

责编:贺园园 2020-03-30

一、阅读理解 (20%)

Passage 1

Many animals have an excellent sense of smell, which they use in hunting. On the other hand, their eyesight may be poor. Dogs, for example, have poor eyesight and no color vision. They see only shades of gray. But the dog’s sense of smell is extraordinary.

The kind of known as Alsatian has 220 million olfactory cells. Man has five million. Scientists believe that the Alsatian is one million times better than man in finding out odors.

The human sense of smell, however, is really quite good. The average human being can distinguish more than 10,000 different odors.

1.According to the passage which of the following facts is not true?

A.Many animals have poor eyesight while their sense of smell is quite good.

B.Dogs are colorblind.

C. The human sense of smell is not good.

D. Dogs can see no more than shades of gray.

2.The Alsatian’s olfactory cells are ___ times as many as man’s.

A. forty-four B. one million C. 220 million D. 10,000

3.The word “odor” means a ___.

A. thing B. person C. smell D. color

4.Generally speaking, a man can tell ___ different odors.

A. five million B. more than 10,000

C. fewer than 10,000 D. no more than 10,000

5.The best title of the passage is ___.

A. The Human Sense of Smell B. Dogs Have Poor Eyesight

C. The Sense of Smell D. Dogs Have Excellent Sense of Smell

Passage 2

The things I remember most about my childhood were my visit to my Aunt Lucy in her lovely country house. She was a very special woman. She was really good at water-divining and she used to find water on the poorest bits of land. The farmers loved her, especially as she never accepted money for water-divining. “Water will always find its own level,” she would say, “and I know exactly where that level is. Water-divining is a gift from God and you don’t accept any payment for that.” She had a gift for noticing changes in the weather, too. “It’s going to rain soon,” she would say, “I can feel it in my bones,” and she was always right! In her later years, she had a bad back and often visited her doctor. She’s never tired of telling us what her doctor said, as he treated her painful back, “It’s going to rain, Lucy. I can feel it in your bones.”

6.From the passage we may know “water-divining” means ___.

A. discovering where there is water under the earth

B.deciding which land needs water

C.deciding which land needs water

D.finding water by asking God

7. The farmers love Lucy because ___.

A.She was sent by God to them

B.she was a very special woman

C.she never asked for money after water-divining

D.she knew water’s level and could find the level

8. It seemed that ___.

A.the writer often helped his aunt in the country

B.Lucy knew everything from her doctor

C.Lucy’s doctor was a better water-diviner

D.Lucy had a natural ability to tell the coming rain

9. From the passage we can know Lucy was a ___ woman.

A. cold-hearted B. superstitious

C. dishonest D. noble-minded

10. Lucy knew exactly where the water level was most probably by ___.

A. her belief in God B. her own experience

C. her good character D. her back bones

二、单项选择 (20%)

11. The two little girls will go to ___ school after ___ breakfast.

A. / ; the B. the; / C. / ; / D. the; the

12.– How did they pay the waiters?

-- As a rule, they were paid ___.

A. by an hour B. by hours C. by the hour D. by a hour

13. Is ___ likely to go to the Summer Palace in an hour?

A. now B. that C. it D. man

14. There are several handbags on sale now and she chose ___ one for she didn’t have much money on.

A. less expensive B. the less expensive

C. the least expensive D. least expensive

15. Mr. smith wrote this address down ___ he should forget.

A. since B. lest C. so D. for

16. Was it the doctor in his thirties ___ saved the boy’s life?

A. who B. that C. whom D. what

17. ___ 5,000 students attended the meeting.

A. more B. as fewer as C. little than D. not less than

18. Thousands of dollars in the bank is said ___ yesterday evening.

A.to be stolen B. that they have been stolen

C. to have been stolen D. that was stolen

19. She makes no progress in her study this term ___ she spends most of her time playing.

A. even if B. since C. unless D. although

20. It’s no ___ arguing about the matter, for he is a very stubborn boy.

A. time B. while C. use D. help

21. ___, we had no school.

A. It being Sunday B. Being Sunday

C. It be Sunday D. To be Sunday

22. I hate to bother you, ___ would you mind giving a hand?

A. still B. but C. as D. or

23. You ___ return the magazine now. you can keep it till next week.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. needn’t

24. He would rather die than ___.

A. to surrender B. surrendering

C. surrender D. having surrendered

25. – What ___ to buy that expensive overcoat?

– It’s really a very good overcoat. You will know ___.

A. good it is B. nice thing it is

C. good is it D. meaning is it

26. The more regularly you take exercises, ___.

A. the stronger will you become B. the stronger you will become

C. you will become stronger D. will you become stronger

27. Not until late in the evening ___ come back.

A. did she B. she did C. she could D. was she

28. Xiao Li admitted that it’s always difficult ___.

A.For him being on time B. for him to be on time

C. being on time for him D. to be on time for him

29. Can you point out _______ problem is more difficult to solve?

A. what B. how C. that D. which

30. We should face the difficult problem _____ great courage.

A.in B. with C. at D. by

三、完型填空 (10%)

I have a brother who is 31 me. We 32 . Yesterday was an important day 33 and our friends. In the morning 34 of us had a big exam at the technical college. Then 35 there was a big meeting at the youth club at 9 o’clock. (That’s where we usually go when we want to 36 ourselves.) A rich woman had given us some money and yesterday we 37 decide what to do 38 . Many people wanted to buy something new for our club, but my brother and I wanted to give the money to another club that has 39 . In the end we decided to give half the money to the poor club and 40 half for ourselves.



一、阅读理解 (20%,共10题,每小题2分)

1~5 CACBC 6~10 ACDDB

二、单项选择 (20%,共20题,每小题1分)

11~15 CCCCB 16~20 ADCBC

21~25 ABDCC 26~30 BABDB

三、完型填空 (10%,共10题,每小题1分)

31~35 DBBAA 36~40 AAACB






