

责编:刘娇 2020-03-30

一、阅读理解 (20%)


Passage 1

Singapore is a lovely country. It is small in size, but large in fun. Do you know Singapore is called the “Garden Country”? There are so many trees and flowers in Singapore.

Hainan Chicken Rice

Hainan Chicken Rice is popular in Singapore. Do you know it came from Hainan in China? In the 1920s, a Chinese man named Mo Lurui came to Singapore from Hainan. He made chicken rice for a living. You can find Hainan chicken rice in most restaurants in Singapore.

Musical Fountain

The Fountain of Wealth in Singapore is one of the largest fountains in the world. It’s a musical fountain. Usually, there are musical fountain shows at night. The water from the fountain can reach 30 meters high.

Good Habits

Singapore has different kinds of laws. People have good habits to keep their country clean. Chewing gum(口香糖)is quite common in our daily life. But it’s not allowed in Singapore.

1.Singapore is called the “Garden Country” because _____.

A.there is one of the largest fountains in the world in Singapore.

B.There are different kinds of laws in Singapore

C.There are so many trees and flowers in Singapore

D.It is small in size, but large in fun

2.Hainan chicken rice _____.

A.isn’t popular in Singapore

B.was made by Mo Lurui for a living in Singapore

C.can be found in no restaurants in Singapore

D.was born in Singapore

3.Which of the following about the fountains in Singapore is TRUE?

A.The Fountain of Wealth in Singapore is the largest fountain in the world.

B.The Fountain of Wealth is a musical fountain.

C.There are musical fountain shows all day.

D.The water from the fountain can reach thirteen meters high.

4.The people in Singapore have good habits _____.

A. to chew gums B. to keep their country clean

C. to see fountain shows D. to plant trees and flowers

5.The underlined word “It” refers to _____.

A. a musical fountain B. Hainan chicken rice

C. the Fountain of Wealth D. Singapore

Passage 2

More than nine million American children go to summer camp. Children at all kinds of camps can meet new friends and learn new skills. Summer camp can also develop the children’s independence when they leave their parents and teachers.

There are about nine thousand kinds of camps for children with different interests in the United States. A camp called Roughing has traditional activities for children and teenagers. In another special camp, teenagers can learn to dive into the water with breathing equipment. It is very popular. They also study the ocean environment. The best-known camp for young artists is the art camp. Some older children like wilderness adventure camp. Each year, many children will go to computer camp, especially the children who love science. The United States also has many camps for the sick or disabled children.

The American tradition of sending children to summer camp began more than one hundred years ago. Today, summer camp for children is still very popular.

6.Children cannot _____ at camps.

A. make new friends B. learn new skills

C. learn to be independent D. live with their parents

7.The underlined word “independence” means all of the following EXCEPT _____.

A. doing something by oneself B. not depending on parents

C. learning something by oneself D. staying alone

8.if someone is interested in painting, he or she can go to _____.

A. the sports camp B. the art camp

C. the wilderness adventure camp D. the computer camp

9.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Children don’t like to stay at camps.

B.Few children like to take part in the computer camp.

C.Sick or disable children have no chance to attend summer camp.

D.There are many different kinds of camps.

10.The passage mainly tells us _____.

A.children should go to summer camp

B.how to make new friends at camps

C.joining a camp is very popular with children

D.the history of American summer camp

二、单项选择 (20%)

11.Please _____ the ham and green onions finely, then add them to the bread.

A. cut up B. cut into C. cut in D. cur off

12.He has five different books. One is red, _____is blue and _____ are green.

A. another; the other B. the other; others

C. others; the others D. another; the others

13.It’s kind _____ you _____ so much money for people hit by the earthquake.

A. for; to raise B. of; to raise

C. for; raising D. of; raising

14.I don’t think Ken did such a stupid thing, _____?

A. do I B. did I C. did he D. does he

15.There are so many kinds of computers in the shop. I really don’t know _____ to choose.

A. what B. which C. how D. where

16. Helen has two sisters and a brother. Her brother is working, but _____ her sisters are still at school.

A. neither B. either C. all D. both

17.The teacher made us _____ English exercises all the time.

A. do B. did C. doing D. to do

18.Diana, together with her friends, _____ Chinese in China.

A. study B. have studied C. studies D. are studying

19.It will _____ you about thirteen hours to fly to England from Hong Kong.

A. spend B. take C. use D. pay

20.Everyone in our village like Harry because he always talks to others _____.

A. friendly B. lovely C. politely D. slowly

21.In order to protect the environment, people in Japan have to _____ for their trash.

A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take

22.To tell the truth, not only you but also she _____ given away all the pocket money to Project Hope.

A. have B. has C. are D. is

23.Do you know _____ during the coming summer holiday?

A. what will Tom do B. what did Tom do

C. what Tom will do D. What Tom did

24.Do you think _____ important to protect our earth?

A. that B. how C. it D. this

25.There _____ a tiger and two chimpanzees in the zoo. Let’s go there this weekend.

A. are B. has C. is D. have

26.More than one person _____ the story.

A. have heard about B. has heard about

C. hear about D. is heard about

27.In fact, China is one of the 13 thirstiest countries _____ it has the world’s third largest water supply.

A. until B. if C. though D. because

28.Please take the medicine three times a day, _____ it won’t work well.

A. or B. and C. but D. so

29.All the following are school rules except _____.

A. Don’t fight B. No smoking

C. Don’t talk loudly D. No photos

30.He has never traveled to a foreign country, _____?

A. does he B. doesn’t he C. has he D. hasn’t he

三、完型填空 (10%)

A healthy diet along with exercise will help you look better, feel better and live longer. But I am 31 to say that many children don’t have a 32 lifestyle. They eat much junk food 33 French fries and fried chicken. Eating too much junk food is unhealthy. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you 34 care about your eating habits.

It is 35 to get a yearly physical examination, too. You don’t hope to hear any bad news, but the doctor will tell you 36 healthy you are. It’s also a good idea for you to read a book 37 healthy eating. Drinking milk or 38 from fruits and vegetables can help to 39 you health, too. I am in 40 health now. people tell me that I look young for my age. Healthy eating has helped me and it will also help you!

31.A. happyB. gladC. sadD. nervous

32.A. healthyB. comfortableC. relaxingD. dangerous

33.A. besidesB. likeC. toD. except

34.A. mayB. canC. used toD. have to

35.A. importantB. wonderfulC. carefulD. interesting

36.A. whatB. how C. when D. where

37.A. inB. atC. onD. to

38.A. orangeB. coffee C. waterD. juice

39.A. improveB. proveC. knowD. grow

40.A. badB. goodC. niceD. terrible


一、阅读理解 (20%,共10题,每小题2分)

1~5 CBBBD 6~10 DDBDC

二、单项选择 (20%,共20题,每小题1分)

11~15 ADBCB 16~20 DACBC

21~25 BBCCC 26~30 BCADC

三、完型填空 (10%,共10题,每小题1分)

31~35 CABDA 36~40 BCDAB






