

责编:刘娇 2020-03-30

一、阅读理解 (20%)


Passage 1

Dear Miss Advice,

I’ve got a problem. I lent a friend some money three months ago. She still hasn’t paid me back, and now I need the money for car repairs. Last month, I talked to her about the money, so I don’t think she has forgotten. I don’t want to push her, but I need to have my car repaired soon. What should I do?


Dear Ann,

Give your friend a call. Bring up your car, and let your friend know the repairs will be expensive. Tell her politely that you don’t have enough money for the repairs, and you need her to pay the money back. If she respects you, she’ll return the money. If she makes excuses, you might think about whether you still want her as a friend or not.

Miss Advice

1.What’s Ann’s problem?

A.She doesn’t know how to make her friend pay back the money.

B.Her friend doesn’t respect her.

C.Her friend doesn’t have enough money to travel by car.

D.She doesn’t know how to talk with her friend.

2.How does Ann know that her friend has not forgotten to pay back the money?

A.Ann asked her to pay back the money last month.

B.Ann talked to her about the money last month.

C.Ann told her about the car repairs last month.

D.Ann called her to repair the car last month.

3.Miss Advice told Ann _____.

A.to respect her friend

B.to let her friend return money at once

C.to let her friend know she needed the money for car repairs

D.to let her friend repair her car

4.If Ann’s friend respects her, she will _____.

A. pay the money back B. give her a call

C. make excuses D. have Ann’s car repaired

5.If Ann’s friend makes excuses, Ann might think about _____.

A.whether she still wants her as a friend

B.whether she still respects her

C.whether she will give her a call

D.whether she will have her car repaired

Passage 2

Everybody wants to have a happy life. The problem is that no one teaches you how to live a happy life. There are many ways to do this. And here are three of them to help you start.

Define What Happiness Is.

I often hear people say they want to be happy. But when I ask them what happiness is to them, they can hardly explain it. If you don’t know what happiness is to you, happiness is only a word.

Have Goals

If you know what makes you happy, then you need to have goals to get those things. You can’t get something if you only want it, but don’t make it come.

Don’t Do Things That Make You Unhappy

This may look very easy, but you would be surprised there are so many people dong things that make them unhappy. If you want happiness in your life, then you have t do things that make you happy.

6._____ can teach you how to live a happy life.

A. Everybody B. A book C. No one D. A doctor

7._____ ways are mentioned to help us start a happy life in this passage.

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

8.The underlined word “it” refers to _____.

A.what makes you happy

B.how many people do things that make them unhappy

C.what goals you have

D.what is happiness

9.If you want to be happy, you should _____.

A. do things that make you happy

B. do nothing

C. not have goals in your life

D. explain everything around you clearly

10.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.All of us want to have a happy life.

B.We should do things that make us happy.

C.The writer tells us how to start a happy life.

D.If you don’t know what happiness is, you still can live a happy life.

二、单项选择 (20%)

11.Your new shoes are _____, so you should ask your mother to buy a new pair for you.

A. broke B. dirty C. out of style D nice

12.What _____ if they _____ to music in class?

A. will happen; listen B. will happen; will listen

C. is happening; listen D. happens; will listen

13.– You aren’t a professional athlete, are you?

- _____. I am just a foot ball fan.

A. Yes, I am. B. No, I am not.

C. Of course D. Sometimes

14.– I called you last night, but nobody answered it.

- Oh, we _____ some shopping in Star Shopping Mall.

A. did B. were doing C. have done D. are doing

15.A great meeting about weather change _____ in Copenhagen in December, 2009.

A. took place B. took pride C. took care D. took after

16.– Must he finish the work before supper?

- No, he _____. He _____ finish it after supper.

A. needn’t; can B. mustn’t; may

C. need; can D. must; may

17. What a nice picture of a house. It would be _____ with some green trees around it.

A. good B. better C. worse D. bad

18.I must return the dictionary to Allen now. I _____ it for three weeks already.

A. kept B. will keep C. keep D. have kept

19.There are so many kinds of computers in the shop. I really don’t know ___ to choose.

A. what B. which C. how D. where

20.Helen has two sisters and a brother. Her brother is working, but ___ her sisters are still at school.

A. neither B. either C. all D. both

21.He ___ much food ___ the poor family during the hard time.

A. provides; with B. provided; to

C. provided; with D. provides; for

22.The teacher made us ___ English exercises all the time.

A. do B. did C. doing D. to do

23.Diana, together with her friends, ___ Chinese in China.

A. study B. have studied C. studies D. are studying

24.It will ___ you about thirteen hours to fly to England from Hong Kong.

A. spend B. take C. use D. pay

25.–What did you do ___ Sunday morning?

–I studied ___ an English test.

A. in; on B. in; for C. on; for D. on; with

26.I knew that the sun ___ in the east when I was a child.

A. will rise B. rose C. rise D. rises

27.To my ___, he didn’t feel ___ at the news at all.

A. surprise; surprising B. surprise; surprised

C. surprised; surprised D. surprised; surprise

28.I sit ___ Linda. She is just on my left.

A. in front of B. next to C. behind D. opposite

29.It doesn’t like rain, so you ___ bring your umbrella with you.

A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t

30.He is in Hainan on vacation. He ___ for two weeks.

A. has been away B. has left C. has gone D. left

三、完型填空 (10%)

Americans like to travel on holidays. Today more and more travelers in America are spending nights at small houses or inns instead of 31 . They get a room for the night and the 32 for the next morning.

Rooms for the night in private homes with breakfast have been 33 with travelers in Europe for many years.

In the past five to ten years, these bed-and-breakfast places have 34 popular in America. Many of these American inns are 35 buildings. Some have only a few rooms. Others are much 36 . Some inns do not provide telephones in the rooms 37 others do.

Staying at an inn is much different 38 staying at a hotel. Usually the cost is much 39. Staying at an inn is almost like visiting someone’s home. The owners are glad to tell about the area and the interesting places to 40 . Many travelers say they enjoy the chance to meet the local families.

31.A. hotelsB. homesC. restaurantsD. buildings

32.A. sportB. breakfastC. lunchD. dinner

33.A. expensiveB. newC. popularD. big

34.A. goneB. doneC. foundD. become

35.A. modernB. oldC. newD. high

36.A smallerB. largerC. olderD. newer

37.A. soB. whileC. andD. if

38.A. fromB. ofC. asD. about

39.A. moreB. lessC. fewerD. bigger

40.A. liversB. playersC. climbersD. travelers


一、阅读理解 (20%,共10题,每小题2分)

1~5 ABCAA 6~10 CBDAD

二、单项选择 (20%,共20题,每小题1分)

11~15 CABBA 16~20 ABDBD

21~25 DACBC 26~30 DBBDA

三、完型填空 (10%,共10题,每小题1分)

31~35 ABCDB 36~40 BBABD






