

责编:张婷 2021-06-26

A project involves team members from all over the world and has generated many different opinions. The new project manager increases productivity by successfully assisting teamwork and problem solving. What tool or technology should the project manager use?

A.Conflict management B.Communication model

C.Overall decision-making techniques D.Virtual team


A.冲突管理 B.沟通模型 C.整体决策技术 D.虚拟团队


A project is over. However, the project manager and project team members are still required to solve technical problems, make small changes and evaluate new requirements. What should the project manager do to ensure that the products developed by the project now have operational support?

A.Execute project transfer

B.Obtain project acceptance

C.Disband the project team and find a new project

D.Meet all remaining requirements just like in product development


A.执行项目转交 B.获得项目验收

C.解散项目团队并找到一个新项目 D.就像产品在开发中一样满足所有剩余需求


A key stakeholder threatened to sue the contractor because a key function could not be implemented as expected, but the contractor thought that they had performed the contract as agreed. Before the procurement action, which document should the project manager check?

A.Quality management plan B.Requirements traceability matrix

C.Project scope statement D.Acceptance criteria


A.质量管理计划 B.需求跟踪矩阵 C.项目范围说明书 D.验收标准


The project manager needs to alternate between two projects with tight deadlines. Despite limited time, he decides to take lessons from these two projects. How should the project manager take lessons?

A.Record lessons learned at the completion of each project

B.Request help from the knowledge management department

C.Archive all project meeting records

D.Record lessons learned regularly from the start-up phase


A.在每个项目完成时记录经验教训 B.请求知识管理部门的帮助

C.存档项目会议的所有会议记录 D.从启动阶段开始,定期记录经验教训


For a new R&D project, it is necessary to estimate the cost of some risky activities. What estimation techniques should the project manager use to ensure high accuracy?

A.Parameter estimating B.Analogous estimating

C.Cost of Quality (COQ) D.Three-point estimating method


A.参数估量 B.类比估量 C.质量成本(COQ) D.三点估算法


You are the project manager in charge of a commercial office building project. You understand that the applicable building code and fire regulations issued by the government authorities are the important basis for you to conduct quality management. You must ensure that the project quality plan meets the requirements under applicable regulations. What effect will these regulations have?

A.Is the input to the planning quality management process

B.Contribute to quality management upgrading

C.Will lead to an increase in project quality cost

D.Contribute to improved quality of building construction


A.是规划质量管理过程的输入 B.有助于进行质量管理革新

C.会导致项目质量成本的上升 D.有助于楼房建设质量的优化


During the project progress meeting, a stakeholder informs the team that the technical issue previously identified has been resolved, but the stakeholder warns that the same issue may occur in other team project. What should the project manager do in the first place?

A.To update the issue log

B.To prepare a risk report

C.To communicate with the project sponsor as to this warning

D.To update the lessons learned register


A.更新问题日志 B.准备一份风险报告

C.与项目发起人沟通该警告 D.更新经验教训登记册


Your company adopts a functional organizational structure. All departments are self-governed with division of labor and cannot cooperate effectively for the completion of cross-departmental work. You have been just appointed by the company management as the project manager of a large project. You find the project kick-off and planning documents are complete, including statement of work, project charter, project management plan and project documents. According to the project communication plan, you are presiding over the project status review meeting. Although the project execution is in full consistency with the plan, but the project team members who are present at the meeting showed great dissatisfaction with the project unconsciously. What is the most likely reason for this?

A.Project team members make unreasonable requests for the project

B.The senior management provides inadequate support for the project

C.Stakeholders have different requests for the project

D.Functional organizational structure does not apply to this large project


A.项目团队成员对项目有不合理的要求 B.高级管理层对项目的支持力度不够

C.不同的相关方对于项目有不同的要求 D.职能型组织结构不适用于这类大型项目


The delivery time is near but the project is behind schedule. Facing with the Christmas holidays, the project manager needs to choose between asking all team members to give up their holidays with overtime compensation and delay the delivery of the project and bear the penalty. Which of the following analytical techniques does he need?

A.Reserve analysis B.Earned value analysis C.Alternative analysis D.Cost-benefit analysis


A.储备分析 B.挣值分析 C.备选方案分析 D.成本效益分析


The client asked the project manager to release the system one month in advance. Project manager and team evaluated the influence, and then puts forward two change requests, one is to subcontract sub-project M to a professional external team which his team is not good at, the other, removing function X which is uncertainty and needs innovative research from the project scope, and transfer it to the development team directly lead by technical director. What is the risk response strategy for the project manager?

A.transfer and report. B.transfer and mitigation. C.transfer and avoid. D.avoid and report.


A.转移、上报 B.转移、减轻 C.转移、规避 D.规避、上报







