. If no one the phone at home, ring me at work.

A. returns

B. replies

C. answers

D. receives

43. ---Which of the twins will succeed?

---The one works harder, I think.

A. whom

B. who

C. which

D. whose

44. ---I feel tired and sleepy.

---Why not stop ?

A. to work

B. to have a rest

C. having a rest

D. to go on with your work

45. Sorry, Sir. There is no for any more luggage in the bus.

A. room

B. a room

C. rooms

D. places

46. The book is for the high school students to read.

A. easily enough

B. enough easily

C. easy enough

D. enough easy

47. I remember him somewhere before.

A. to meet

B. meeting

C. meet

D. met

48. He entered his office, at his desk and began to

read a newspaper.

A. sat

B. sitting

C. sit

D. to sit

49. Can you tell me you were born, Betty?

A. who

B. what

C. when

D. that

50. A doctor with two nurses invited to the meeting.

A. have

B. has

C. were

D. was

51. Not knowing , he turned to his teacher for help.

A. what to do

B. how to do

C. where to do

D. to do what

52. Can computer hear and recognize human ?

A. thoughts

B. homes

C. voice

D. body

53. You will be late you leave immediately.

A. unless

B. until

C. if

D. or

54. --- will the bus arrive?"

--- In an hour.

A. How fast

B. How often

C. How soon

D. How long

55. The teacher listened carefully he might discover exactly what his students really needed.

A. in order that

B. so as

C. in order

D. such as

56. I prefer a color TV, I have decided to buy a black and white one this time.

A. Since

B. Because

C. Although

D. As

57. He asked me .

A. whose dictionary it was

B. whose dictionary was it

C. whose dictionary is it

D. whose dictionary it is

58. useful information it is for me!

A. What

B. What a

C. What an

D. How

59. ---How about going to play basketball now?


A. I’d love to

B. I would like

C. I like

D. I’d like













