

责编:訚星楚 2020-03-30


1.—— We have to stop talking here outside. Listen, _______! 【 A】

—— Hurry up, or we‘ll be late.

A. There goes the bell

B. There does the bell go

C. There the bell goes

D. Goes the bell there

【答案解析】:在以here, there, up, down, in, on, out, away, off等副词开头的句子里,主语是名词时,句子主谓全部倒装,以示强调。但主语是人称代词时,不倒装。

2.The factory _______ we‘ll visit next week is not far from here.【C】

A. where

B. to which

C. which

D. in which


3.—Why didn‘t you buy a new car?

—I would have bought one if I _______ enough money. 【D】

A. had

B. have had

C. would have

D. had had


4.There was so much noise that the speaker couldn‘t make himself ________. 【 B】

A. hear

B. heard

C. hearing

D. to hear

【答案解析】:make sb done: 使某人被…


5.This is an important problem _______ too few social scientists have researched. 【D】

A. which

B. that

C. into that

D. into which

【答案解析】:into which引导的是problem的定语从句。which指代problem,into与research搭配。

6.They ________ extensive and possibly dangerous actual flight training. 【 B】

A. undertake

B. undergo

C. underplay

D. underuse


7.They will get the preparation done early in May. 【D】

A. 他们五月初就能让别人准备完工作

B. 他们五月初就能准备好工作

C. 他们早在五月份就能把准备工作做完

D. 他们五月初就能把准备工作做完

【答案解析】:首先需要注意early in May表示“五月初”的意思,选项A“让别人准备完”这种表达是不准确的;此外get the preparation done表示的是“把准备工作做完”,选项B的表达不是很准确。

8.Weather _______, we‘ll go out for a walk. 【B】

A. permitted

B. permitting

C. permits

D. for permitting

【答案解析】:本题中没有连词,它不是复合句,也不是并列句。 句中使用了逗号,且we 小写,可知其不是两个简单句。能够这样使用的只有独立主格或with的复合结构。据此判断,本句中使用的是独立结构, 其结构为:名词+分词。 由于permit在这里翻译为“天气允许”,表主动,应用现在分词,故选B.

9.I don‘t think the charge for overhauling the equipment is excessive in _______ to its size. 【C】

A. correspondence

B. equation

C. proportion

D. dimension

【答案解析】:in proportion to是固定搭配, 意为“与……成比例, 与……相称”。反义语:out of proportion不成比例,不相称。本题译文:我认为该设备的大修费并不过分, 是与它的大小相称的。

10.It is difficult to understand this kind of _______ calculation. 【 A】

A. intricate

B. varied

C. indispensable

D. equable

【答案解析】:参考译文:很难理解这种错综复杂的计算。intricate 错综复杂的,纠缠不清的; varied 不同的,种种的; indispensable 不可缺少的,绝对必要的; equable 变动甚少的,稳定的。

11.Neither English nor Chinese ________ difficult to learn. 【 C 】

A. has

B. have

C. is

D. are


12.It is obvious how bad movies will impact ________ children. 【 A 】

A. on

B. to

C. with

D. in


13.The Roman goddess Venus is identified _______ the Greek goddess Aphrodite. 【 A 】

A. with

B. by

C. for

D. to

【答案解析】:be identified with:和……有联系,被视为与……等同。

14.He declined _______ more about it. 【 B 】

A. say

B. to say

C. said

D. saying


15.The government called out policemen to suppress the riot. 【 A 】

A. 政府派警察***动乱

B. 政府把警察叫出来***动乱

C. 政府给警察打电话让他们出去压迫动乱

D. 政府高喊要警察出去***动乱

【答案解析】:to suppress the riot在句子中是作目的状语,表示“警察来是***动乱的”,所以答案为A.

16.The new laws threaten to deprive many people _______ the most elementary freedoms. 【 C 】

A. from

B. for

C. of

D. about

【答案解析】:deprive sb of sth:剥夺某人某物。

17._______ he has enough money to buy the house, it doesn‘t mean he’s going to do so. 【 B 】

A. Grant

B. Granted that

C. Having Granted that

D. Grant that

【答案解析】:Granted that:尽管,即使。

18.The reply, when it finally came, was ________ the negative. 【 C 】

A. for

B. into

C. in

D. with

【答案解析】:in the negative:否定的,否决。

19.I don‘t mind _______ the decision as long as it is not too late. 【 B 】

A. you to delay making

B. your delaying making

C. your delaying to make

D. you delay to make


20._______ for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water. 【D 】

A. Being no rain

B. There was no rain

C. To be no rain

D. There being no rain

【答案解析】:There being no rain为 there be句型的独立主格形式。






